Welcome to 5th Grade Parent Night
Math They will have Math homework every night. They will usually have around 20 problems Test notice will be given 5-7 days in advance.
Religion Starting out they will be tested over prayers they should already know. They will have a test once a week for the first couple months. Starting in November there will be a test every other week. All the prayers and Mysteries of the Rosary are in their agenda. There will also be a weekly Chapter test. It will usually be on Friday.
Science Each class has Science 3 times a week. We will have a test after each chapter. I will give a 5-7 day notice of all tests.
Writing Writing projects will be done largely in class, but will require editing assistance from home We will be writing all different types of text this year: Expository Narrative Persuasive
Spelling Weekly spelling words will be the same vocabulary words from the weekly Reading story. We will have a Spelling Test and a Vocabulary Test each Friday. Word lists for the following week will be sent home on Fridays. Word lists can also be found on Mrs. Holding’s page of the MCS website.
Reading Monday: story read in class, definitions Tuesday: partner reading, workbook page for homework Wednesday: independent review, response writing Thursday: additional review of vocabulary and weekly skill focus Friday: Vocabulary and open book comprehension tests
Social Studies Each class will have SS three times per week (see student schedule) We will be using the book as well as presentations/notes to cover the curriculum Watch the agenda for more information about tests (a study guide will come home 5-7 days in advance)
English Assignments daily from the book or workbook Test reviews will be done in class several days prior to the tests – watch the agenda for more detailed information Tests will be open book/open notes
5th grade Policies Parent letter
Agendas PLEASE sign your child’s agenda EVERY NIGHT – these will be checked in the mornings by the homeroom teacher during 1st semester Please do not sign the agenda unless you know that all the assignments are completed. If all the assignments are not completed please send an email.
Late and Make-Up Work It is very important that your child is at school as often as they can be. Late assignments will be accepted for 64% credit the day after the assignment was due. If an assignment is late but completed the same day, 90% credit will be given. If your child is absent, you may request assignments to be prepared by 3:15. Tests need to be made up as soon as possible.
No Late Work = Free Dress Day At the end of every quarter, students who did not have any late or missing assignments will be awarded a Free Dress Day. Information will be sent home prior to the Free Dress Day with those students who earned this reward. All late assignments will be marked as such in PowerSchool.
Reminders When students make poor choices during the day, a reminder will be given – this generally follows at least one verbal warning. Should a student receive two reminders in a morning or afternoon, a demerit will be received. We generally do not record the number of reminders/demerits given in the agenda daily. Please regularly discuss behavior choices with your student.
Demerits Each student is given one demerit card with five spaces on it. The students are required to keep their card in one of the pockets provided in the agenda. They must have it with them during the school day except during lunch and recess. When a student has not followed a standard of behavior expected by the school, the teacher or other supervisor will mark one of the spaces on the card. If a student has all five spaces marked, a detention is assigned and a second card is given.
Conduct Grade Reminders and demerits determine the conduct grade: Each week’s conduct grade is worth 10 points (2 points per day – ex. a 4 day week would have a total of 8 points). Reminders and demerits deduct from this total. Each reminder deducts .5 of a point, demerits deduct 1 point. This will be updated weekly on PowerSchool along with all other student grades.
Friday Folders Work that has been completed, graded, and recorded will be sent home on Fridays in a blue folder. This work does not need to come back, but the empty folder should return on Monday.
AR – Accelerated Reader Students are required to earn 8 points every quarter. With the online version of AR, parents can check their student’s points and tests taken at anytime via the internet. The link can be found on the school website www.magdalenwichita.com/school
PowerSchool Student grades in PowerSchool will be updated weekly – please email the teacher if you have questions or concerns about a grade. Please check PowerSchool regularly. If you do not have your PowerSchool login, please check with the front office as soon as possible.
Picture Day CHANGE Girls in 5th – 8th grade may no longer wear dresses or skirts on portrait days. The guidelines for picture day dress are explained in detail in the agenda.
We Need Your Help! Please consider signing up on the parent volunteer sheets if you have not already done so!
Additional Information Water Bottles Students may keep a water bottle with them throughout the day as long as it does not become a distraction Thinking Toys These are NOT allowed unless your child has a documented need on file with the Resource Room
More additional information Health and Hygiene Healthy eating habits Getting enough sleep Regular showers Deodorant (may be kept in the backpack) Dress Code Boys need to be wearing belts MANY girls’ skirts are too large in the waist. Buttons can be moved but skirts should not be rolled on a regular basis.
Upcoming Dates: Field Trip: 5th Grade Fire Prevention Adventure – presented by Sedgwick County Fire Department (at the zoo) Tuesday October 10th 9:15 – 2:30 5th Grade Saint Museum: Thursday November 2nd 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Parish Hall Symphony Field Trip: January 23rd, 24th, or 25th 5th Grade Sponsored Blood Drive: date TBD April or May 2018
Contacting the teacher Notes in the agenda are a good source of communication, but the easiest way to contact the teacher is by email. Mrs. Doty: adoty@magdalenwichita.com Call/text: #316-516-3214 Mrs. Holding: mholding@magdalenwichita.com Mrs. Holding’s # (316)259-5123 call/text
Who IS my child’s teacher? 5A homeroom students Mrs. Doty: Math, Religion, Science, Conduct Mrs. Holding: English, Reading, Social Studies, Writing, Spelling 5B Homeroom students Mrs. Holding: Writing, Spelling, English, Reading, Social Studies, Conduct Mrs. Doty: Science, Religion, Math
Thank you so much for coming tonight!