Early Childhood Coordinator February 16, 2017 Presented by Lila Guirguis, Early Childhood Coordinator
October 2016 The Early Child Development Coordinator, Lila Guirguis, was hired and is housed at the Pasadena Central Library. It is the ideal hub for families, especially those with young children.
This office was born out of the Early Child Development Policy that was passed by the City of Pasadena’s Human Services Commission and adopted by the City Council on March 23, 2015. The Pasadena Public Library is the City Department that hosts the Office of the Young Child. Libraries and museums can improve early learning outcomes, increase school readiness, and help all children, especially those most at risk. both symbolic and significant that the Office of the Young Child is located in our Central Library as our City - across all departments and sectors – seeks to nurture every child and creates an environment where young children are healthy, safe, and find early success in school and life.
The 5 Year Master Plan for the Office of the Young Child Unify existing independent programs and services in the City of Pasadena Galvanize a cohesive coordinated family centered system Focus on policy and services to improve the lives of young children, ages birth to 5.
The Purpose Support an Early Childhood Movement in Pasadena Work with the Pasadena Council for the Young Child to organize the work of the office Engaging the community, particularly parents, teachers and caregivers Supporting 2015-2025 as an era of community focus in building Pasadena as an Early Learning City.
Pasadena Council for the Young Child Community volunteers, designated as a major support for the Young Child initiative and movement in Pasadena Convenes once a month and has been meeting since October of 2015 Representatives from the public, and community and civic leaders, who have distinct and diverse expertise in early learning Volunteers: Pasadena Council for the Young Child, led by Vera Vignes and Tony Santilena, long time Pasadena residents and volunteers in Pasadena on behalf of children and youth, and made up of 25+ residents and volunteers, a cross-sector of representatives from the City departments, school district, business, public and private community agencies and organizations concerned with the needs and welfare of children and families. The Role of the Council: Bring to life the Eight Building Blocks of early Child Development Policy Identify practices for change through the combined knowledge, experience and expertise of this cross-sector of leaders Approach our work as a “think tank” the recommendations of which will help to build a set of practices that will support the work of the Early Child Development Coordinator and will help to set the priorities of the Office of the Young Child Provide a road map and design for transforming our community in addressing intractable social problems through a comprehensive approach to early childhood policy and services in Pasadena; we know such an approach in the early learning years of our youngest children and their families will help to create change over time.
Pasadena Council for the Young Child Organized into Work Groups Engage Leadership Campaign Wellness Policy Data/Research Community Hubs Transition to Kindergarten Strengthen and sustain connections to existing leadership in City of Pasadena, Pasadena Unified School District, LA County Departments – especially Dept. of Mental Health and Dept. of Children and Family Services, Early Childhood Community Collaboratives and others around the following initial actions and priorities of the Office of the Young Child, including policy, resource allocation and cross-sector collaboration and alignment. Social Media Facebook page launched January 2017
Driver Diagram Represents your theory of how to change the system Needs to be explicit Is a living document that should be iterative based on testing Focuses the work on high leverage areas of change Coordinates action across groups working in parallel Creates a common language and a level of consensus about what and how to work together
Collaboration Building Across cities: City of Long Beach; City of Santa Monica City Departments & Universities: Cal State Northridge MPH Intern – in collaboration with Public Health 400 hrs. working on Early Childhood Wellness Policy USC MPA Capstone – 4 students working on data benchmarks Human Services and Recreation: Build out of Community Hubs Pasadena Unified School District & Collaborate PASadena: Early Development Instrument – In collaboration with Pasadena Unified School District, UCLA & Collaborate PASadena February 2017 Support PUSD Personalized Support Plan Initiative Early Learning Result area for Collaborate PASadena Talk more about Collaborate PASadena
Collaboration Building Los Angeles County: LA Partnership for Early Childhood Investment LA Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education National: Aspen Institute: Center for Urban Innovations and Inclusion in American Cities Population Change National Learning Community – Funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Looking Ahead Early Development Instrument Results July 2017 Launch of the Office of the Young Child 2017 Data Plan with Benchmarks Prenatal - 3 Wellness Policy Early Childhood Community Hubs across the City of Pasadena Coordinated Systematic Approach to Early Childhood Will add additional metrics
Early Learning City by 2025 Will add additional metrics
Questions? For more information, please contact Will add additional metrics For more information, please contact Lila Guirguis at lguirguis@cityofpasadena.net