Basic beliefs Jesus Christ.


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Presentation transcript:

basic beliefs Jesus Christ

creed We believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. Therefore, true humanity and undiminished deity were united in His person forever.

creed We believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life, died upon a cross as a full and perfect sacrifice for the sins of all, and that His bodily resurrection and ascension to heaven marks Him as Lord of all. He currently intercedes with the Father on behalf of God’s children.  

creed We believe in the personal, imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ for His church, His return in glory to reign upon the earth and the eternal blessing of heaven for those who have trusted in Him for salvation.

Jesus’ impact curiosity

Jesus’ impact curiosity worship

curiosity worship praise Jesus’ impact curiosity worship praise

curiosity worship praise declarations Jesus’ impact curiosity worship praise declarations

curiosity worship praise declarations Jesus’ impact curiosity worship praise declarations vulnerability

curiosity worship praise declarations vulnerability obedience Jesus’ impact curiosity worship praise declarations vulnerability obedience

curiosity worship praise declarations vulnerability obedience fear Jesus’ impact curiosity worship praise declarations vulnerability obedience fear

Jesus’ impact curiosity worship praise declarations vulnerability obedience fear submission

things we believe relationships

things we believe relationships birth

relationships birth person things we believe relationships birth person

relationships birth person nature things we believe relationships birth person nature

relationships birth person nature things we believe relationships birth person nature death

relationships birth person nature things we believe relationships birth person nature death post-mortem

relationships birth person nature death post-mortem departure things we believe relationships birth person nature death post-mortem departure

relationships birth person nature death post-mortem departure return things we believe relationships birth person nature death post-mortem departure return

experiencing Jesus absence

experiencing Jesus absence presence

explore it believe it share in the rescue the Jesus creed explore it believe it share in the rescue