Payne Lake Family Playground
The Thompson Family We are the owners of Payne Lake Family Playground. We live in Calgary but Dustin (Dad) grew up in Mountain View. This is a family business and Nolan (10 yr old) has played a large role in getting the business to this point. We look forward to enjoying the area and the business as a family.
Current Business Payne Lake Lodge Payne Lake Hunter’s Cabin Rents to large groups Booked for ~100+ nights/yr Family business for many years Rents to smaller groups Booked during the summer Started renting it out in 2015
Issues: Waterton: Overcrowded No Parking Not enough camp spots Nolan Thompson Dustin Thompson When I go to Nana & Granddad’s house: Play with cows Go hiking Go camping But; I wish there were more fun things to do I don’t have friends there to play with that like doing what I like to do Waterton: Overcrowded No Parking Not enough camp spots Nothing to do outside of the park Not enough group camping for youth groups Not enough jobs for kids close to home
Payne Lake Family Playground Solution: Payne Lake Family Playground Rental Properties Camping Family Activities
How: Recreational Zoning In order for us to allow for camping and family fun activities we have changed a large portion of the property to recreational as you can see in the green.
How: Activities - Ready Summer of 2017 Battlefield & Frisbee Golf Frisbee Golf
How: Activities – Ready Summer of 2018
How: Camping (Planning for Summer 2018)
Benefits Opportunities for Waterton: Opportunity for the county by: Daytime relief for tourists Activities Allows for more people to enjoy the park Opportunity for the county by: Bringing people out of the park and into the county Employment opportunity close to home Kids want to come Activities for family visiting Access for those that want to spend more time in our county
QUESTIONS ??? Payne Lake Family Playground Rental Properties Camping Family Activities