Indiana GIS LiDAR Applications 4. LiDAR Software Resources
LiDAR Software Resources – LAS Viewing and Processing Tools (for FEE) The Big Boys: ArcGIS 10.1, Esri ( ArcGIS 3D Analyst, Esri ( IMAGINE VirtualGIS, Intergraph (Hexagon) ( Terrasolid, (MicroStation) TerraMatch, TerraScan, TerraModeler, TerraStereo, and TerraStreet ( AutoCAD Map 3D, Autodesk (
LiDAR Software Resources – LAS Viewing and Processing Tools (for FEE) The Smaller Players and the New Kids on the Block: GeoCue – QuePacs, Qcoherent LP360 - MARS Explorer (and FreeView), Merrick and Company - VG4D SmarLiDAR Explorer, Virtual Geomatics - LIDAR Analyst, Overwatch Systems - GlobalMapper, Blue Marble Geographics - Web-based LiDAR Geoprocessing Services (DaaS & SaaS) SI Organization ENVI Platform, Excelis - Price Range - $350.00 to $25,000.00
LiDAR Software Resources – LAS Viewing and Processing Tools (for FREE) LASReader for ArcGIS 9 & 10, GeoCue Quick Terrain Reader, Applied Imagery Fugro Viewer - View Your Data Incorporate LAS, ASCII, and 32-bit GeoTIFF files Display elevation and terrain model data in standard ortho, 3D perspective, and cross-section/profile views Colorize TINs by elevation using blue-to-red, earth tone, or intensity values Overlay imagery and vectors onto your 3D elevation and terrain datasets Analyze Your Data Examine LiDAR point clouds by classification, flight line, return number, or source ID Generate contour overlays from the source data Communicate Your Data Collect and edit point-of-interest markers and create area-of-interest polygons for efficient problem solving and discussions Generate compelling graphics from your geospatial data for use in reports, presentations, demos, etc.
LiDAR Software Resources – LAS Viewing and Processing Tools (for FREE) FUSION/LDV, USDA – US Forest Service LAStools - ( If you can think it you can most likely do it with LAStools! Provides a GUI interface, but the Command Line execution for batch processing of LiDAR data is great! I use it for QC of Woolpert’s LiDAR deliveries Tools to classify, tile, convert, filter, raster, triangulate, contour, clip, and polygonize LiDAR data (to name just a few) Also available as a LiDAR processing toolbox for Esri ArcGIS versions 9.3, 10.0, and 10.1