Year 2 English and Maths workshop


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Presentation transcript:

Year 2 English and Maths workshop Thursday 16th March 9.15-10.30

Aims of the session To familiarise you with the end of key stage expectations in Reading, Writing and Maths. To provide you with ideas in ways that you can support your children at home. To demonstrate the ways in which certain concepts are taught at our school. To explain the ways in which class teachers gather evidence about your child’s learning.

Reading file/576179/2017_interim_teacher_assessment_frameworks_at_the_end_of_k ey_stage_1_V2_PDFa.pdf

Game – Jump in! Using any of the stage books on your table, read to your partner. At any point you choose, stop reading. Your partner has to jump in and continue to read from where you have got up to.

Reading papers 2 papers

Writing /576179/2017_interim_teacher_assessment_frameworks_at_the_end_of_key_sta ge_1_V2_PDFa.pdf

Writing examples /510915/STA-Exemp2016-KS1-EW-Sam-Ann_PDFA.pdf

Collection of evidence As class teachers we are constantly collecting evidence of your child’s work. The writing that children carry out daily is used to support our teacher judgements. We also carry out regular independent writing activities that allow children to write freely for a longer, more sustained period of time. Summer 1 - Children will carry out standardised tests. These support the teacher’s judgements however only form a snapshot of the capabilities of a child.

Game – Magic list of 3 dog cat house train classroom Pick any of the nouns above. Can you think of 3 adjectives (describing words) to go with each noun and create a sentence. e.g. The old, sneaky, black cat ……

Word types Noun – an object, person, place Adjective – a describing word Verb – a doing word Adverb – explains how the action is done Write 2 examples of each.

Find that word Children in Yr 2 are expected to be able to identify word types. On your wbs can you write down the noun from this sentence. The sneaky, old, black cat creeps slowly along the wobbly wall. Now write down 1 adjective. Can you write down the verbs. Can you write the adverb.

Sentence types 4 sentence types that children need to be familiar with in Year 2 and the corresponding punctuation. Command Statement Question Exclamation.

Command Get me a drink. Find me a yellow book. Wash the dishes up. Short sentences Bossy Capital letter and a full stop.

Statement That is a very big dog. The hedges need cutting. Full stop and capital letter

How are we getting there? Question ? What is that over there? When are we going? How are we getting there? Why are we going? Begin with a question word Question mark

Exclamation What a beautiful day! How big is that ball! Begin with ‘what’ or ‘how’ Exclamation mark

I love going to the beach! Sentence type Which of the following is an exclamation? I love going to the beach! Take me to the park. Can I go to the beach? What a fun day!

Spelling, punctuation and grammar paper

Mathematics file/576179/2017_interim_teacher_assessment_frameworks_at_the_end_of_k ey_stage_1_V2_PDFa.pdf

Addition Counting apparatus, number lines and 100 squares. Using place value e.g. 33+21= + =

Subtraction Using place value e.g. 33-21=

Horizontal written methods

Decomposition Use the term stealing 65-8 = 57 60 5 50 15 8 8 50 7

Multiplication Using arrays to show multiplication sentences

Division 15 3

Maths papers Reasoning Arithmetic

Websites Parent-Guide-final-(1).pdf Provides an example from each type of test that the children will undertake. Also has some revision guides which can be purchased. BBC bitesize Topmarks maths games Any other sites you have found helpful?