Science at St. Martin’s 7th and 8th Grade
Science is a Hands – On Subject! Your child will do lab weekly. Timely completion of lab reports is critical! Lab work is 15% of your child’s grade. Each child needs a 2 pocket lab folder that will be kept in the classroom to store labs. Lab is especially important in 8th grade due to the State requirements
Lab Work is Critical! Lab directions will be distributed via Blackboard on the Ipad All lab reports will be written up from “scratch”—there are no “worksheet” labs! Students must submit a hard copy of the lab The majority of your student’s graded assignments will be labs. Please consult the lab grading rubric often!
TeacherWeb and Blackboard TeacherWeb is the standard means of communication with parents in the school. It does not require a password for access and I will use it to communicate all tests, quizzes and important due dates. Blackboard is an application that allows transmission of curricular materials between the teacher and student. It requires a password for access. All lab materials and many other materials will be transmitted to the students via Blackboard. Blackboard may be accessed via the Ipad or through a web browser.
Submission of Work Most work is submitted as a hard copy If work is to be submitted via email or Google Drive, then students must follow all directions regarding how to submit the work Generally, work submitted via email should have a subject line in the format of last name, first initial, assignment title
When Things Go Wrong! The assignment is due and I am sick! -- No worries! A student will not be penalized for absence if work is made up. Submit on-line assignments as directed and turn in hard copy work upon your return. Work can also be sent in with a sibling or neighbor who will be in school The printer is broken, out of ink, out of paper! -- Email me the assignment. Follow up with a hard copy as soon as possible. I will only grade hard copies of work that is to be submitted in hard copy form. Other problems – Contact me!
The Text We will use articles from for a text This site can be accessed via the Ipad application or via any internet browser Students should NOT limit themselves to reading the article. Most articles have associated videos, additional written content, practice tests and digital simulations to accompany them. The vocabulary listed on CK 12 is a great place to find definitions for the “Words of the Week”.
My Website Still the primary means of class to home communication Please sign up for my Newsflash Please visit my Wish List page—I appreciate your help! Contact me anytime via the website or
Need More Information? Contact me or see the 5th and 6th grade presentation posted on the Handouts page of my website. This presentation is also posted on my Handouts page for future reference.
I am looking forward to a great year with your child!