Marek Milosz1, Magdalena Borys1, Dilshod Muzafarov2, Jamshid Rahimov2 THE JOINT SEMINARS FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS – AN EFFECTIVE LEARNING METHOD Marek Milosz1, Magdalena Borys1, Dilshod Muzafarov2, Jamshid Rahimov2 1Lublin University of Technology (POLAND) 2B. Gafurov Khujand State University (Tajikistan)
Plan Introduction Tempus PROMIS project Joint seminars as a part of the PROMIS project Seminar on Human-Computer Interaction in Khujand State University Task flow and their effectivness Conclusions ICERI 2016
Introduction Education of young people – pupils and students - is very often delivered using the classic method of explicit teaching, called Direct Teaching Education of adult people – Experiential Learning Cycle (ELC) Classical Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle ICERI 2016
Introduction Classical Kolb’s Experiential Learning ICERI 2016
Tempus PROMIS project PROMIS Project – PROfessional network of Master’s degrees Informatics as a Second competence TEMPUS IV – Sixth Call for Proposals - EACEA/35/20112 December 2013 to December 2016 Big consortium ICERI 2016
Tempus PROMIS project The EU consortium The European Union (EU) consortium: University of Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble, France) Beuth Hochschule fuer Technik Berlin (Berlin, Germany) Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Kuopio, Finland) Kaunas University of Technology (Kaunas, Lithuania) Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland) SYMETRIX (Grenoble, France) eLeDia (Berlin, Germany) Ilmi Solutions Oy (Kuopio, Finland) ICERI 2016
Tempus PROMIS project The CA consortium The Central Asia (CA) consortium: Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), Osh Technological University (Osh, Kyrgyzstan), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan), National University of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), Bukhara State University (Bukhara, Uzbekistan), Technological University of Tajikistan (Dushanbe, Tajikistan), Khujand State University named after B.Gafurov (Khujand, Tajikistan), Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communication (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) ICERI 2016
Tempus PROMIS project Tasks Developing Master's curricula, preparation of required documents and obtaining permits for the opening of Master's programme by CA universities from theirs ministries Creating a facilities for lectures and laboratories in CA universities Preparation of teaching materials, including materials using the "flipped classroom" method (Reverse Teaching) Realization of seminars on preferred topics in the CA universities by lecturers from EU universities ICERI 2016
Joint seminars 30 teaching seminars in CA 10-15 teaching hours each Organisation: presentation of seminar topics’ proposals by EU universities, dissemination of proposals at CA universities, collecting expectations from CA universities about proposed topics, elaboration of seminars’ implementation plan as a result of managing expectations and possibilities of their fulfilment (on the equivalent basis), realization of seminars and reporting theirs results. ICERI 2016
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Joint seminars HCI Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Khujand State University named after B.Gafurov (Khujand, Tajikistan) Made by: Lublin University of Technology staff Participants: Academic teachers Students ICERI 2016
Seminar on Computer Interactions in Khujand State University June 2016 One week The schedule Day Subject 1 Lesson 1: Human-Computer Interaction. Fundamentals 2 Lab 1: Predictive evaluation using KLM method 3 Lesson 2: HCI – Software interfaces. Usability and Accessibility Lab 2: Accessibility evaluation using WCAG 2.0 list 4 Lesson 3: HCI – Quality assessment of software interfaces Lab 3: Heuristic evaluation of software interfaces quality 5 Lesson 4: HCI – Design of software interfaces Lab 4: User Centred Design (User Context Analysis, Sketching). Prototyping tools ICERI 2016
Task flow and their effectivness First part of the seminar (with monitored effectiveness) focused on Keystroke-Level Model (KLM) Scenario: filling the form ICERI 2016
Teaching scenario Classical lecture with multimedia support - lecture about KLM (Direct Teaching). Calculation of execution time for the first task (Task 1) using KLM and results presentation (Concrete Experience from ELM). Comparison of the results with the reference solution and discussion on the differences (Reflective Observation from ELM). Individually getting acquainted with the description and theory background for task 2 followed by the discussion and question-answer session (Abstract Conceptualization and Experimentation with elements of Reverse Teaching) Calculation of execution time for the second task (Task 2) and results presentation (Concrete Experience from the second cycle of ELM) Comparison of the results obtained in task 2 with the reference solution (Reflective Observation from the second cycle of ELM) Application of the same scheme as presented in points 4-6 for task 3 (Task 3). ICERI 2016
Teaching effectiveness results Task 1 Diff 1 Group 1 26.62 15.3% Group 2 22.52 28.3% Group 3 33.02 5.1% Group 4 31.42 0.0% Group 5 28.36 9.7% Group 6 26.86 14.5% Reference solution Average 12.2% ICERI 2016
Teaching effectiveness results Task 1 Task 2 Diff 1 Diff 2 Group 1 26.62 19.74 15.3% 0.0% Group 2 22.52 16.50 28.3% 16.4% Group 3 33.02 5.1% Group 4 31.42 19.82 0.4% Group 5 28.36 17.14 9.7% 13.2% Group 6 26.86 19.18 14.5% 2.8% Reference solution Average 12.2% 5.5% ICERI 2016
Teaching effectiveness results Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Diff 1 Diff 2 Diff 3 Group 1 26.62 19.74 29.54 15.3% 0.0% 7.2% Group 2 22.52 16.50 28.64 28.3% 16.4% 10.1% Group 3 33.02 26.74 5.1% 16.0% Group 4 31.42 19.82 0.4% Group 5 28.36 17.14 31.76 9.7% 13.2% 0.3% Group 6 26.86 19.18 28.16 14.5% 2.8% 11.6% Reference solution Average 31.84 12.2% 5.5% 8.7% ICERI 2016
Teaching effectiveness results Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Diff 1 Diff 2 Diff 3 SUM Group 1 26.62 19.74 29.54 15.3% 0.0% 7.2% 22.5% Group 2 22.52 16.50 28.64 28.3% 16.4% 10.1% 54.8% Group 3 33.02 26.74 5.1% 16.0% 21.1% Group 4 31.42 19.82 0.4% 7.6% Group 5 28.36 17.14 31.76 9.7% 13.2% 0.3% 23.2% Group 6 26.86 19.18 28.16 14.5% 2.8% 11.6% 28.9% Reference solution Average 31.84 12.2% 5.5% 8.7% 26.3% ICERI 2016
Conclusions A teacher should be flexible in method choice which should be always adopted to the individual teaching conditions and with utmost attention payed to the structure of the student group The efficiency of applied methods was confirmed by the assessment of the results obtained by individual groups working on specific tasks during the HCI seminar ICERI 2016
Thank you e-mail: Contact: Dr. Marek Miłosz Lublin University of Technology Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Institute of Computer Science 38A Nadbystrzycka Str. 20-618 Lublin, Poland ICERI 2016