IMPERIALISM The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories. There were three types of Imperialism during the early 1900s European Imperialism Asian Imperialism American Imperialism
European Imperialism Africa became a target because of raw materials and markets. Only Ethiopia and Liberia were independent in early 20th century Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Portugal, and Spain were key player Britain controlled Asia and Pacific as well Sun never set on British Empire Britain had ¼ of world’s people
Asian Imperialism Japan replaced feudal order with a central government Began empire building in China Competed with U.S. for China’s market
American Imperialism Three factors that brought us in: Economic competition among industrial countries Political and military competition Belief in racial and cultural superiority of Anglo-Saxon Some people objected Washington’s theory of isolationism It isn’t our constitutional right Military cost was too high
THE UNITED STATES AND ITS EMPIRE Hawaii Conditions in Hawaii Whites controlled sugar plantations Foreigners and immigrants outnumbered natives 2 to 1 Sugar to U.S. had no tariff until 1890 with McKinley tariff Had competition with Cuba for U.S. market Some businessmen wanted U.S. to annex Hawaii
Taking control of Hawaii Liliuokalani became queen in 1891 and restored power to natives Businessmen and U.S. Ambassador John L. Stevens organized a revolt U.S.S. Boston with Marines moved in on Jan. 16, 1893 to “protect U.S. lives” Threw out queen, put in Sanford B. Dole as acting president Aug. 12, 1898 McKinley annexed Hawaii as a territory
Cuba U.S. has always had an interest in Cuba War for Independence 1854 Democrats wanted to buy and admit as a slave state Cuba had been politically unstable Monroe Doctrine allowed U.S. to have interest War for Independence Lead by José Marti who was exiled and living in NY City Rebels destroyed U.S. sugar plantations to bring them in Spain sent Valeriano Weyler to Cuba—moved rural people into concentration camp to bring them under control U.S. papers covered Cuba and exaggerated all of the stories Caused by business was between William Randolph Hurst and Joseph Pulitzer Became known as yellow journalism
THE UNITED STATES IN THE REVOLUTION Newspapers influenced public Published De Lome letter from Spanish minister calling McKinley weak U.S.S. Maine exploded a few days later Feb. 15, 1898 260 of 350 men killed Most people believed it hit a mine, 1976 inquiry said it was an internal explosion Hearst offered a reward for the Spaniard that did it “Remember the Maine” became the battle cry
THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR First battle was in Philippines George Dewey on May 1 went to Philippines—whipped Spanish(381 Spanish- 1 American killed) Next two months 11,000 Americans force Spanish surrender Over 125,000 troops volunteered for combat Army was not ready for war In Cuba, U.S. sealed with navy Sent 17,000 into Cuba in June 1898 ***four black units and Rough Riders
TR’s Rough Riders took part in battle on San Juan Hill Actually on Kettle Hill Cleared way for San Juan Hill battle Spanish tried to then leave Cuba but U.S. destroyed them
THE TREATY OF PARIS (1898) Aug 12, 1898 armistice Ended 16 week war 300,000 Americans fought 5,400 lost lives (379 from fighting) Dec 10, 1898 two sides said: Cuba would be independent Puerto Rico + Guam would go to U.S. U.S. paid Spain $20 million for Philippines
CUBA AND INDEPENDENCE U.S. made Cuba put into their constitution: 1. Cuba would not let any foreign country control them 2. U.S. reserved the right to intervene to “keep peace” 3. U.S. could buy or lease land for naval or Army base Became known as Platt Amendment Cuba became U.S. protectorate
OTHER WORLDLY ENDEAVORS CHINA U.S. saw business opportunity in “Sick man of Asia” U.S. received trading rights in Open Door Policy Boxer Rebellion followed to stop Western influence
ROOSEVELT AND WILSON’S FOREIGN POLICY TR’s Theory Basis was “Speak softly and carry a big stick” Used U.S. in increasing military and economic strength
What did he do? Negotiated an end to Russo-Japanese War Called treaty of Portsmouth in 1906 Won TR the Nobel Peace Prize Sent Great White Fleet around the world Showed off American military strength Built Panama Canal to help U.S. Navy Took 10 years - $400 million dollars 5,600 workers died (4,500 black) Aug 15, 1914 opened Roosevelt corollary Helped to strengthen Monroe doctrine Said U.S. would be police for the West
Wilson on Foreign Policy For Latin America – believed in Moral diplomacy U.S. had obligation to help Latin American government Got us into Mexican Revolution unofficially