Children & Young People Consultation Event Come in, grab a drink, make yourself at home Introduce yourself to your table Where are you from originally? Random fact about you? Access the WiFi Go to www.OXSPA.CO.UK
M – mother of Q “Q is an 11 year-old boy who attended Sportivate Boxercise sessions at Rose Hill Community Centre. The sessions were inclusive with over 20 children in attendance. He wasn’t very happy about coming along but I felt it was something that he needed to do. He was quite interested initially and wanted to join in with the fun but was worried about what it might involve. Q has very low confidence stemming from his weight. Before the sessions started Q was 16st, 9st overweight with his BMI ‘off the scale’. His low self-esteem meant that he was eating and eating to make himself feel better. He got no exercise as he was embarrassed about leaving the house. I would find food and sweets hidden inside his bedroom. When sitting down his breathing was really fast and heavy and at school he would wear three layers of clothing to hide his weight. At the first session, Q came along, looked through the door and ran away. He hid himself in the toilets and said that he wouldn’t come out until it was time to go home. He then stood in a corner of the hallway and cried and despite my efforts I could not get him to go into the class. I sat and talked to the Rose Hill Community Worker about Q’s weight problems and my difficulty in getting him to exercise. She suggested that it might be a god idea for Q to have one-to-one sessions with the boxercise instructor in order to build up his confidence. We started these 30 minute sessions the week later and Q turned out to be a boxercise “natural” and he loved the sessions. After three sessions it was suggested that another boy was brought in to be a partner for Q and to slowly introduce Q to a group setting. Now Q doesn’t moan about attending and is genuinely excited about coming along. He has become more confident and thanks to the one to one sessions and a change to his diet his has lost a stone in six weeks. His aim is to be more active and to lose weight as he is worried about being bullied and his transition into secondary school. He has become more confident and now wants to do more exercise. The one to one work has drastically changed Q and his home life.” www.OXSPA.CO.UK
Sporting Future www.OXSPA.CO.UK
Towards an Active Nation www.OXSPA.CO.UK
Objectives A plan for how Oxfordshire will get children and young people active in 2017/18 Identify existing actions / projects which may be up-scaled, or new ideas which could contribute to improving children and young people’s well-being through sport and physical activity in the future www.OXSPA.CO.UK
Timings 09:30 – Scene setting 10:00 – Adding to the plan 10:45 – Break 11:00 – Ideas for the future 12:00 – Wrapping up 12:30 – Networking lunch www.OXSPA.CO.UK