ABOUT THE SEMINAR Project Management may be defined as “discipline of initiating, planning, executing and controlling a set of activities to achieve specific goals and success criteria under a set of constraints”. In this definition, the last part i.e. the constraints bring forward the importance of “CHALLENGES” part of our topic – other items of definition form the part of “OBJECTIVES”.
ABOUT THE SEMINAR Project Management concepts are a little over 100 years old Mr Henry Gantt (1861-1919) is known as the Father of Project Management & Planning as he introduced planning and control techniques. Extensive application of project planning techniques got worldwide recognition after the Second World War, about 70 years ago, for defence needs and post-war reconstruction projects.
ABOUT THE SEMINAR ROLE OF IT & SOFTWARE TOOLS IT and software development play a major role in today’s project implementation. Software tools are indispensible for documentation, planning, inventory control and management reporting – even 30 years ago most of these software tools did not exist.
ABOUT THE SEMINAR SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN INDIA Objectives of Project Management are same everywhere- “timely completion within budget”. Constraints and challenges of Project Implementation are quite different in India compared to other countries.
ABOUT THE SEMINAR SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN INDIA We use model planning tools and try to apply it to our best advantage. We often run into unforeseen situation when our project teams must find a workable local solution. This is a major intellectual challenge. We are often constrained by huge dependence on overseas source of technology, materials, machinery and construction expertise
ABOUT THE SEMINAR SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN INDIA We have many languages, cultures, social practices and work attitudes in different parts of the country. Project managers must find local solution. In the federal political structure of the Republic of India, we must respect the laws of both the states and the central government – it is a challenge for planning and compliance during implementation.
ABOUT THE SEMINAR SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN INDIA Safety awareness needs enhancement despite substantial improvements over last few decades. Safety of construction workers needs serious attention of project managers to eliminate avoidable work disruption. Environmental degradation by industry is such a major issue that some social activists project science and industry as curse for the society and this perception leads to protest, agitation, and obstruction severely affecting the project implementation.