Racial and ethnic politics Unit 3 Topic 4
This topic is divided into three distinct sections: The contemporary debate about the extent to which the history of racial discrimination, and the lack of opportunities for significant racial and ethnic minorities remains a distant dream for significant numbers of African Americans and Latinos. The political debate surrounding the strategies used to counter past injustices. The current debate surrounding immigration reform ( includes the growing importance of the Latino vote) – alternative reforms?
Synoptic Conservatives - regard reform as simply an issue that means controlling reform and securing US border with Mexico. This entails a pro active approach to law enforcement. Liberals – Immigrants are people with rights in a failing economy and who should be encouraged to integrate with US Society through a nationwide amnesty programme i.e. Dream Act
History of inequality Constitution does not explicitly uphold slavery; it did implicitly authorise it. Constitutionally slaves who did not retain voting rights were originally counted as three fifths of a person in the apportionment of seats to the House and the Electoral College. Therefore the southern states were over represented, 1857 Dred Scott v Sanford ruled that slavery was constitutionally permissible but could not be limited to the southern states. American Civil War – 13 Amendment abolished slavery, racism continued in the South Jim Crow Laws 1896 Plessy V Ferguson – ‘Separate but equal’. Segregation in the south plus a segregated education system. North – informal segregation, lack of economic opportunity, ghettoes.
Civil Rights 1950’s – 1954 Brown V Board of Education Topeka 1954/55 Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Movement 1964 Civil Rights Act 1965 voting Rights Act How far have these acts ended discrimination of African Americans and minorities?
Continuing inequalities Many liberals feel that inequalities continue to exist in political, social and economic areas. In particular the Latino and African American Communities. They argue that they are under represented at nearly every level of government and twice as many of them as whites are living below the poverty line and that there are huge differences in their educational attainment. Evidence of political inequalities: Congress
Evidence of Social Problems
Evidence of economic problems
However the situation is not viewed by all as desperate However the situation is not viewed by all as desperate! New Republic 2000 Orlando Paterson claimed ‘Race Over’. Have ethnic minorities made progress? Conservatives would argue that some minorities have! Evidence of political success
Evidence of social advancement
Evidence of Economic Achievement
Affirmative Action After the acts of 1964 and 1965 some Americans argued that the USA had established a clear and legal framework for equality of opportunity. However, many liberals argued that this was no the case and there was a need for the US to address the fact that African Americans were at an economic and educational disadvantage and policies needed to be put in place which would help counter act the disadvantage that existed. These policies were very controversial. They ranged from establishing quotas and preferences in job applications to busing children to the appropriate schools.
Affirmative Action was challenged legally Regents of the University of California v Bakke 1978 Adarand Constructors v Pena 1995
Gratz v Bollinger 2003 Grutter v Bollinger 2003 Fisher v Texas 2013
Michigan Proposal 2 Arizona Proposition 107
You will debate this: Arguments against affirmative action
Arguments in favour of affirmative action
Individual and group views on affirmative action
Alternatives to Affirmative Action
Immigration. A deeply divisive issue! Statistics about the Latino minority
Immigration Reform Dream Act since 2001 Bush ‘guest worker’ scheme 2004 Secure Fences Act 200 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act 2006
Research the current political significance of the Latino vote.
Research Names and circumstances/effects of the killing of two or three American Africans e.g. Trayvon Martin 2012, Michael Brown Ferguson Missouri August 2014, Dontre Hamilton Milwaukee (Wisconsin), Eric Garner New York 2014.
Suggested questions to plan/ write in full Suggested questions to plan/ write in full. My advice is to divide up the questions. Know the current state of play with political support etc. Learn AA. Immigration Reform? Latinos political position plus killings of a few African Americans To what extent are there divisions between the main political parties over racial and ethnic issues 15 2015 Political measures to promote racial equality are doomed to failure. Discuss 45 2015 To what extent are different groups of minority voters concerned about the same political issues 15 2014 Race has ceased to be a significant issue in US Politics 45 2014 To what extent are the Latinos a significant voting group !! 15 2013 Explain the main reasons why affirmative action has failed to end racial inequality.!! 15 2013
Why are black voters so loyal to the Democratic Party? 15 2013/ Jan A record of total failure on immigration reform. Discuss this verdict on the Obama administration.!!! 45 2013/Jan Why have attempts on immigration reform since 2000 been criticised? 15 2012 Affirmative Action has failed primarily because of lack of political will. Discuss June 2012 What is black nationalism, and how influential is it still in the USA? 15 2012/Jan To what extent is race an issue in US politics? 45 2012/Jan