Presidents Award of Excellence (PAOE) Presenter Date Location
PAOE Purposes President’s Award of Excellence (PAOE) Program provides Insight into the President’s priorities that year Structure and guidance for Chapters Incentives for member participation Recognition of individual and Chapter activities Some strong Chapters operate as they choose and then see how their activities fit into PAOE – often they have earned LOTS of points
PAOE Awards PAOE Award = minimum in 5 of 6 categories Chapter Operations Chapter Technology Transfer Grassroots Government Advocacy Membership Promotion Research Promotion Student Activities Special Citation = minimum in 5 of the 6 categories, with ³5,500 points Star Award = PAR in all 6 categories
PAOE Awards, continued Honor Roll = PAOE for at least 4 consecutive years High Honor Roll = Star for at least 4 consecutive years Premier = PAOE every year since the chapter's inception (or since 1970); minimum of 4 years; chapter's 1st year is excluded
PAOE Awards, continued Chapter Sustainability Award Certificate awarded to each Chapter that obtains a total of at least 200 points from Sustainability Activities in the Chapter Operations category Regional Sustainability Award Plaque and certificate awarded to Chapter with the highest PAOE Sustainability point total (excluding Community Sustainability Project points)
PAOE Schedule July 1 through about July 15 each year, PAOE is available in dual form: the current Society year and the previous Society year During this time, Chapters can enter PAOE points for both years until the cut-off date for the previous Society year Instructions for entering points are provided in PAOE Newsletter and on PAOE webpage If you have questions, contact
PAOE Schedule, continued November Reflects October 31 results January Reflects December 31 results March Reflects February 28 results April Reflects March 31 results May Reflects April 30 results June Reflects May 31 results July 15 Final Entry of Reported Points
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Minimum 600 points / Par 1200 points To reach minimum, Chapter Information Questionnaire (CIQ) must be submitted 60 days prior to CRC DRC has authority to approve exceptions
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations, continued Completed CIQ should represent the Chapter officers and committee chairs for the following Society year Individual serving in a chapter position must be ASHRAE Member or Associate Member (exceptions: Webmaster, Newsletter Editor can be Student Member; YEA Chair can be Affiliate Member) No individual can serve in more than one officer position (exception: in Chapters with < 75 members, one person can hold two positions) Chapter officer may also serve in one committee chair position DRC responsible for determining if criteria are met
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Categories Efficient Use of Volunteers’ Time 6. YEA Activities 2. Actual Building Performance – Building EQ 7. Honors and Awards Activities Planning 8. Sustainability Activities Meetings 9. DRC Assigns/Enters Communications
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Efficient Use of Volunteers’ Time 100 points (300 max) For each Chapter member attending Leadership Academy in 2018 C02 100 points For establishing a relationship with a collaborative chapter in another country C03 50 points (50 max) For conducting Chapter planning meeting prior to August 1 (all officers and committee chairs); Chapters must provide report of the plan to DRC by August 1, in addition to reporting into PAOE accounting system C04 50 points (100 max) For people skills, leadership training for Chapter officers and future leaders at a Chapter event (at least 1 hour)
Efficient Use of Volunteers’ Time 2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Efficient Use of Volunteers’ Time, continued Efficient Use of Volunteers’ Time C05 50 points (100 max) For ASHRAE marketing training for Chapter officers and future leaders (at least 1 hour) C06 50 points (50 max) For establishing a Refrigeration Committee with at least 2 members C07 For one Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) member assigned to a committee C08 25 points (25 max) For the CRC Action Committee meeting and bringing completed Executive Session Worksheet to the Region’s Caucus
Efficient Use of Volunteers’ Time 2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Efficient Use of Volunteers’ Time, continued Efficient Use of Volunteers’ Time C09 100 points (300 max) For each Building EQ submittal generated by a student branch with assistance from Chapter member(s) C10 50 points (200 max) For each Chapter member who submits for a Building EQ rating C11 25 points (100 max) For each Chapter member presentation on Building EQ to an outside organization
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Planning CO 12 75 points (75 max) For GA, MP and YEA Chairs sitting on Chapter CTT Committee
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Meetings CO13 100 points (100 max) If annual attendance at meetings exceeds previous year’s by at least 10% (includes total for dinner, lunch or breakfast meetings with minimum 45 minute business or technical presentation or panel discussion; does not include HVAC&R courses for continuing education, technical sessions, tours, social events) CO14 For presenting the Technical Activities Committee presentation at a Chapter meeting CO15 75 points (75 max) For organizing an employer recognition event to promote the benefits of ASHRAE membership for company members (2 events max)
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Meetings, continued 50 points For establishing or maintaining an operating Chapter Section (each Section) CO17 50 points (150 max) For Chapter publicity that includes issuing at least six (6) press releases or arranging one (1) or more TV appearances promoting the work of ASHRAE CO18 50 points (50 max) For establishing a Chapter user group on modeling that has an active on‐line forum or meets periodically (at least 4 times) CO19 25 points (100 max) If a chapter hosts a visit by Regional Officer, Society Officer or Society Board of Directors member to conduct employer dialogue/roundtable/recognition event (per key employer office visited)
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Meetings, continued 25 points (50 max) For each separate social event CO21 10 points (no max) For each Chapter member who registers for a Winter or Annual Society Conference, including MP and SA Chapter chairs who attend (staff will send attendance reports for both meetings after Annual Conference) CO22 50 points For hosting a meeting with IAQA CO23 50 points (50 max) For holding Chapter meeting on indoor air quality
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Meetings, continued 15 points (150 max) For Chapter officers or committee chairs promoting ASHRAE membership to local companies (e.g. reception, one/one meeting, company presentation) CO25 10 points For each IAQA member who attends a Chapter Meeting CO26 100 points For each Professional Development Hour (PDH) earned by a Chapter member on a building science topic other than HVAC&R (e.g., fenestration, insulation, lighting)
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Communications 100 points (100 max) For maintaining database of Verification and Measurement information that includes energy usage analysis of built sustainable projects and publishing relevant information in Chapter newsletter or ASHRAE Journal CO28 50 points (100 max) For Chapter promotion of ASHRAE products in Chapter newsletter and communications (using ASHRAE staff produced materials) CO29 10/month (120 max) For use of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations YEA Activities CO30 300 points (600 max) For each Chapter YEA member who attends YEA Leadership Weekend, YEA Leadership International, YEA Leadership 2.0, Leadership Technical Weekend, Leadership U or LeaDRS program during the Society year CO31 100 points (300 max) For each Chapter officer or Board of Governors member who is a YEA member CO32 25 points For each YEA member who is a voting member of an ASHRAE TC (Participation on a TC can be verified from each TC roster or the ASHRAE Committee Participation by Region Report, which DRC can provide)
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Honors and Awards Activities CO33 50 points For each nomination for the honor of Fellow grade, Distinguished Service Award, Exceptional Service Award, F. Paul Anderson, Louise and Bill Holladay Fellow Award, with appropriate documentation in accordance with procedures provided on ASHRAE website CO34 25 points (25 max) For establishing and maintaining a Chapter Honors and Awards Committee CO35 20 points (120 max) For each Chapter Service Award or Regional Award of Merit awarded to a Chapter member during this Society year
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Sustainability Activities CO36 100 points For each Chapter sponsored presentation to a local, state or provincial government entity serving their geographic area (e.g. school board, state or provincial legislative committee, state or provincial agency, city council, county board, etc.) on sustainability or energy related topics (Points doubled if topic is ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1 or Building EQ) CO37 50 points (50 max) For establishing a Chapter Sustainability Committee that meets periodically that organizes at least two HVAC&R related sustainability activities per year
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Sustainability Activities, continued 30 points For each Chapter program and Chapter sponsored educational seminar having a clearly identified sustainability theme (e.g., energy efficiency, indoor air quality, high‐performance buildings, etc.) (at least 1 hour) (Points doubled if topic is ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1 or Building EQ)
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations Sustainability Activities, continued REMINDER Chapter Sustainability Award for each Chapter that obtains a minimum total 200 points from Sustainability Activities items Regional Sustainability Award for Chapter with the highest PAOE Sustainability Activities point total (excluding Community Sustainability Project points)
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations DRC Assigns/Enters CO39 500 points (500 max) For Chapter sponsored community sustainability project or event in conjunction with a non‐profit organization (NOTE: Examples available online) CO40 100 – 500 points (500 max) For Chapter sponsored community sustainability project publicity (outside normal Chapter ads) in print, audio or electronic media at local, state, provincial, national or industry level promoting the work of ASHRAE and/or local Chapter CO41 For a Chapter Opportunity Fund proposal that is funded, in whole or in part, by the Region
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations DRC Assigns/Enters, continued 75 points (75 max) For a planning/goal setting session with DRC resulting in written measurable objectives (points assigned by DRC by the later of October 1 or 2 weeks after CRC) CO43 For establishing and updating Chapter long term strategic plan (minimum 3 years) with goals for Chapter growth, leadership, and financial stability. Plan to be submitted to DRC for approval no later than January 1 (points awarded by DRC by May 15) CO44 50 points For each Chapter officer (other than Delegate or Alternate) who attends CRC
2017-18 PAOE: Chapter Operations DRC Assigns/Enters, continued 50 points For President‐Elect attendance at President‐Elect Training CO46 50 points (50 max) For YEA Chapter Chair providing MBOs to YEA Regional Coordinator CO47 25 points (25 max) For Chapter Nominating Committee Report (all Chapter officers & committee chair positions filled) distributed by April 30 chapter meeting (points assigned by DRC by May 15) CO48 For achieving goals established in planning session (points assigned by DRC by June 30)
2017-18 PAOE: Questions? Thank you!