Divided Kingdom, part 2 Judah Alone Lesson 20 The First Invasion 2 Kings 23:34 – 24:6 2 Chron 36:5-8 Dan 1:1-7 Jer 25:1-14 35:1-19 36:1-32
The First Invasion The Beginning Of Captivity 2 Kings 23:34 – 24:6 2 Chron 36:4-8 Having disposed of Jehoahaz, Pharaoh Neco enthrones Jehoiakim in Jerusalem His reign lasted 11 years [609-598 B.C.] Babylonian crown prince Nebuchadnezzar invades Palestine…Jehoiakim pays tribute for 3 years, then rebels God sends raiding nations as punishment
The First Invasion The Beginning Of Captivity 2 Kings 23:34 – 24:6 2 Chron 36:4-8 In Jehoiakim’s 4th year, Nebuchadnezzar defeats Egypt at Carchemish Jer 46:2 Egypt pushed all the way back to her own border
The First Invasion The Beginning Of Captivity 2 Kings 23:34 – 24:6 2 Chron 36:4-8 Babylon now the undisputed world power The situation changes!! Nabopolassar (Nebuchadnezzar’s father) died Nebuchadnezzar must race back to Chaldea to claim the throne First group of captives taken to Babylon
The First Invasion The First Captives Dan 1:1-7 Customary to take some of the best young talent from just-captured nations Daniel & 3 friends (Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael) among the first group Babylon planned a 3-year program to “indoctrinate” the captives…make them Chaldean and ready to serve at court All these changes couldn’t change hearts!! Education Diet Names
The First Invasion The First Captives Dan 1:1-7 Remember Isaiah’s prophecy to Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:17-18 (Isa 39:6-7) This prophecy was beginning to be fulfilled with Nebuchadnezzar’s actions
The First Invasion Jeremiah’s Prediction Jer 25:1-14 Same year as Carchemish battle He (and other prophets) had continually warned Judah for 23 years re: her idolatry Because Judah had not heeded the prophetic warnings, she was going to be carried away to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, “God’s servant” Captivity would last 70 years
The First Invasion Jeremiah’s Prediction Jer 25:1-14 Afterwards, God would judge Babylon for her own sins (remember Habakkuk’s prophecy)
The First Invasion Example Of The Rechabites Jer 35:1-19 Unable to determine exactly when this episode took place We do know Nebuchadnezzar’s army is at Jerusalem v. 11 Perhaps it is still in Jehoiakim’s 4th year The episode centers around the words of Jonadab the son of Rechab vv. 6-7
The First Invasion Example Of The Rechabites Jer 35:1-19 Jonadab lived at the time of Jehu when he destroyed the house of Ahab 2 Kings 10 That was at least 250 years prior to Jeremiah’s encounter w/ his descendants God’s point? This people listened to their father and obeyed for that long God send numerous warnings to His people, and they never obeyed
The First Invasion Jehoiakim & The Scroll Jer 36:1-32 Another episode in Jehoiakim’s 4th year (year of Carchemish battle) v. 1 Jeremiah was to take a scroll and write all that God commanded him re: Israel, Judah and other nations The next year, Jeremiah commanded Baruch to read the scroll to all who had gathered in Jerusalem for a fast vv. 9-10
The First Invasion Jehoiakim & The Scroll Jer 36:1-32 A man named Micaiah heard it read, became afraid, and he (along with others) determined the king should hear it The scroll was eventually brought before Jehoiakim to be read (it was winter) At one point, Jehoiakim cut the scroll being read with a pen knife and threw it into the fire until it all was burned
The First Invasion Jehoiakim & The Scroll Jer 36:1-32 Some of Jehoiakim’s advisors(?) told the king he shouldn’t have done that, but he would not listen Jehoiakim commanded Jeremiah & Baruch be arrested, but the Lord hid them God commanded the scroll be replaced, plus with additional information re: Jehoiakim & his disregard for God’s word
The First Invasion LESSONS The word of the Lord endures forever Mt 24:35 1 Pet 1:23-25 There is NO substitute for obedience Mt 7:21 Lk 6:46