Christmas in our country Karel Nozar
Introduction Christmas is considered the most important holiday for non-Christians who connect him to finish the year as spending time St. family. Christmas is celebrated on 24, 25 and 26 December, but preceded them in the Christian concept of a four-week period called Advent. All three days are an official national holiday.
Advent wreath is the traditional symbol of the Western Church used the symbolic countdown four weeks of Advent. Usually takes the form of wreaths of evergreen branches decorated with four candles. Every Sunday in Advent another candle is lit .
Pouring Lead A flame in a metal container (preferably steel) piece of lead heats up to the melting point . Prepare a container with water, and flowing gently lead into it , but once poured . This will provide the cast very abstract shapes. Those present then tries to identify what or whom is cast alike. According to the shape is then considered what who waits. Lead has a low melting point and it's easy.
Slicing Apples After Christmas Eve dinner knife přepůlí apple. Lead cut perpendicular to the stem. Both halves of the show, and all depends on what shape the inside of the cores. If it looks like five or vícecípá star, gather everyone for a year in health. If the shape of a cross , the four-pointed , then someone from the present seriously ill or die. This habit should not be afraid . Choose healthy , big apple. And do not forget - from Christmas dinner does not get up !
Shoe Unmarried girls throwing a slipper over his head. Applying to the heel to the door that night. Applying to the tip of the door, get married and leave.
Scales Under the Christmas dinner plate is given a few carp scales to bring all year round enough money.
Fasting On Christmas day, until the evening keeps strict fast . Children who can not wait for the promises that they will last if not to eat, see a golden pig. The joint dinner meets , when it first star .
Vanilla Rolls The pastry board cut butter into chunks , add the flour, icing sugar and ground nuts. Quickly develop a smooth dough wrap in foil and place in a cool place for several hours. Divide the dough into several parts. From each floured pastry board to develop a thin cylinder , which cut into smaller pieces - they shape the rolls. Accent rolls on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place in preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. After baking, let the rolls on a baking tray to cool slightly and then still warm toss in a mixture of powdered sugar and vanilla . Still warm rolls can crush topping prepared from 60 ml of rum , 2 teaspoons lemon juice and 200g icing sugar.