Chapter 6 - “The Liturgical Year” Chapter 7 - “Ordinary Time” Do now: what are some days of the year that are very important to you? Why? How do you show others that these days and times are special to you?
Chapter 6 The liturgical year begins with the season of Advent Throughout the liturgical year we celebrate the entire mystery of Christ. The seasons of the liturgical year are: Advent Christmas Lent Easter Triduum Easter Ordinary Time
Chapter 6 Can you identify the Liturgical Season for each picture?
Chapter 6 The liturgical year is constructed around the dates of the Easter Triduum, which depend each year on the spring equinox and the rising of the full moon. Read page 82. Explain the meaning of the spring equinox.
Chapter 6 Concept: How do we celebrate during the Liturgical Year? Liturgy Official public prayer of the church Celebration of Eucharist (Mass) and other sacraments Liturgy of the Hours (a prayer – parts of which the Church prays at various times during the day and night)
Chapter 6 Liturgical Year – The Church year (we remember and rejoice in the saving actions of Jesus Christ) Our Liturgical Year is constructed around the dates of the Easter Triduum.
Chapter 7 Ordinary Time is a season of life and hope. We celebrate the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The color green is worn by the priest during Ordinary Time to remind us of the life and hope that come from Christ. Ordinary Time lasts 33 to 34 weeks. It is celebrated twice during the liturgical year. Christians celebrate Mass (our Sabbath) on Sunday because Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday.
Chapter 7 There are three very important Sundays during Ordinary time: Trinity Sunday – The first Sunday after Pentecost. We celebrate our belief in the Blessed Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Corpus Christi Sunday – Known as the Body and Blood of Christ Sunday. It is celebrated the Sunday after Trinity Sunday. Christ the King Sunday – This is the last Sunday in Ordinary Time. We rejoice that Christ is the King of the universe. He saves us from evil and brings us new life. Through him the Kingdom of God has begun on earth.