Ombudsman Association policy network seminar 15 March 2016 Overview of UKAJI Ombudsman Association policy network seminar 15 March 2016
Background: the Nuffield Foundation’s vision The administrative justice system is a key mechanism for individuals to hold the state, public services, and state regulated businesses to account. But administrative justice is under-researched, especially using empirical methods on outcomes as well as processes. Long-standing concern about limited empirical research capacity.
UKAJI’s activities UKAJI is an independent, broad-based, cross-disciplinary body focusing on research and thinking about administrative justice across the UK. Its primary task is to kickstart the expansion of empirical research on administrative justice in the UK, in particular concerning: the operation, efficiency and effectiveness of administrative justice systems encouraging good early decision-making access to justice enforcement and outcomes
Linking stakeholder communities Link stakeholders from the worlds of academia, practice and policy-making. Provide a forum for the exchange and stimulation of ideas and fresh thinking (eg blog). Bring information about administrative justice to a wider audience (eg information resource). Assist in the development of a co-ordinated research agenda (eg stakeholder meetings).
Developing a research agenda Work with stakeholders to identifying research needs and priorities, and what is practical and doable. Develop a searchable database of researchers across disciplines. Review the current research literature on administrative justice in the UK and (to a lesser extent) internationally.
Tackling capacity constraints Expanding the disciplinary base of research. Working to improve the availability and quality of information on administrative justice systems. Carrying out initial scoping work: what data exist and what could be usefully collected? Capacity building, requiring training of researchers in how to use data. Attracting early career researchers into the field.
Identifying research priorities What do you consider to be priorities for research that will assist in improving understanding of the system and broader policy directions? What would be your more specific research needs/priorities/needs? How might we work together to further a useful research agenda?
Contact ukaji Website and blog: Email: Twitter: @uk_aji