seasons M.VUSALA SCHOOL 141
Seasons as a result of the Earth's rotation around the sun
There are four seasons in a year: - winter - spring - summer - autumn
WINTER The weather is cold, frosty and windy. We wear sweaters, jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, boots.
SPRING Sometimes it’s cold and rainy in spring. The weather is sunny and warm in spring. Birds come back from warm countries. Spring is a green season. We wear sweatshirts, shoes, coats, skirts, dresses, hats, gloves.
SUMMER The weather is warm, sunny and bright. Birds sing their songs. There are a lot of different flowers in summer. We wear shorts, T-shirts, skirts.
AUTUMN Sometimes it is sunny and warm in autumn. But it often rains and the cold wind blows. The weather is cloudy, rainy and wet. We wear sweaters, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, jeans.