Data Processing Module 4
Data Processing Why do I need to know about Data Processing? It has a direct impact on settlements. ERCOT settles and bills QSEs with load and / or resources by comparing schedules (plans) and deployments with what actually occured. Additional Benefits: Useful to reconcile (“shadow settle”) billing. QSEs: Effective research for disputes with ERCOT REPs and Resources: Reconciliation with your QSE RES: Resource or Power Generating Company
Data Processing ERCOT needs “revenue-quality” meter data for settlements. It is validated for errors (missing data, anomalies). Meter Data: Non-IDR data must be converted to 15-minute intervals Billing Determinants and Settlement Charges are applied Statements/Invoices sent to each QSE, as applicable.
How does ERCOT use meter (actual) data? Data Processing How does ERCOT use meter (actual) data? Generation: Scheduled vs. Actual output Consumption: Scheduled load vs. Actual load Deployments: Instructions vs. Actions Examples of resulting charges: Generation: Resource Imbalance (RI) Consumption: Load Imbalance (LI) Deployments: Resource Imbalance (RI)
Load Data is also used to: Data Processing Load Data is also used to: Calculate Load Ratio Share (LRS) LRS used to calculate Ancillary Service Obligations
How does ERCOT acquire meter data?
Topics Data Acquisition Load Profiling Data Aggregation
ERCOT acquires generation & consumption meter data from: Data Acquisition ERCOT acquires generation & consumption meter data from: TDSP’s ERCOT Polled Settlement Meters (EPS) Result: Data ready to be processed (aggregated) for settlement
TDSP-Provided Meter Data
TDSP-Provided Meter Data Data Acquisition TDSP-Provided Meter Data Non-Metered locations (calculated) Non Interval Meters Interval Data Recorder (IDR) -Records consumption in 15-minute intervals Non-metered locations’ data is TDSP-calculated, based on their tariff.
Data Acquisition TDSP Data Validations Validation, Estimation and Editing (VEE): The process of ensuring that the data sent to ERCOT is “revenue-quality,” for use in settlement. Non-Metered: Calculated energy consumption Non-Interval Metered: KW and KWH validations Interval Data Recorders (IDR) Time check and synchronization Meter status checks KW and KWH validations Uniform Business Practice (UBP) sets the minimum standard for Validations.
TDSPs Send Meter Data to ERCOT Data Acquisition TDSPs Send Meter Data to ERCOT Data is submitted to ERCOT via “EDI 867 Transactions” and loaded into ERCOT’s LODESTAR system for settlement. “EDI 867 Transactions” EDI: Electronic Data Interchange
Verify / acknowledge data is received Data Acquisition ERCOT Validations Verify / acknowledge data is received Verify data submitted by correct entity Notify TDSP if data has not been received in 38 days for ESI-ID / RID ESI ID: Electric Service Identifier (Meter#) RID: Resource Identifier
Meter Data Flow SQSE TDSP POWERMART (REP) Monthly usage data Charges depend on the QSE/REP arrangement. SQSE Balancing energy and ancillary services charges
ERCOT-Polled Meter Data
ERCOT-Polled Meter Data Data Acquisition ERCOT-Polled Meter Data ERCOT-Polled Settlement Meters (EPS) Records data by 15-minute interval ERCOT queries by remote communications Data is collected daily by MV90 software (more on this later)
EPS Meter Data Collection Data Acquisition EPS Meter Data Collection ERCOT initiates remote communication Meter data downloaded by ERCOT (15-minute data) MV90 Polled directly by ERCOT ERCOT converts the raw data to Settlement Quality MV90 is Data Collection Software
MV90: Data Collection Software Data Acquisition MV90: Data Collection Software Retrieves and processes interval data from meters ERCOT performs VEE on Interval Data Recorders (IDRs) polled by MV90. Interval Data: 15-Minute Data
When is an EPS meter required? Data Acquisition When is an EPS meter required? In general, generation: Directly connected to transmission system >10MW Ancillary Services Auxiliary Load Also: Bi-Directional NOIE Points of Delivery DC Ties Generation ESI-ID quantities: EPS Quantities: NOIE Points of Delivery DC Ties
Quick Facts: Meter Data Collection Data Acquisition Quick Facts: Meter Data Collection Number of EPS Meters in ERCOT ~290 Facilities ~2043 EPS Meters (Includes Primary & Backups) ~777 Metering Points (ERCOT polls both Primary and Backup Meters) ERCOT polls both Primary and Backup Meters, but only 1 meter is loaded to Lodestar.
Topics Data Acquisition Load Profiling Data Aggregation
Load Profiling Overview ERCOT requires a fifteen (15) minute settlement interval Vast majority of Customers do not have this level of granularity. Load Profiling: Converts to fifteen (15) minute intervals Enables the accounting of energy usage in settlements Allows the participation of these Customers in the retail market (reduces barrier to entry)
Average energy usage pattern of a group of similar customers Load Profiling Load Profile Average energy usage pattern of a group of similar customers Based on load research sample data
Importance to Market Participants Load Profiling Importance to Market Participants Forecasts (5AM for next 3 days) Allow Market Participants to use ERCOT’s forecast Reduces the barrier to market entry Can serve as a ‘sanity check’ to own forecast Backcasts (4PM for the prior day) Provides the actual “shape” (Profile) This actual profile will be used when meter data is collected Used as the Settlement Profile
Availability of Profiles Load Profiling Availability of Profiles Day 0: Operating Day (“Flow Day”) Day 1 5 am 4 pm Forecasted Profiles available for Today (Day 1), Day 2, Day 3, & Day 4 Actual Profiles for Day 0 available on the Portal Day 2 Use the term Backcasted instead of “Actual” on the pink slide
Load Profiling ERCOT Uses Converts a cumulative reading (such as the monthly meter read) into 15-minute allocations Used for settlement if no data exists (after Proxy-day routine – discussed later in Data Aggregation.) May 3000 Kwh April -1430 Kwh May Usage 1570 Kwh 0015 0030 0045 0100 1-May 0.22 0.21 0.2 2-May 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24 3-May 0.3 0.29 0.28 4-May 5-May
3 Load Profile Groups, 10 Segments Load Profiling 3 Load Profile Groups, 10 Segments Business (6) Low Load Factor Medium Load Factor High Load Factor Non-Demand IDR Default Oil and Gas Flat Residential (2) Low-Winter Ratio (Gas Heat) High-Winter Ratio (Electric Heat) Non-Metered (2) Lighting (Street Lights) Flat (Traffic Signals)
Load Profiling 8 ERCOT Weather Zones Minimum of two weather stations per weather zone
Load Profiling Total Profiles 8 10 Profile Weather Segments Zones 80 Load Profiles
Load Profiling Profile Variables Calendar Weather Daylight Seasons, Day of Week, Holidays Weather Temperature, Wind Speed, Cloud Cover, Dewpoint Daylight Daylight Savings, Sunrise/Sunset A Load Profile Model is an equation in which weather conditions, type of day, and the time of sunrise and sunset are taken into consideration in order to calculate the average load for a group of customers in a specific 15-minute interval on a specific day. The Models are based on a historical sampling of actual interval data. Day of the Week Variables - Holiday Variables - Weekday and Weekend Variables - Season Variables - Season/Day-Type Interaction Variables Weather Variables - Temperature Variables - Temperature Slopes - Constants and Temperature Slopes by Zone - Weather-Based Day-Types - Heat Buildup Variables - Dew Point Temperature – Wind Speed Variables - Cloud Cover Variables - Temperature Gain Variables - Time-Of-Day Temperature Variables Daylight Variables -Daylight Saving Time - Time of Sunrise and Sunset - Fraction of dawn and dusk hours that is dark
Assigning Load Profiles to ESI IDs Load Profiling Assigning Load Profiles to ESI IDs Profile Decision Tree*: Formulas used in assignment of Profile IDs Detailed information and examples The Zip-To-Zone table for Weather Zone assignment TDSPs ASSIGN load profiles to ESI IDs ERCOT VALIDATES the profile assignment TDSPs assign load profiles. REPs can use the decision tree to validate. *Profile Decision Tree is part of the Load Profiling Guide, Appendix D, available at
Weather Sensitivity Code Load Profiling RESLOWR_COAST_NIDR_NWS_NOTOU (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) IDR NIDR Meter Data Type Code (3) Profile Type Code (1) Profile Group Profile Segment Coast East FWest NCent North SCent South West Weather Zone Code (2) Weather Sensitivity Code (4) WS NWS TOUn NoTOU Time-Of-Use Code (5) 1. Initially, an ESIID is assigned “NWS” by the TDSP; ERCOT will notify TDSP if the ESIID s/b changed to “WS”. The only ESI IDs that could change would those with IDRs NIDR = NWS IDR = may WS or NWS Old Notes TOU schedules are all listed in the decision tree IDR meant to be used sparingly; IDRs are not scaled
Weather Sensitivity and Time-of-Use Load Profiling Weather Sensitivity and Time-of-Use Weather Sensitive ESI IDs Business IDR meters Only ERCOT evaluates usage on an annual basis, and if certain statistical milestones are reached, ERCOT will instruct the TDSP to change the profile to WS Time of Use Meters Non-Time of Use Meters have one cumulative reading for the cycle Time of Use Meters have a cumulative reading for several time segments within the cycle (i.e., peak and non-peak segments). Time of Use Meters typically carry different retail rates for certain times of day, thus the multiple time segment reading. More on Weather Sensitivity: Section of the Protocols. * TOU Meters are IDR meters.
ERCOT Responsibilities: Profile Validation Load Profiling ERCOT Responsibilities: Profile Validation Validate Load Profiles (including Weather Zone): Initial Load Profile Assignment Minimum of once per year (sample data) TDSPs assign the load profile; ERCOT validates it.
Load Profiling Creating a Forecast Estimating usage patterns based on Expected variables Inputs: Calendar Expected Weather Expected Daylight Output (5 AM): Profile for each segment Today + 3 days
Load Profiling Creating a Backcast Estimating usage patterns based on Actual variables Inputs: Calendar Actual Weather Actual Daylight Output (4 PM): Profile for each segment Profile for prior day
Where to find Load Profiles Load Profiling Where to find Load Profiles Forecast and backcast load profiles are available through the following: Public Website ERCOT Portal
Example: Forecasted Profile (.csv file) Load Profiling Example: Forecasted Profile (.csv file) A1= Report’s posting date B1=1st day in report for which a forecast is captured Units=kwh In theory, could plot each value on a row to graph the forecasted shape of that profile for that specific day Information on file layouts of load profiles can be found at
Load Profiling Backcast Uses: ERCOT applies to ESI ID Non-IDR meter data to convert data to 15 minute intervals. If meter data is missing: IDR Meters: If the proxy day search has been exhausted, ERCOT uses the backcast profile for settlement. Non-IDR Meters: the scalar ratio from the most recent reading is applied to the current profile. Reasons for meter data missing or no proxy day: New Premise (new home, etc. with no meter data history). If a meter data is missing from a NON-IDR meter, a proxy day routine is not used. Rather, the scalar from last month’s profile & aggregation is used (re-calculated on-the-fly) and applied to the missing month’s load profile. Scalar Ratio: Meter Read / Load Profile (this will become clearer in a few slides)
Example- Cumulative Meter Read (non-IDR): Load Profiling Example- Cumulative Meter Read (non-IDR): Monthly TDSP meter read is submitted for a RESLOWR_SCENT ESI ID: 1,460 kWh Cumulative Reading for 11/15/03 to 12/14/03. Apply the published Backcasted load profiles to arrive at interval settlement data.
Example- Application of Backcast: Load Profiling Example- Application of Backcast: Backcasted Load Profile for RESLOWR_SCENT: Profile Total = 729.53 kWh Backcast (Estimate) From ERCOT’s models: ACTUAL weather & other variables applied, comes up with 729.53 kWh for this profile.
Load Profiling Application of Backcasted Load Profiles to an ESI ID* 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 kWh (15-minute) 0.40 0.30 The profile is applied for each day during the meter-read cycle…here is a graphic representation of what the profile looks like. 0.20 0.10 0.00 11/15/03 11/16/03 11/17/03 11/18/03 11/19/03 11/20/03 11/21/03 11/22/03 11/23/03 11/24/03 11/25/03 11/26/03 11/27/03 11/28/03 11/29/03 11/30/03 12/1/03 12/2/03 12/3/03 12/4/03 12/5/03 12/6/03 12/7/03 12/8/03 12/9/03 12/10/03 12/11/03 12/12/03 12/13/03 12/14/03 * Published RESLOWR_SCENT backcasted load profiles for 11/15/03 thru 12/14/03: 729.53 Total kWh Actually applied to groups of ESI IDs with similar characteristics.
Example- Finding the Ratio: Load Profiling Example- Finding the Ratio: Find the scalar ratio between: Meter Read Total– 1460 kWh Profile Total- 729.53 Note that in this example, the meter value read from the TDSP is twice that of the profile. 1,460 kWh / 729.53 = ~2.0
Load Profiling Application of Backcasted Load Profiles to an ESI ID* 0.90 RESLOWR_SCENT ESI ID Meter Read: 1,460 kWh from 11/15/03 thru 12/14/03. Each published backcasted load profile value is multiplied by a scalar of approx. 2.0 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 kWh (15-minute) 0.40 0.30 Using the profile and a scalar of “2,” the actual backcast for the ESI ID is shown with the dotted line. 0.20 0.10 729.53 Total kWh Published RESLOWR_SCENT backcasted load profiles for 11/15/03 thru 12/14/03: 0.00 11/15/03 11/16/03 11/17/03 11/18/03 11/19/03 11/20/03 11/21/03 11/22/03 11/23/03 11/24/03 11/25/03 11/26/03 11/27/03 11/28/03 11/29/03 11/30/03 12/1/03 12/2/03 12/3/03 12/4/03 12/5/03 12/6/03 12/7/03 12/8/03 12/9/03 12/10/03 12/11/03 12/12/03 12/13/03 12/14/03 * Actually applied to groups of ESI IDs with similar characteristics.
Load Profiling Responsibilities ERCOT Creates Forecasted and Backcasted Load Profiles Maintains, administers, and publishes Load Profiles Validates Load Profiles, including Type and Weather Zone assignment, etc.
Load Profiling Responsibilities TDSP Assign Load Profile IDs to ESI IDs Correct Load Profile ID mis-assignments Competitive Retailer (CR) Identify and report to TDSP any incorrect Load Profile ID assignments Request TDSP to install IDR meters as needed
Additional References Load Profiling Additional References Protocols Section 18 Methodology Guidelines for Developing Load Profiles Assignment of Load Profile Types and Weather Zones Responsibilities Supplemental Load Profiling Load Profiling Guides Profiling Working Group
Load Profiling Conclusion Questions?
Topics Data Acquisition Load Profiling Data Aggregation
Key Concepts Data Aggregation Definition & Background Losses Transmission & Distribution UFE
Key Concepts Load Ratio Share What is Data Aggregation? Calculation process to achieve load & generation totals to be used for settlement. Taking energy inventory! Primary Outputs to ERCOT Settlements Generation & Load Totals by entity GSITETOT – Settlement-quality Generation LQSECMUFE – Settlement-quality Load Load Ratio Share
Key Concepts Background: Settlements compares scheduled data vs. actual data to bill QSEs for charges, such as Load & Resource Imbalance. Load Imbalance $ In settlements training, you heard a lot about scheduled vs. Actual…this is an example of the scheduled value (shown below) and the actual value (much higher than scheduled.) The difference in this example is load imbalance.
Key Concepts The ACTUAL data used for the comparison has been: Adjusted for transmission & distribution losses Adjusted to account for Unaccounted-for-Energy (UFE) Converted to 15-minute settlement intervals (for non-IDR meters by using Load Profiles) Grouped by responsible entity (QSE, RES, LSE) Load Ratio Share is also determined
Key Concepts Losses Load quantities used for settlement have been adjusted for losses. Transmission Losses Distribution Losses Miles per Gallon City (Distribution) 22 Highway (Transmission) 28
Added to load data to account for T&D losses. Key Concepts Loss Adjustments Added to load data to account for T&D losses. Distribution Loss Factor (DLF) Connected at distribution level (<60kV) Defined by TDSP Transmission Loss Factor (TLF) Connected at transmission interconnect point (≥60kV) TLF is calculated for each interval in the Operating Day Single TLF is applied to each settlement interval
Key Concepts UFE = Net Generation - Loss Adjusted Load* UFE ???? ???? Net Generation T&D Losses -Profiled Energy Usage -Non-Interval Data -Non-Metered Accounts Loss-Adjusted Load* -Generation is the benchmark, (“Sets the Bar.”) -Could have negative UFE if Load is greater than generation. -Can double-check web site for UFE trend. Interval Data Energy Usage
Key Concepts Reasons for UFE: Profiles are estimates and not 100% accurate Meters are not 100% accurate Loss Calculations are estimates & not 100% accurate Energy diversion due to theft
Generation Data
Generation Aggregation Generation Data EPS: Collected by ERCOT via MV90 TDSP-Read Generation: Distributed Generation, less than 10MW, etc. Submitted via EDI Transactions. DC Tie Import Data: Scheduling and NERC tag information
EPS Generation Aggregation Generation Site Totals (GSITETOT) Collect Data Apply Loss Compensation Calculate Net Energy at the Site: Net Generation or Load? Calculate each Unit’s Output Use Real-Time Telemetry/SCADA to determine unit output percentage Apply % to Net Generation
EPS Generation Aggregation Apply Loss Compensation Generation Site Generator Unit G1 (100 MW) Meter M1 ERCOT Grid 138 KV 25 KV Point of Interconnect (98 MW) Note the meter is NOT at the point of interconnection, so it must be compensated for losses.
EPS Generation Aggregation Generation or Load? Meter Delivered to ERCOT Received from ERCOT 1 35 2 -2 3 25 -1 4 Totals 60 -5 Net Site Generation 55 Net Load (ESI-ID) Assume Loss Compensated Data
Real-Time Signal (SCADA) EPS Generation Aggregation Calculate each Unit’s Output Real-Time Signal (SCADA) ST1 30 60% ST2 20 40% Unit Allocation Net Site Generation 55 33 22 Integrated values (via RT signal from QSE) are used to determine the ratio to apply to the net total metered amount….4 second reading, to 5 minute averages, then avg 5 minutes?
EPS Generation Aggregation GSITETOT Result CM Zone TDSP Code Site Name UFE Zone GSITETOT_99_PWRCRK_77_U1_S04_555_SU1_PWRCRK_ST1,1 GSITETOT_99_PWRCRK_77_U1_S04_555_SU1_PWRCRK_ST2,1 PGC Code This is what you will see on the Generation Extract (will be covered in detail in the next section). GSITETOTE is the billing determinant. Sub-UFE Zone Unit Name Gen Site Total QSE Code Generation Site Total by: QSE, Generation Site, Resource Entity, Generation Unit
Asynchronous Ties North to SPP East to SPP South to CFE Oklaunion Monticello-Welsh South to CFE Eagle Pass Laredo Railroad (Sharyland)
Collect QSE bilateral schedules Compare against NERC tag DC Tie Aggregation DC Tie Data Collect QSE bilateral schedules Compare against NERC tag DC Imports = GENERATION (+) DC Exports = LOAD (-) Not much goes into DC Tie Aggregation – the NERC tag is considered the “meter data” and is deemed delivered as appears on the tag.
Load Data
Load Aggregation Load Data TDSP Meter Data (Load Profiles applied) NOIE Data (Net Load / Gen) EPS Load Data
Load Aggregation Load Data Collect Meter Data Apply Load Profiles to convert to 15 minute data Apply Transmission & Distribution Losses Apply Unaccounted-for-Energy (UFE) Calculate Load Ratio Share by QSE, LSE Note that IDR required load data is already in 15-minute format and does not need to be converted.
Load Aggregation Apply Load Profiles Converts cumulative reading to 15-Minute Intervals May 3000 Kwh April 1430 Kwh May Usage 1570 Kwh 0015 0030 0045 0100 1-May 0.22 0.21 0.2 2-May 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24 3-May 0.3 0.29 0.28 4-May 5-May Result is calculated consumption for each 15-minute interval for each day of the meter-read.
called the LSEG Decoder to help Decipher these…just ask… Load Aggregation Determinant ID REP Code QSE Code Profile Loss Code UFE Zone Congestion Management Zone TDSP Code LSEGUFE_999_999_BUSIDRRQ_SOUTH_IDR_NWS_NOTOU_T_U1_SO5_2_SU1 Sub-UFE Zone This is what you will see on the Load Extract (will be covered in detail in the next section). LSEGUFE (Load by Segment, adjusted for Transmission & Distribution losses and UFE) is the billing determinant. We have a spreadsheet called the LSEG Decoder to help Decipher these…just ask…
Load Aggregation What if load data is missing? Proxy Day Routine: Estimates load consumption by ranking similar days within the past year and choosing the closest match. Matching Weekend/Weekday Type Matching Season Within 5 degrees of settlement day Max Temp 2 Routines: Weather sensitive vs. non-weather sensitive (Weather sensitive shown, and is the proxy is the same for all ESI IDs in the same weather zone). Non-Weather Sensitive: uses proxy is not separated by weather zone. Simply chooses previous 8 occurences of the corresponding day of the week, starting with the most recent occurrence. Public Proxy Day Report Available at the Portal and Public Website in both .CSV and .PDF formats
NOIE Aggregation Step 1. Calculate Net Flows at NOIE Meter Points Zonal Meter Points M1 M2 M3 M4 Total Inflow (from ERCOT) 100 50 250 Outflow 150 Net Load +100 Step 2. Add Internal Generation Internal Generation G1 G2 Total Gen Output 100 75 175 Aux Load 10 5 15 Net Generation 160 Net inflows from Zonal Meter Points 100 Net Generation 160 NOIE Load 260
NOIE Aggregation =256.9665 MwH =260 * 0.988332768 MWh * (1-ATLF) Adjusted Total NOIE Load for ATLF 0.011667232 Assume ATLF 260 Net NOIE Load Step 3. Adjust for Internal Transmission Losses 261.9665 MwH Unadjusted NOIE Load (T&D losses to be applied) 5 Assume External Load 256.9665 Adjusted NOIE Load (Step 3) Step 4. Adjust for NOIE External Load It is necessary to “back out” Internal, or “ATLF” losses at this stage, since later the ERCOT-wide transmission loss factor will be applied later in the Data Agg process ….. NOIE external load: define as generator load identified as belonging to the NOIE but not “behind” the NOIE’s metering point. -This level of usage is equivalent to unadjusted metered demand from a household. -Transmission and Distribution Losses, and UFE will be applied to achieve the settlement amount.
Data Aggregation Process TDSP Metered Entities ERCOT Polled Settlement Meters Corrected CR Load Generation Data Calculate and Allocate UFE CR Load Data Aggregation Process Registration Load Data Aggregation Aggregated Load Meter Data NOIE Apply T&D Losses Profiling Data Acquisition MV90 System Collection Systems Note that at the “Apply T&D Losses” stage of the process, that all TDSP-collected data and NOIE data are now ready to have losses and UFE added for settlement.
Data Aggregation Extracts Generation Extracts: Published as Daily or Initial extracts Available to Resources and QSEs Contain Generation Data Aggregation results Load Extracts Available to LSEs and QSEs Contain Load Data Aggregation results
Load Extracts Data Cuts UFE LSEGUFE_REP_QSE_ Each data cut is adjusted for the UFE (Adjusted Meter Load) Transmission Losses LSEGTL_REP_QSE_ Transmission-loss adjusted load for each profile Distribution Losses LSEGDL_REP_QSE_ Distribution-loss adjusted load for each profile. NOIEs are not adjusted for distribution losses, as they are connected at the transmission level. Interval Data Energy Usage Profiled Energy Usage Non-Interval Data Non-Metered Accounts LSEGUNADJ_REP_QSE_ Unadjusted load for each profile
Load Extracts (cont’d.) LREPUFE_REP_QSE Adjusted Metered Load by REP, by Zone LRSLSE_REP_QSE Load Ratio Share for the REP LTOTQSE_QSE Sum of QSE’s Adjusted Metered Load (for all LSE it represents) GSITETOT_QSE_SiteName_PGC Code (Gen Extract Only) QSE’s total generation by Site and PGC GSITETOT is on a Generation Extract ONLY.
References Protocols Section 4: Scheduling Section 10: Metering Section 11: Data Acquisition and Aggregation Section 13: Transmission and Distribution Losses