MTSS Implementers Training Day 1 Managing Tier II/III Interventions MiBLSi Content Adapted By: Brian Lloyd & Matt Phillips-Behavior Mary Jo Wegenke & Melanie Kahler-Literacy Laura Colligan & Theron Blakeslee-Mathematics
MTSS Implementer Sessions To access the PowerPoint go to MTSS Implementer Wiki MTSS Implementer Sessions
Acknowledgements W. David Tilly Amanda VanDerHeyden Roland Good Ruth Kaminski Edward Shapiro Dean Fixsen Karen Blasé Joseph Witt George Noell Nancy Marchand-Martella MiBLSi Staff: Melissa Nantais Stephanie Dyer Kim St. Martin
Agenda 9:00-10:15 - Review 8 Steps to Intervention Management & Alterable Variables Chart, Commercials 10:15-10:25 - Break 10:25-11:45 - First Session 11:50-12:30 - Lunch 12:30-1:50 - Second Session 1:55-3:15 - Third Session 3:15-3:30 - Wrap-up
Status Check of Intervention Management
Don’t Throw the Baby out with the Bathwater If student growth is not sufficient, and fidelity has been verified, check if you have correctly identified the area of deficit. If yes, use Instructional Variables Checklist.
Mathematics Learning Targets Participants will… Be able to dig deeper into MCOMP assessments to inform instruction Identify 6 Areas of Demands and Difficulties for students in mathematics Identify research based strategies to use with students emphasis on fluency
Behavior Learning Targets Participants will… Identify the continuum of supports for behavior across an MTSS model Identify the behavioral process data and outcome data, and understand the application of data-driven decisions Identify tools and evidence-based strategies for multi-tiered support of behavior, with a focus on a continuum of interventions. Understand how Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Programs fit into an MTSS system.
Literacy Learning Targets Participants will… Understand the reason for the new AIMSweb Growth Norms Explain the new AIMSweb Growth Norms Apply the new AIMSweb Growth Norms when establishing progress monitoring goals for students
Literacy Learning Targets Introduction to John Hattie Participants will: Begin to get familiar with the role of effect sizes in research and how it relates to education Learn which educational strategies have the greatest impact on student achievement Learn which traits are found in expert teachers, according to educational research
Breakout Sessions Room A – Mathematics Room C – Behavior Room 302 - Literacy
Reflections on Today’s Learning Stoplight Reflections on Today’s Learning As a result of today’s session write what you are going to … Stop doing Continue to do Start doing