Academic Tours India By Royal Expeditions
T | North America 404-993-6116, Latin America (+55) 11 9209 9720 Royal Expeditions Academic tours are lead by Dr. Navina Jafa, a Fullbright Scholar on Cultural Management and cultural diplomacy at the Smithsonian Center for Folk life and Cultural Heritage in Washington DC, USA. Above Dr. Jafa with Ms. Condoleezza Rice Royal Expeditions Pvt. Ltd. | 26 Community Center, East of Kailash | New Delhi - 110065 T | +91-11-26238545, 91-11-41622245 F | +91-11-26475954 M | (+91) 98 100 28849 T | North America 404-993-6116, Latin America (+55) 11 9209 9720 E | W | Fb |
Defining Academic Tours in India India is the cradle of the human race, crucible for traditions and customs, the birthplace of human speech, The mother of History, the grandmother of legend, and the great Grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only” Mark Twain To decode the fabric of heterogynous India our company presents Academic tours with a specialist who is both an Indologist, performing Artist, Art historian, cultural anthropologist, historian and Heritage Education specialist. Each destination presented will provide a network of comprehending the complexities in a simple and entertaining manner without loosing the depth of knowledge. These unique academic tours are deep, fascinating psychedelic Kaleidoscope experience called INDIA
India of Power, Beauty & SpIritualitY ecstacy Delhi, agra, Varanasi, khajuraho Delhi: Ethos of Power: Selections of Heritage sites, cultural spaces of bazaars and museums will communicate the multi-layered multi cultural identity of the city of power, global city and capital of India. From walking to riding on cycle rickshaw joy the idea of Delhi will be unique. Agra: Metaphysical Love: Our tour of the Taj Mahal conveys exclusive interpretations, unravelling the marble texture and synergy with the river front heritage behind and the traditional community neighborhood of the Taj Ganj. Our narrative and presentation of this world wonder is differentiating and holistic. Varanasi : Land of Salvation is a microcosm of India. Contradictions abound and resound in this ancient city where Buddhist, Jains and Hindus seek their salvation, where commerce an religion tango and the soul is released. The tour takes the participant to exclusive houses, institutions of religious studies, and interaction with tradition bearers. Khajuraho : Beyond Erotic Celebrating Feminism: although sold as 1100 year old erotic temples, this world heritage site communicates a deep complex iconographical and philosophical scheme where the woman is perceived as the supreme energy and is celebrated in the 40,000 sculptures of the original 83 temples.
Celebrating human potential god ,me and the caves Unconventional itineraries can reveal a spectacular dimension of India – the amazing ancient civilization. We bring two distinct destinations in the Deccan Plateau Land of the Igneous Rock: Ajanta & Ellora Ajanta: Caves from 3rdc BC to 7th c AD are repositories of the idea, the story and the philosophy of the Buddha. They represent the finest painting, sculptural and architectural traditions of ancient India. Ellora: ‘Om Namo Shiva’ The Sanskrit Mantra that echoes the mystique of unity of being and the holistic enjoining of the male and female energy is encapsulated in the Ellora – Hindu, Buddhist and Jain Caves. The individual journeys to understand the true self amidst the bold sculptures carved from top to bottom from volcanic mountains.
Ladakh- Little Tibet / Mandu - Land of Cosmic Time Ladakh: The little Tibet of India is also the cold desert in the North Western Himalayas. From encounters with esoteric oracles, decoding the political, economic, aesthetic dimensions of Buddhist monasteries, to comprehending the experience of the Old Silk road – Ladakh tour covers from 15,000 to 18,000 feet above sea level in the most spectacular way. Central India: Man and Cosmic time: The tour deciphers ancient ideas on Cosmic time, value of river front heritage, bold Afghan architecture in Mandu – City of Joy and Colonial encounters with Indian Maharajas.
T | North America 404-993-6116, Latin America (+55) 11 9209 9720 Itineraries – 10-12 days Power and Buddhism : Delhi, Ladakh, Agra Celebrating Hinduism and Islamic Encounters: Delhi, Mandu, Varanasi, Khajuraho Power and Religious Ecstasy: Delhi, Varansi, Agra, Khajuraho Royal Expeditions Pvt. Ltd. | 26 Community Center, East of Kailash | New Delhi - 110065 T | +91-11-26238545, 91-11-41622245 F | +91-11-26475954 M | (+91) 98 100 28849 T | North America 404-993-6116, Latin America (+55) 11 9209 9720 E | W | Fb |