FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ LTC Rodolphe Quemerais MoD/DGSIC – FRANCE
FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ BRIEFING OUTLINE Military usage of 870-876 & 915-921 MHz Situation in France Military usages in France National situation Results of sharing studies General conclusions on sharing with unlicensed SRD 23-24 November 2016 FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ
1- Military usage of 870-876 & 915-921 MHz Within around 12 CEPT countries Remaining parts of a wider range (790-960 MHz or part of it) mostly for Tactical Radio Relays Already discussed in WGFM CivMil meeting NJFA 2014’s update confirmed harmonized mil usage : TRR, unmanned systems telecommand, datalinks, … 23-24 November 2016 FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ
SRD regime : general autorisation ECC REC 70.03 Soft harmonisation SRD Challenges for Mil SRD regime : general autorisation Easy access to the market = a risk ECC REC 70.03 Soft harmonisation national decision : Possiblity to ‘escape’ to the harmonisation but a risk with circulation of SRD equipment EC Decision (Mandatory harmonisation) contribution to the sharing studies Last resort: negociation to maintain MIL usage (Art 1.4 – Spectrum Decision) To monitor SRD demands to access to spectrum ANTICIPATION ! CASE by CASE APPROACH ! 23-24 November 2016 FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ
2a - Military usage in France FR Mil usage: 862-880 MHz & 915-925 MHz 862-870 MHz shared with SRD 876-880 MHz & 921-925 MHz shared with GSM-R MIL Systems withdrawn from 830-862 MHz 870-876 & 915-921 MHz : Safe harbour Only usable « gap » between 470 and 1350 MHz Trend : New MIL systems in 870-876 & 915-921 MHz 23-24 November 2016 FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ
2b - FRA national situation No implementation of ERC REC 70-03 for 870-876 & 915-921 MHz Increased SRD demand to access to spectrum Political decision to assess sharing with SRD A national working group established in May 2015 Collection of data Preliminary studies Interviews with SRD industry Refined studies National position => Nov 2015 => Feb 2016 Feb – March 2016 May 2016 23-24 November 2016 FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ
FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ 2c - Studies – key points Studies between June 2015 and May 2016 Conducted by the MoD with the support of the ANFR 6 types of representative military systems (in use) have been considered (robot/UAV telecommand, data links, etc.) Use of Seamcat and WGSE scenarios ECC Report 189 & 200 as an initial reference Use of results of a national technical questionnaire to the industry Challenge for Defense : SRD parameters , SRD scenario (identIfied with support of ANFR) To establish realistic simulation scenarios (military vs SRD) 23-24 November 2016 FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ
2c - EARLY RESULTS EXAMPLES Very limited possibilities of sharing with for ex. generic SRD at 1% or 2.8 % DC at 870-876 MHz Possibilities with 0.1% DC Insufficient margin Better results at 915-921 MHz with Wideband SRD or RFID 23-24 November 2016 FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ
FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ 2c - FINAL RESULTS Trilateral meetings with SRD industry sharing and refined scenarios 2nd round of studies with slight improvements Uncertainty maintained on density and mitigation techniques Initial sharing scenario established and contribution from France in the CEPT process Sharing opportunities identified with “red lines” 870-874 MHz DEF ONLY, 915-921 MHz sharing under conditions (generic SRD only in portion of the band) 23-24 November 2016 FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ
3- GENERAL CONCLUSIONS on sharing with unlicensed SRD Dialogue between CIV /MIL Knowledge of military applications (national usage only vs possible abroad missions) Unlicensed spectrum implies a lack of control on the density of use : risk assessment (key role of SRD scenario of deployments) "non interference basis (NIB)“ Primary criteria To ensure confidence to the incumbent + “non protection” = confidence in legal basis The new entrant to accept/follow the sharing rules 23-24 November 2016 FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ
FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ 23-24 November 2016 FUTURE USE OF 870-876 MHZ AND 915-921 MHZ