4th Grade Handbook 2016- 2017 Anchored in Learning
4th Grade Teachers Marcell Waites- Math Bev Bunger – Science/Social Studies Starr Taylor- E/LA/R
How do I get in touch with my child’s teacher? Bev_Bunger@allenisd.org Phone 972-236-0600 ext.0945 Starr_Taylor@allenisd.org Phone 972-236-0600 ext.0987 Marcell_Waites@allenisd.org Phone 972-236-0600 ext. 0974 ****If you need to change how your child gets home on a particular day, please call the main office number, 972-727-0470, and speak with Mrs. Compton. She will get the message to us.
Vaughan Expectations 4th Grade Expectations Be respectful to all people and property. Follow teacher/adult directions. Practice kindness and honesty. Keep all body parts and objects to yourself. Be punctual and have materials ready everyday.
Daily Procedures Each student will have an agenda, conduct card/late assignment log, and a homework folder. These should be brought home each day and reviewed by the parent and child. Homework Folder- Any work that needs to be completed at home will be in the red folder. The work needs to be put back in the red folder and returned to school the next day.
Daily Procedures (continued) The Agenda is a great source of communication and the key to finding due dates regarding homework assignments, tests, etc. Please review the agenda with your child and sign this nightly. The Behavior Communication Log / Late Assignment Log should be checked nightly for any changes. If a conduct mark is earned, a parent/guardian needs to sign the Behavior side. On the reverse side, will be a list of any late or missing assignments. Parents are to sign to confirm they are aware of an assignment that is past due.
Conduct Grade for Report Cards Conduct marks on communication card are from all classes and all teachers except specials. Outstanding 0 - 3 marks Satisfactory 4 - 6 marks Needs Improvement 7 - 11 marks Unsatisfactory 12 + Weekly– Each conduct mark will result in a loss of 10 minutes of recess. If 3 conduct marks are earned in a week’s time (Thursday – Wednesday) the student will serve detention after school. Should a student need to visit with either of the principals regarding their behavior, then they will receive 1 conduct mark. If a student has an official office referral, then they will receive 3 conduct marks for the referral during that grading period.
Grading Procedures If a student fails an assignment due to lack of objective mastery, the objective will be re- taught. Grades recorded in the grade book will be circled on your child’s paper. Late work will receive an automatic deduction of 10 points per day and student will need to attend study hall during recess. See AISD grading procedures for more information. Grades should be checked in Family Access.
Homework Homework may be given from all 4th grade teachers in order to practice and study newly studied skills and concepts. Homework is due the next day, unless otherwise stated. Homework that is turned in late will receive a deduction of 10 points each day it is late.
Wednesday Folders All Vaughan students bring home a folder on Wednesdays. Please look through this folder, as it will contain newsletters, graded papers, and other important school information. Please sign and return each Thursday.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Students should be dropped off no earlier than 7:30 a.m. by the cafeteria, as there is no supervision provided until 7:30. All 4th graders will wait at their assigned table in the cafeteria until they are picked up by their teacher. At the end of the school day, you may pick your child up in the carpool line at the front of the building. If your 4th grader has to meet a younger sibling, he/she needs to follow the dismissal guidelines. Students should be at school by 7:50 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 7:55 a.m. Lunch meals should be purchased before school in the cafeteria.
Dress Code Please refer to the Allen ISD Student Handbook for dress code guidelines. Some things to remember… 1. Tank tops, spaghetti straps, tube tops, halters, backless tops, spandex/leotard tops, off the shoulder tops, or low cut tops are prohibited. 2. Undergarments should not be visible. 3. Shirts must cover the midriff, even when the arms are raised over the student’s head. 4. Shorts, skirts, skorts, and dresses must reach mid-thigh or longer. 5. No tight or form fitting pants, stretch pants, yoga pants, or leggings may be worn unless worn under something that complies with the dress code.
4th Grade schedule 7:55 – 8:15 Homeroom 8:20 – 9:30 Block 1 7:55 – 8:15 Homeroom 8:20 – 9:30 Block 1 9:40 – 10:25 Specials 10:30 – 11:40 Block 2 11:45 – 12:05 Recess 12:12 – 12:42 Lunch 12:50 – 2:00 Block 3 2:05 – 2:50 Focus 2:55 Dismissal
Thank You! We are thrilled to partner with you this year. Please check our websites for updates and other information! Ms. Waites (Math) Mrs. Bunger (Science & Social Studies) Mrs. Taylor (English/Language Arts/Reading)