Flemish Land Agency: “Joint investments in open space” Sagiter 12-14/11 Florac
1. Situating Belgium – Flanders 2. Characteristics of Flanders & of Flemish Agriculture 3. Biggest challenges 4. VLM
1. Situation Belgium Flanders
Belgium = federal state with 3 communities, 3 regions, 4 linguistic areas, 6 parliaments & 6 governments … The Federal government is competent for a.o. public health (food security), animal welfare, and product policy The three communities (Flemish, French & German-speaking) are competent for culture, education, certain aspects of healthcare, language matters and co-operation between Regions and Communities The three regions (Flemish, Walloon & Brussels Capital Region) have competences on economic policies, employment, energy matters, transport, agriculture, local authorities, environment, territorial planning and housing 6 Parliaments & 6 Governments: merging of Flemish Community with Flemish Region led to the existence of only one Flemish Parliament and one Flemish Government with competence over community as well as over regional matters.
Key characteristics of Flanders Highly urbanized region with high population density Highly scattered built-on surface Central position in Western Europe => Text book example of spatial metropolitan and peri-urban development in Western Europe
Highly urbanized region with high population density Flanders: 13.521 km² (9.230 km² rural – 1.434 km² forest) 6.162.000 inhabitants (2008) => Average of 455 inhabitants/km² in comparison: Belgium: 349 inhabitants/km² Poland: 123 inhabitants/km² EU - 27: 116 inhabitants/km²
Highly scattered built-on surface Less than ¼ of Flemish land (24%) has been built on => a vast amount of open spaces remains => highly scattered built-on surface agriculture = principal user of open space => important role in preserving and managing open spaces Central position in Western Europe Important junction of transport axis, dense network of roads
2. Characteristics of Flanders & of Flemish Agriculture
Characteristics of Flemish Agriculture 623.698 ha cultivated area 46% of Flanders’ area 373.161 ha pastures, meadows & fodder crops (maize) 197.867 ha arable farming: 65% cereals, 19% potatoes, 11% sugar beets 49.154 ha horticulture (but almost 1/3 of turnover) 56% vegetables; 32% fruit
Further characteristics of Flemish agriculture family based production tasty quality products capital-intensive, productive, highly specialised integrated production traceability and labelling private stakeholders/cooperatives competitive products countryside highly populated 455 hab./km² 260 hab./km² in the countryside declining number of farms 1100 farms/year 31.984 farms (62% professionals) increasing number of hectares/farm 20 ha (+ 37 % in period 1997-2007) Farm size & farm number
3. Biggest challenges
- growth in global production - enlargement of the European Union - liberalisation of trade - changing consumer attitudes /demands - environmental measures - introduction new technology availability-affordability-applicability - employment availability, social security, fiscality - harmonisation residue levels / pesticide use - environmental and operational permits - spatial planning - ageing farmers Average age evolution The bottommost curve represents the average age of farmers in Flanders from 1990 till 2004 1990 : average age : app 47 1997 : average age : app 46 2006 : average age : between 48 & 49
4. VLM History Flemish Land Agency (21/12/1988) Land Consolidation (1956) Land Development (1988) The Manure Bank (1991) GIS Support Centre (1995) Land Development for Nature (1998) Agri Environmental agreements (1998) Rural Development (1999) Land Bank (2002)
Minister of Environment Flemish Land Agency (VLM) Introduction Minister of Environment Administration Environment, Nature, Land use and Water Flemish government institutions Minister of Rural Development OVAM VMM … Flemish Land Agency (VLM) Flemish Government
Rural Development and Manure Policy Introduction Flemish Land Agency: “Joint investment in open space” Central Office Regional Departments General Administration Informatica & GIS VLM Departments Project execution Rural Development and Manure Policy (EU – Flanders) Manure bank Region West Province West- and East Flanders Regio East Province Flemish-Brabant Antwerp, Limburg Departments
Project execution: Land development Spatial planning versus Land development in Flanders Management To ensure a sustainable conservation of the realisation of measures Land development Create a suitable physical area in accordance with the functions that are indicated Spatial planning Indication of activities in areas under preconditions
Think bigger if possible
Instruments for Land Development Main goal of the 4 instruments: Land Development: The coordination of land development in general and specific land development projects as an implementation of spatial planning Land Consolidation: Land Consolidation projects improve the physical structure of agricultural landscapes by rearranging agricultural plots while taking into account the opportunities for other functions present in the area Land Development for Nature: Land Development for Nature projects are directed towards an optimal development of an area by conservation, restoration, management and development of nature in FEN, SPA and green areas that are indicated by spatial planning Land Bank: Making acquisition, management and exchange of real estate possible trough negotiation with the owners based on a contract between VLM and partner(s)
How we work on integrated land development Develop integral regional vision Draw plans (with people, in a formal Counseling Group) Anchor agreements between interested parties Support realization -with grants- Experience and enjoy growing awareness among people
Rural Development, Manure policy and Advicing 1. Preparing and advising RD policy IPO: Consultation between different government levels about RD policy issues Themes of discussion: Tourist accommodation on the farm farm shops experiential value of the rural areas reusing empty farms silence and tranquility as a collective value of the rural areas improving the access to local facilities organization of the maintenance of landscape elements and recreational infrastructure … Flemish Rural Policy Plan
Rural Development 2. Implementing RD policy Rural development program for Flanders (PDPO II 2007-2013) Agri-environmental agreements (axis 2) Contracts between VLM and the farmer in which the farmer promises to do certain efforts for the nature in exchange for an annual fee. .e. by mowing with respect for pasture birds, adaptation of cattle density, avoidance of herbicides, erosion, … Provincial RD projects (axis 3) Leader groups (axis 4) Flemish initiatives on RD Area specific RD projects VLM as managing agency
Rural Development 3. International cooperation Participating in European projects Developing international networks Search for (co-)financing possibilities Exchange of knowledge
Manure policy Enforcing the correct implementation of the nitrate directive Manure bank Reducing manure surpluses Stimulating manure processing In a later stage monitoring and sanctioning
Advisors at VLM in Rural Development Department Advisors on agri-environmental measures A business-oriented approach through farm planners Partnership between farmers and farm planners Agricultural nature conservation erosion control, hamster protection, construction and maintenance of ponds, meadow bird management, … Advisors towards better water @ Soil quality Knowledge centre for sustainable manuring with a guidance plan for farmers