Cisco SaaS Partner Seminar Date: April 19th, 2017 Intended Audience: Cisco Partners and Distributors We will start at 8:05 AM Pacific
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Software Operations Transformation Needs Research Source Market to Demand Lead to Opportunity Idea to Offer 1. Pre-sales Simplicity Thousands of SKUs simplified down to a few top-level offers Dynamic configuration tool to easily choose/configure options Purchase Receive Quote to Order Fulfill to Activation/ Provision Use Monitor to Usage 2. Billing Flexibility and Transparency Ability to choose between pre-pay and monthly billing options Usage and overage information clearly called out Customer and Partner Experience Pay Maintain Repurchase Renewal to Retention Issue to Resolution Invoice to Cash 3. Ongoing Ease of Doing Business One tool for quoting, configuring, provisioning, ordering, and managing subscriptions Retirement of legacy platforms SaaS is part of Cisco’s larger Software Operations Transformation program. As we continue, I will provide more detail, but at a high-level this initiative will provide, among other things, pre-sales simplicity, flexible and transparent billing options, and an easier, streamlined ordering experience.
What is SaaS? Software-as-a-Service defined A Software application delivered and managed as a service by Cisco (cloud provider) or a partner (cloud enabler). Instead of acquiring the software as a license to run its own systems, the customer accesses the application/service through the internet (cloud). Traditionally, software has been sold in the same manner as hardware. You purchase the software, purchase the license, then install and consume it on your own machine. Software as a Service (SaaS) takes software and delivers it to an end user via the internet, or, the cloud. Some example include: Email – traditional model was to have a desktop client (ie Outlook); SaaS model is Gmail Word processing – traditional model was to install Word on your PC; SaaS model is Office 365 or Google Drive/Google Docs
Features and Benefits: Traditional v. SaaS Traditional Model SaaS Model Immediate ROI. “Pay as you grow” Operating expense (more flexible) Minimal integration and implementation cost and risk No annual maintenance/support costs No upgrade deployment costs Software paid up front Capital expense (less flexible) Longer/costly integration and implementation expense & risk Annual maintenance/support costs Upgrade deployment costs Highlight in particular – the SaaS model allows for: Ability to pay-as-you-grow Increased flexibility due to OpEx model vs. CapEx Reduced costs related to implementation and maintenance
Why Use SaaS Subscription Billing Platform (SBP) Market Moving to Cloud OpEx Model New Platform SaaS Capabilities Subscription economy Shift from Capex to OpEx Simpler and faster transactions Auto renewal flexible consumption Simplified Tools and Processes: GPL – thousands of SKU; GRA – form based process; Annuity – limited SKU multiple configurations Annuity is THE ordering platform for new offers
What It Delivers SaaS, Hardware and Service on one deal WX CMR & Endpoints SaaS, Hardware and Service on one deal Deals qualify for partner programs Easy add-ons and modifications Flexible billing options Guided configuration Auto renewal CCW Simple UI & Support Resources True Monthly SaaS billing Renewals & Upsells Cisco’s Roadmap is to Move More Software Business to Annuity All new Cloud offers are available only on Annuity Combines the best of GPL and GRA Reference back to Jason’s session on Software And Annuity is future of Software Annuity creates Cisco's Software as a Service (SaaS) ordering and billing capabilities in CCW. It is a Cisco-wide initiative enabling system capabilities to support Cisco SaaS as an "offer" (called annuities). WebEx and Spark are Cisco’s first SaaS offers on this platform. Annuity manifests itself to our field and partners via the single place you know and love for customers and partners to engage with Cisco throughout the purchasing process, CCW, using A- SKUs instead of L- SKUs. It’s the BEST of GPL A Single Deal (SaaS, HW, SW, Services all in ONE deal!) The deal registration, partner programs, DSA process (MDM), configuration, quoting and ordering process you know and love AND the BEST of GRA: Easy add-ons, modifications and replacements help sellers respond to change requests mid-contract, to easily make updates mid-term without having to wait to the end of the term or start over Flexible billing options without Cisco Capital Usage-based Services (variable audio, uncommitted and committed, overages, etc.) Auto–Renewing Subscriptions saving time and hassle at the end of a term AND a Guided SaaS Configuration to ensure easy and accurate quoting for everyone even if you’re new to SaaS © 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7
Moving to SaaS – Procurement Changes SaaS Model Traditional Model Feature Impact Benefit Number of SKUs drastically reduced Fewer SKUs for you to know, track and manage. - Simpler, easier, and more intuitive configuration and order methodology. - More flexible terms and pricing. - Dynamically change usage and service attributes as needed. Provisioning in CCW instead of manual process Instead of provisioning after the order is placed, creating delays, provisioning details are gathered at the time of order. - Automatic and faster provisioning of order, 72 hours after order is fulfilled. Quoting, configuring, ordering, invoicing and renewals via CCW One seamless and integrated process instead of multiple, separate tools and methods. - Reduced quoting, configuration, order, invoicing and renewal transaction errors. - Faster lookup and response to order history, invoicing and renewals inquiries. Flexible billing options (recurring, auto- renewal, usage-based) Avoid the need for leases (application, credit assessment, approval cycle) to provide flexible payment options. - Greater flexibility for billing/invoicing on customer’s terms. - Set and forget auto-renewals Overall, we are moving to a simpler, faster, and more flexible platform Highlight the following: Fewer SKUs – you no longer have to sort through an extensive list of SKUs to find what you want to order; instead, configure one of only a few top-level SaaS SKU based on your specfications Faster provisioning – instead of provisioning taking place after an order is placed, provisioning has now been built into the ordering process and will be complete 72 hours after an order is fulfilled Flexible billing, renewal, and usage options – choose between different billing options, including the ability to be billed monthly, or to set auto-renewals
Procurement Methodology – What’s Changing? Quoting Ordering Subscription Management Invoicing Dynamic offer configurations – supports all SaaS offers and drastically reduces number of SKUs Dynamic pricing – configure based on attributes (quantity, terms, pre-pay and auto renewal options) Easy quote-to-order conversion Transactions Auto-provisioning is enabled for multiple products (including WebEx and Spark today) Quicker turnaround on site availability Each offer has pre-defined provisioning rules to help guide you through your configuration Provisioning Manage subscriptions directly in CCW – including processing change subscriptions easily and viewing usage data Flexible options allowing for no-touch auto renewals or initial term only (no renewal) based on what fits your needs Subscription ID’s now provide transparency through the history of an order Management/Renewals Billing & Metering – periodic payment options (monthly, prepaid) Usage and overages will also be included Invoicing We have talked a lot about why we are moving towards SaaS, but to summarize, we can look at 4 key phases. Transactions: Current state: A very large number of SKUs and complex ordering methodology Future state: Using fewer SKUs and allow for dynamic configuration. More flexible terms/pricing Provisioning Current state: provisioning details gathered after order is placed. Long duration of time between order placement and actual provisioning Future state: provisioning details gathered at time of order, then automatically provisioned 72 hours after order is fulfilled Subscription Management You can manage your subscriptions directly in CCW, including viewing usage details and tracking the history of your order via the Subscription ID Invoicing & Renewals: Both are new for SaaS/Subscription Billing. You’ll have the option to bill/invoice on flexible terms, and will have an option for overages and auto-renewals.
Key Capabilities Updates Capability Updates Upsell and Downsell process in CCW will not show the price change between the old and new subscriptions – also know as the “delta” We have talked a lot about why we are moving towards SaaS, but to summarize, we can look at 4 key phases. Transactions: Current state: A very large number of SKUs and complex ordering methodology Future state: Using fewer SKUs and allow for dynamic configuration. More flexible terms/pricing Provisioning Current state: provisioning details gathered after order is placed. Long duration of time between order placement and actual provisioning Future state: provisioning details gathered at time of order, then automatically provisioned 72 hours after order is fulfilled Subscription Management You can manage your subscriptions directly in CCW, including viewing usage details and tracking the history of your order via the Subscription ID Invoicing & Renewals: Both are new for SaaS/Subscription Billing. You’ll have the option to bill/invoice on flexible terms, and will have an option for overages and auto-renewals.
Future Capabilities Updates Capability Updates Future PDF invoices will not have invoice usage details at the bottom of the invoice Change will go live on May 21st, 2017 CSV and XML invoices remain unchanged Final usage billing amount will still be visible in PDF invoice We have talked a lot about why we are moving towards SaaS, but to summarize, we can look at 4 key phases. Transactions: Current state: A very large number of SKUs and complex ordering methodology Future state: Using fewer SKUs and allow for dynamic configuration. More flexible terms/pricing Provisioning Current state: provisioning details gathered after order is placed. Long duration of time between order placement and actual provisioning Future state: provisioning details gathered at time of order, then automatically provisioned 72 hours after order is fulfilled Subscription Management You can manage your subscriptions directly in CCW, including viewing usage details and tracking the history of your order via the Subscription ID Invoicing & Renewals: Both are new for SaaS/Subscription Billing. You’ll have the option to bill/invoice on flexible terms, and will have an option for overages and auto-renewals.
Agenda Cisco SaaS 1 Partner Q&A Seminar Overview Overview Objectives / Ground Rules Pre-submitted Questions / FAQs 2 Quiz 3 CCW Demo 4 Open Q&A Forum 5 Next Steps 6
Cisco Software as a Service Partner Q&A Seminar Objectives Partner Q&A Seminar - Ground Rules Accelerate our response time to your questions and capability requests Receive your feedback about the SaaS Annuity Platform firsthand Highlight new system functionality Enter questions into the Partner Q&A window Questions will be addressed in the order received Participants will be taken off mute when their question is addressed
Agenda Cisco SaaS 1 Partner Q&A Seminar Overview Overview Objectives / Ground Rules Pre-submitted Questions / FAQs 2 Quiz 3 CCW Demo 4 Open Q&A Forum 5 Next Steps 6
Pre-submitted Questions Answer 1: Can you address the importance of Auto Renew capabilities and why it is not preferred to turn off Auto Renew? Please address our SaaS Cancellation policy, as well, in layman terms (not in legal jargon). Auto-Renewal typically results in much higher renewal rates compared to non-auto-renew contracts. Our cancellation policy in general do not allow cancellations or downsells, however, Cisco does allow exceptions in certain cases.
Pre-submitted Questions Answer 2: How can we add a feature to a subscription without extending the contract? When modifying the subscription, simply don’t check the “Change the Terms of my Subscription” button. This will retain the contract expiration date.
Pre-submitted Questions Answer 3: We have been trying to set up an SFTP folder for Cisco to post invoices. What is the quickest way to accomplish this task? Once set up, how can we change the billing cycle on new subscriptions so they invoice based on plan start date versus our set date? To begin SFTP Folder Setup – email We can set the invoice date once, but that will apply for all subscriptions going forward.
Pre-submitted Questions Answer 4: Annuity conversions from GRA/GPL - can we do them without cleaning out the old WebEx first? Yes! Simply fill out the migration request form and use the same provisioning information when placing the SaaS Order. This will allow our migration team to successfully transition the GPL/GRA contract over to a SaaS Annuity Subscription
Pre-submitted Questions Answer 5: How does a sales rep know how to find the correct service description document to provide with their quote? They can go to the SaaS Community Page:
Pre-submitted Questions Answer 6: How do we get notification from Cisco regarding contract renewal, additions or changes before we get an invoice? Cisco will send notifications on 30, 60, and 90 days before the renewal is set to end
Agenda Cisco SaaS 1 Partner Q&A Seminar Overview Overview Objectives / Ground Rules Pre-submitted Questions / FAQs 2 Quiz 3 CCW Demo 4 Open Q&A Forum 5 Next Steps 6
SaaS Quiz #1 Scenario: You have sold a 10 licenses of a SaaS Subscription to one of your customers. After using it for a few months, they want to buy 10 more licenses. What do you do? a) Cancel your existing order, place a new order for 20 licenses b) Place a net new order for the 10 new licenses c) Tell the customer they need to wait until they renew their contract d) None of the above
Manage Subscriptions Subscriptions Tab 1 Hover over the Services & Subscriptions tab and click on Cloud/SaaS Subscriptions. 1 Hover over the Subscriptions tab, and select Cloud/SaaS Subscriptions
Manage Subscriptions Search Subscriptions View the number of Days to Renewal as well as your Auto Renewal term directly on the Cloud/SaaS Subscriptions summary page. Click the Subscription to edit/modify and view detailed subscription information. To search for a specific subscriptions, select a search criteria and search term, or click the Advanced Search option. 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 Note: Subscription ID’s will now stay the same throughout the lifespan of your order. Will not change during upsell / down sell Within the new Services & Subscriptions tab in CCW, you are able to easily view renewal information and search for your existing SaaS subscriptions. Notice the Days to Renewal and Renewal Terms are both easily accessible right here on the Summary page. You can select your search parameter and submit the exact text, or use the Advanced Search feature to find a specific subscription using a variety of search parameters, including Bill-to ID, End Customer, and Site URL. Click on the Subscription to view further details. Key Callout: One can now use an order’s Subscription ID, which is given prior to an order being completed, to easily see the history of an order.
SaaS Quiz #2 How does a Partner contact Cisco for SaaS Annuity quoting and ordering support? a) Call TAC b) Open a case in My Cisco Workspace c) Contact the Cisco Account Manager d) Check the product ordering guide
SaaS Support Where do I go for Help? For Quoting and Ordering support, please open a case (see below): Go to “My Cisco Workspace” Click ”Open a Case” Tab Under Additional Support, click “View All” Click “Software Offer Support” In the drop down menu, select “Anything as a Service-XaaS For an issues you encounter, there is a robust support model in place. You can refer to the SaaS Subscription community page as a first-line of defense. There is a wide range of material available here for your use. For Quoting and Ordering support, please open a case in My Cisco Workspace (
Agenda Cisco SaaS 1 Partner Q&A Seminar Overview Overview Objectives / Ground Rules Pre-submitted Questions / FAQs 2 Quiz 3 CCW Demo 4 Open Q&A Forum 5 Next Steps 6
Demo A. Building a Quote/Estimate in CCW B. Provisioning an order in CCW C. How to identify if a BID is Flooring/Non-Flooring D. Managing a subscription in CCW
Agenda Cisco SaaS 1 Partner Q&A Seminar Overview Overview Objectives / Ground Rules Pre-submitted Questions / FAQs 2 Quiz 3 CCW Demo 4 Open Q&A Forum 5 Next Steps 6
Open Q/A Forum Thank you everyone for attending today’s session. We’ll now open it up for questions.
Agenda Cisco SaaS 1 Partner Q&A Seminar Overview Overview Objectives / Ground Rules Pre-submitted Questions / FAQs 2 Quiz 3 CCW Demo 4 Open Q&A Forum 5 Next Steps 6
Next Steps Feedback Survey Next Partner Seminar: June 1st, 2017
SaaS Support Where do I go for Help? Go to SaaS Subscriptions Community Page For assistance creating a Non-Flooring BID, please contact For Quoting and Ordering support, please open a case (see below): Go to “My Cisco Workspace” Click ”Open a Case” Tab Under Additional Support, click “View All” Click “Software Offer Support” In the drop down menu, select “Anything as a Service-XaaS For an issues you encounter, there is a robust support model in place. You can refer to the SaaS Subscription community page as a first-line of defense. There is a wide range of material available here for your use. For Quoting and Ordering support, please open a case in My Cisco Workspace (
SaaS Support Additional Resources SaaS Seminar: SaaS Subscriptions Community Page: Training Schedule: Software Operation Exchange Page: For SaaS additional resources.
Provisioning in CCW Let’s see how to change assignment from Partner Holding Smart Account to your End Customer Smart Account.
CCW Order Select Items Select the items you would like to order. 1 Select the items you would like to order. Click Save and Continue. Note: You are now able to purchase multiple product types including hardware, technical services, SaaS, On Premise, and more, all in a single Hybrid order. 2 1 Select the SKU that you want to order using the check box next to the list of SKUs available. Click continue. Note that Hybrid Ordering has now been enabled – multiple product types can be purchased in a single order. 2
CCW Order Edit Start Date Your item is now added to your Order. Click Edit to change the Requested Start Date if necessary. Click View/Edit to add Provision Details. 1 2 2 1 This is where the SaaS process for CCW Orders is different There may have been a long time between the time a quote was created and the time when your customer is ready to place the order. As a result, you have the option to edit the requested start date. Once you are satisfied with the requested start date, click View/Edit on the Provisioning Details.
CCW Order Provisioning – Next-Gen Services Click Next-Gen Services. 1 Click Next-Gen Services. Enter End Customer Admin Email. Select Org Manager from dropdown list, and add Partner and Reseller Admin Emails as required. If the Partner or the Reseller needs access to the Customer’s Administration portal, it is essential that the Partner and/or Reseller Admin emails are provided. These persons will be provisioned with access to the Cisco Spark administration portal of the customer. The Partner and/or Reseller Admin will receive an email with credentials to log into the administration portal once the Cisco Spark service has been provisioned. 2 3 3 1 2 Please submit the End Customer Admin Email. If partner/reseller access to the Customer Administration portal is required, select the appropriate field from the dropdown menu, and submit email addresses for partner and reseller as required.
CCW Order Provisioning – IM Org Information Click IM Org Information. 1 Click IM Org Information. Add IM Org Information (Org Admin eMail, First Name, Last Name, Phone) as required. Enter the details of the person who is going to manage the WebEx Messenger (Jabber) service. This will typically be an IT Administrator in a company. This person will get an email when the service is provisioned with credentials to log into the administration portal for the service. The Organization Name (e.g. Acme Inc, Global Corp) is a mandatory field even if you are not ordering the WebEx Messenger service. 2 1 2 This is the provisioning portal. After populating the provisioning job aid in talks with your End Customer, use the information to fill out the coming fields. Fill out all required IM Org information. Even if you are not ordering the WebEx Messenger service, it is still required to fill out the Organization Name field. The Org Admin is who will be managing the service, typically an IT Administrator. Be sure to not click “Save and Continue” until you have completed all provisioning details. You will encounter an error unless all fields have been filled out. Click “Save” and move on to the next provisioning section.
CCW Order Provisioning – Additional Site Information 1 Click Additional Site Information. Add Primary Site URL. This will be URL where the customers WebEx conferencing service will be provisioned (e.g. Add Branding Reference URL. If the customer requires that their WebEx site be branded with their company logo, etc. enter the customer’s website address (e.g. 2 3 3 2 1 Please fill out the Site URL and Branding Reference URL. The tool will automatically check if the URL is valid/available.
CCW Order Provisioning – Additional Site Information (cont.) 1 Once finished submitting all requested Provisioning information, click Save & Continue. Click Continue to CCW to return to the Items tab. 2 2 1 Submit your Region and Language information, ensuring to choose the country and time zone where most users are located. If you would like to add another site, simply click the Plus icon, and populate details.
CCW Order Provisioning Complete Provisioning is Complete. 1 Provisioning is Complete. Click Save and Continue. 2 1 Provisioning is now complete; please click save and continue to proceed with the order 2
Walkthrough of an Invoice Let’s see how to change assignment from Partner Holding Smart Account to your End Customer Smart Account.
Delivery Schedule and Invoice Notifications SFTP folder notifications, of invoices posted, will be sent to billed partner These notifications will confirm delivery, provide the number of invoices delivered, and provide the total dollar amount of the invoices delivered Billing folder partner contacts will receive an e-mail notification (Summary File) The notifications will be send near your bill date Delivery Schedule: All bills will generate near the bill date, and will be pushed to folder. This delivery will include all .pdf, .csv, and .xml invoices available All provided partner contacts will be notified each time a delivery is made to their SFTP folder. These notifications will confirm delivery, provide the number of invoices delivered, and provide the total dollar amount of the invoices received. Bills will be generated and pushed to the SFTP folder on the bill date. The billing summary file will include the total number of invoices and customer names.
Invoicing Setting up an SFTP Folder 1 To begin SFTP Folder Setup – email Include: Name, Company Email, Phone Number, and Company Name. Download a file protocol tool – For Example – FileZilla and WinSCP. The link to WinSCP is here. Confirm that you have received an email from Cisco, it will have a username and password used to complete the SFTP folder setup Important: You will only receive 1 username and password for your company. 2 3 Note: In this example, we will be using the WinSCP file protocol tool.
Invoicing Mock Invoice – Key Fields 1 View the invoice number (PDF formats are slightly modified for SaaS orders). View Web Order ID Summary by service, services start and end date. Note: The Subscription ID acts as a single identifier to trace a subscription starting from its initial purchase to all future configurations Note 2: Subscription ID can be in the form of SubC####, SubRef### or Sub####. All are valid. 1 2 2 3 3 We’re not going to go into too much detail here but we’ll show you some samples of invoices in different formats. You can reach out to your PDM for further questions around Billing and Invoicing. Here we can take a look at some of the fields included on the dummy Invoice – all data has been mocked up. In the top right, find the invoice number as well as subscription details. Below, in the Summary by Service section, find your Web Order ID, Subscription ID, total commitment, usage data, and true-up details.
Invoicing Sample PDF Overage Invoice 1 View the overage information, shown here in the Ports Meeting Center Attendee Overage section. Important Overage Facts: - Usage data grouped based on the site - Rate is displayed up to 4 decimal places - Amount is displayed up to 2 decimal places 1 Here we have an example of the .pdf format you can access via SFTP or CCW. Notice the Overage details included in the invoice.
Invoicing Sample .csv Invoice This is the format in which you will see your invoices. Note: Your invoice format is different from end customer invoice format. [Very quickly flash slide] This is a sample Excel invoice that would be accessed via SFTP
Invoicing Sample .csv Invoice (Overage View) [Very quickly flash slide] This is a sample .s invoice that they would access via SFTP Overages are clearly shown here as well.
Managing Subscriptions in CCW Let’s see how to change assignment from Partner Holding Smart Account to your End Customer Smart Account.
Manage Subscriptions Subscriptions Tab 1 Hover over the Services & Subscriptions tab and click on Cloud/SaaS Subscriptions. 1 Hover over the Subscriptions tab, and select Cloud/SaaS Subscriptions
Manage Subscriptions Search Subscriptions View the number of Days to Renewal as well as your Auto Renewal term directly on the Cloud/SaaS Subscriptions summary page. Click the Subscription to edit/modify and view detailed subscription information. To search for a specific subscriptions, select a search criteria and search term, or click the Advanced Search option. 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 Note: Subscription ID’s will now stay the same throughout the lifespan of your order. Will not change during upsell / down sell Within the new Services & Subscriptions tab in CCW, you are able to easily view renewal information and search for your existing SaaS subscriptions. Notice the Days to Renewal and Renewal Terms are both easily accessible right here on the Summary page. You can select your search parameter and submit the exact text, or use the Advanced Search feature to find a specific subscription using a variety of search parameters, including Bill-to ID, End Customer, and Site URL. Click on the Subscription to view further details. Key Callout: One can now use an order’s Subscription ID, which is given prior to an order being completed, to easily see the history of an order.
Manage Subscriptions Subscription Details 1 View Details for your subscription at the top of the screen, as well as by Major and Minor line level below. The subscription ID will stay consistent throughout the purchase process 2 1 After selecting your subscription, view details at the top of the screen related to BID, End customer, Status, etc. Below, view details by major and minor line level.
Change Subscriptions View Subscription Invoice Click Invoices. 1 Click Invoices. Click the Invoice number to view your invoice. Click the Information icon to view your Subscription Amount reflects. Click the Dispute icon to raise a dispute on the invoice. 2 3 4 1 3 4 2 Click on the Invoices subtab. Select the invoice number to view the invoice, and select the Dispute icon to raise a dispute. You can click the “I” icon to view exactly what the Subscription Amount shown is referring to.
Change Subscriptions View Usage Details Click Usage. 1 Click Usage. Click any of the items in the Summary section to update the graph. Select the Billing Cycle and usage type you would like to View Details By. Usage Details will be populated based on your selection. Click Download Excel to export. 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 This is a net new functionality in CCW – you can now view Usage details for your subscription. Click any of the options under the Summary section to edit what is shown in the graph. The usage details shown below vary based on your selection of the Billing Cycle, which automatically shows the previous 13 months by default, and View Details By fields. You can export the Usage Details by clicking the Download Excel icon.
Change Subscriptions View Payment and Contact Details 1 Click Payments and Contacts. Edit Contacts and Contact Information in the Contacts and Addresses section. 2 1 2 [No callouts for payment details since paying with Credit Card is not currently an option.] Next we’ll take a quick look at the Payment and Contacts subtab. You can edit your Billing, Business, and Support contact information directly in CCW.
Manage Subscriptions Edit/Modify Subscription 1 Click Modify/Renew to begin the Change Subscription process. Note: It is possible to change your provisioning information in the Modify/Renew section 1 You can also change your subscription by clicking “Modify/Renew” to proceed with the Change Subscription process.
Manage Subscriptions Upsell 1 After clicking Click to Modify from the list of subscriptions, the selected subscription displays in the Items tab. Click Edit Options. 2 Note: A Subscription ID has been assigned to this order. Now during the lifetime of this subscription, you will be able to use this unique Identifier to track its’ past upsell / down sell transactions 1 2 We will begin by going over the Upsell process. This screen should look very familiar to what we saw in the Quoting process. It is important to note the addition of the Subscription ID. This unique identifier has been attached to your order and will stay the same throughout the lifetime of your subscription. This ultimately provides you with one number to easily monitor the history of your activity’s via this subscription. Now let’s continue the Upsell process and jump into the Dynamic Configuration tool by clicking on “Change Options”.
Manage Subscriptions Upsell (cont.) 3 To make changes to Terms and Payments, check the box next to Change the terms of my subscription. Under Configuration Summary, click the category to make changes to. 4 3 4 We are now back into the Dynamic Config tool. To make any changes to the Terms and Payments section, check the box that reads “Change the terms of my subscription”. Using the Configuration Summary on the left hand side, navigate to the section you would like to change as part of the Upsell. For this example, we will click on Conferencing.
Manage Subscriptions Upsell (cont.) 5 To change quantity in an upsell, enter a new, higher quantity (in this example, quantity is updated from 1000 to 1500). Click anywhere on the screen to update the quantity. 5 Here, we will increase the quantity of Enterprise Edition users from 1000 to 1500. Clicking anywhere on the screen after typing will update the quantity
Manage Subscriptions Upsell (cont.) 6 6 A message displays to inform you when the subscription changes will take effect. Follow the steps as outlined in the CCW Quoting section to make any other changes to the subscription. Click Done. In the Done Messages dialog box displayed, click Done. 7 8 9 8 9 After making a change to the subscription, a message will appear to inform you when the subscription changes will take effect. Once you have made all desired changes, click the Done button in the Configuration Summary. Just as before, the Done Messages will appear – it is very important to note that you need to pass along the Service Description and License Agreement to your End Customer. Click Done to complete the changes to your subscription and return to the Items tab.
Manage Subscriptions Upsell (cont.) You can click Change Options to verify changes. Click Save and Continue and complete the quote. 10 10 You can click Change Options once again to verify the changes you have made. Click Save and Continue and complete the quote following the same process as before. Using only CCW, you have now completed the Upsell process.
Manage Subscriptions Downsell Click Modify/Renew 1 Click Modify/Renew Note: You will need to work with your AM to complete your down sell. Please follow the steps to complete your request 1 Unlike the Upsell process, which can be performed fully in CCW, you can only initiate the Downsell process in CCW. To begin, click on Modify/Renew on the subscription you would like to decrease.
Manage Subscriptions Downsell When you click on Change/Modify, you will be sent to your subscription page. Click on the review tab to proceed 1 1 2 1 2 Once you click Modify/Renew, it will take you to the quoting section. From here, click on the review tab to proceed.
Manage Subscriptions Downsell We have now entered the review and submit section. Scroll to the bottom of the review /submit page, and search for the Account Manager section. 1 Now we have entered the Review and Submit section for your downsell. It is important to note that you will be unable to complete your downsell without the help of your AM. To send the downsell request to your specific AM, go down and click Select a Cisco Account Manager. From here further options will appear.
Manage Subscriptions Downsell 1 To continue, select the Cisco Account Manager you would like your quote to be sent to Once completed, select the reason for sending the change. Note: Select other and specify the reason if not provided in the dropdown 2 1 2 2 1 Now we have come to the last step of the downsell process. Here you can select the specific AM you would like to send it to, as well as provide a reason for why you are sending it. At this point, you have flagged that you would like to downsell or cancel your subscription, and will work with your AM to continue the process. Once completed, click Select Account Manager to complete your downsell request.