Welcome to Curriculum Night 5th grade
Introductions 2 TEAMS Janet Box – Math Michelle Parker – Science Audrey Weber - Reading/Language Arts and Social Studies Beth Boyer – Reading/Language Arts and Social Studies Kelly Griffin – Science Cicely Walker – Math
Lunch Lunch for 5th begins somewhere between 12:15 – 12:35. For exact times, see your child’s homeroom teacher’s website. Through September, later lunch until PIN numbers have been memorized. Parents may bring lunch, but you must check in with front office.
Art – Early Start (for most) Boyer homeroom Tuesdays Box homeroom Friday at 2 Griffin homeroom Wednesdays Walker homeroom Thursdays Weber homeroom Fridays
Planners Homework recorded Signed nightly (part of homework grade) Organization tool
Wednesday Folders Should be reviewed, signed, and returned by Thursday Weekly progress for academics and behavior Please review graded papers with your child
Organization Choice of binder, accordion file, or folders Separate homework folder
Going Home Please be sure your child knows how he/she is going home every day BEFORE they get to school. Any changes need to be made through the front office.
Dress Code (from Handbook) Shorts (“athletic attire,” walking or "Bermuda" type)/skirts/dresses are acceptable as long as they are mid-thigh or below. Bike shorts of any style or length, worn either as an outer or visible under garment, are prohibited. Any low-cut, see-through, or backless dress, tank top, blouse, or shirt may not be worn to school. Straps on outer garments must be sufficiently wide to cover undergarments.
Skyward Family Access Instructions are on Klein ISD website Monitor grades
Technology Teacher websites – main source of information Remind APP Google
Library All classes go on Thursday
Reading/Language Arts Reading Logs/Reading projects Novel with them at all times Reading/Writing notebook https://newsela.com/ Social Studies U.S. History
Math Math notebook Homework nightly Monday – Thursday Quizzes after most topics
Science Notebook Always work on vocabulary Key to success is paying attention Students must be able to APPLY what is learned in class
Star Reader Program Students read books and take quizzes at school When they have 90 points, they get a shirt! Party at end of year
Study Tips Participate in class Complete homework regularly Make sure to get plenty of rest Have a designated study area Practice math facts daily Review vocabulary in all subjects daily
Gifted and Talented If you would like to refer your child for GT testing, you will need to fill out the link below before September 29th. We will have computers available for parents to fill out the form following our presentation. https://goo.gl/mjQuE9
Awesome Websites Klein ISD Website/StudentNet PebbleGo True Flix Tumble Books Brittanica School For all of the above, Username: theiss Password: tigers
Awesome Websites Klein ISD Website/StudentNet Overdrive/Elementary – Use to download EBooks in Klein TLC Sample username and password using student ID, Username: S123456 Password: 3456
Awesome Websites KleinISDWebsite/StudentNet/Campuses/Theiss/Library/Awesome Sites Tumblebooks Username: theiss Password: tigers
Thank you for coming! We look forward to working with you this school year.