YLIOPISTOTENTTI / UNIVERSITY EXAM 02.11.2015 LECTURE HALL L1 at 4 – 8 pm DO NOT ENTER the exam hall before you are allowed to. Seats are reserved only for students who have registered in WebOodi. EXAMS AND ANSWER SHEETS can be found ON THE ROW according to the seating order. NOTE! Use every second seat. TDK / Faculty Tunniste/Code Tentti/Exam Rivi/Row KKK / OBS 721010A Kypsyysnäyte, kandidaatin tutkinto/ Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree (5) 1 721010S Kypsyysnäyte, maisterin tutkinto/ Maturity Test, Master's Degree (1) 721345S Intermediate Microeconomics (30) 4,19 721957S Fundamentals of Finance (113) 8,10,12,14,16,17 724110P Taloustieteen perusteet/ Introductory Economics (42) 3,6 724208A Portfolio Theory (100) 5,7,9,11,13,15 TST / IEE 813307A Kypsyysnäyte (TOL) / Maturity test (3) 2 LuTK / Science 750399A Ympäristönsuojelun valinnaiset kuulustelut/ Optional examinations in environmental protection (4) 790141P Aluekehityksen ja aluepolitiikan johdantokurssi / Introduction to Regional Development and Regional Policy (22) 18