The Color Wheel
Primary Colors RED YELLOW BLUE Can’t be made by mixing any other colors Have to go out and find them in the Earth
Colors made by mixing two primary colors together. The Secondary Colors GREEN ORANGE VIOLET Colors made by mixing two primary colors together.
= + + = = +
(Colors are associated with feelings) Warm Colors (Colors are associated with feelings) Cool Colors
Neutral Colors (Black, Gray, White)
Complementary Colors (These colors are opposite on the color wheel)
(A Primary Color Mixed With a Secondary Color) Intermediate Colors (A Primary Color Mixed With a Secondary Color) YELLOW GREEN = + RED ORANGE = + BLUE VIOLET = +
Analogous Colors These Colors Sit Side By Side on the Color Wheel (Ex: Yellow Green, Green, Blue Green These all have green in common.)
Monochromatic Colors (One Color with a range of Values) Tint: Any Color + White (makes it lighter) Shade: Any Color + Black (makes it darker)
Definitions Hue: Name of Color Intensity: Brightness of a color (mix complement to dull intensity) Value: Range of lights and darks