The SHARE 2012 Data Collection AnneMarie Giannandrea DIRS Graduate Student Nina Raqueno DIRS Staff 12/14/2012
Outline Motivation Experiment Overview Data Processing Update Live Demo
Motivation Well ground truthed, multimodal datasets are difficult to obtain in the Remote Sensing community DIRS aims to create a freely available, multimodal, well ground truthed dataset. SHARE2010 was conducted at RIT with 3 sensors: WASP, LiDAR, and SpecTIR, but data was flown on separate days This SHARE2012 experiment was conducted entirely on 9/20/2012, with 5 different sensors, including a new modality: polarimetric.
Sensors RIT WASP (VIS, SWIR, MWIR,LWIR) SpecTIR HSI Kucera LIDAR NRL Micro HSI (limited coverage) MITRE Polarimetric Imager Others: GeoEye, WorldView, HICO
Ground Truth Data was acquired 9/20/2012 GPS data and photos were taken by one team Spectral measurements were taken by 2 RIT teams, AFRL, and MITRE Geotagged photos were also collected from experiment participants Ground Based Lidar scans were collected of buildings and trees Radiosonde Data Weather Station
Sample of Ground Experiments
Experiments Multimodal Target/Change Detection (Blind) (Kerekes) Unmixing (Quantitative) (Kerekes) Complex LIDAR Surface (Kerekes) HSI with LIDAR Hemlock Forest (Jan) Sub-pixel Targets (Messinger) High Density LIDAR with Targets (Shea) AFRL Plant Operations & HS Parallax Mitigation(Vongsy) AFRL Spatial-Spectral Target Detection (Kaufman) Sub-pixel Abundance Estimation from Spectral Unmixing (Messinger) 3D reconstruction (Ontiveros) Human Subjects (Ontiveros) Conesus In Water Objects (Gerace) Goodrich Conesus In Water Objects (Scarff) MITRE Confusing/Moving Targets (Ariel) Shadow/Illumination (Emmett) Spectral unmixing abundance truth-edge (Kelly)
Ground Truth Locations: GPS, Photos, & Spectra
Example Spectra
Ground Based LIDAR
RIT WASP Imagery (Vis, SWIR, MWIR, LWIR) WASP coverage: AVON AM&PM, Conesus, Hemlock, & Quarry Sample WASP Image Over Main AVON Target Site
SpecTIR HSI Sample SpecTIR Image Over AVON Site Downtown Rochester AVON AM&PM, Conesus, Hemlock, Quarry Sample SpecTIR Image Over AVON Site
Kucera Airborne LiDAR LiDAR Coverage Over AVON AM&PM, Hemlock, Quarry Sample LiDAR over AVON Site
GeoEye Coverage Scene IDs po_966684_pan_0000000.tif
Data Processing Matrix as of 12/14/2012 Sensor Supplier Documentation Processing Complete Data at RIT cyclone IN ARC ON ARC SERVER Airborne / Satellite Sensors WASP RGB orthos RIT WASP SWIR orthos WASP MWIR orthos WASP LWIR orthos ALS-60 (Lidar) Kucera SpecTIR VNIR SpecTIR Micro HSI NRL PI MITRE Video ?? WorldView 2 DigtalGlobe GeoEye-1 GeoEye HICO VIIRS see pogo
Post Collect Measurements Sensor Supplier Documentation Processing Complete Data at RIT Cyclone ArcGIS On Arc Server Ground Truth GPS RIT ASD (reflectance) ASD (radiance) Downwelling SVC (reflectance) AFRL ASD (radiance) MITRE Conesus GT any? Hemlock GT any? RIT Jan Radiosonde Post Collect Measurements Shea Emmett RITRE John K PRE Collect measurements ASD and SVC
DATASHEETS Sensor Supplier Documentation Processing Complete Data at RIT Cyclone ArcGIS On Arc Server DATASHEETS John K field notes RIT Erin O. people notes AFRL Barilla Times AFRL AFRL Avon Docs Shea field notes Kelly field notes Emmett field notes Aaron field notes ASD data sheets SVC data sheets RITRE field notes RITRE MITRE Ariel field notes MITRE Goodrich field notes Goodrich OTHERS?
Photography Sensor Supplier Documentation Processing Complete Data at RIT Cyclone ArcGIS On Arc Server Photography MITRE Ariel MITRE Goodrich Heather Goodrich Goodrich Larry S AFRL Avon & Barilla AFRL RIT Conesus Kremens RIT RIT Conesus Javier RIT Conesus Aaron RIT GPS Team RIT MISC Mike Gartley RIT People Erin O. RIT John K RIT Kelly RIT GRND LIDAR Anything Missing Others?
Viewing Data
Available imagery resides on CIS Unix system Downloading data Available imagery resides on CIS Unix system WASP orthos: /lias/wasp/new_wasp_collects/2012-09-20- share2012/mission1/processed SpecTIR: /lias/wasp/new_wasp_collects/2012-09-20-share2012/mission1/spectir LIDAR: /lias/wasp/new_wasp_collects/2012-09-20-share2012/mission1/lidar
Tutorials Basic Intro to ArcServer with emphasis on WASP Imagery SHARE2012 Datasets Update with emphasis on LIDAR data ArcServer for LIDAR continued ESRI Arc Users Direct Link to GIS Services