Digital Transformation Programme West Sussex Digital Transformation Programme Rob Halhead Max Tarrant 01372 459866 © Docobo Limited 2008-2017 all rights reserved Confidential
The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust (CWCT) Charity Number 238043 Date Registered 08/01/1965 Trustees: LORD SIMON WOLFSON, DR SARA LEVENE, HONOURABLE ANDREW WOLFSON, LORD DAVID WOLFSON The charity donated £1.1m to the programme to evaluate the value of digital technology (in homes and care homes) Patient Outcome, Productivity (economics) Best Practice Exemplar Quarterly Reports for progress, milestones, payments
Geography of West Sussex c.830,000 93 Confidential
Re-cap to CWCT: Current challenges Financial constraints Increasing numbers: elderly, frail patients with multiple long term conditions Reduce hospitalisation – A&E, unplanned admissions, in-patient stays Care homes – capacity, quality, finance/business model Rising level of acuity in Primary Care Confidential
The Funding Request & Plan Patient centric/improve quality of care Improve Productivity & Cost savings Provision: Equipment for 500 sites (care homes and independents at home) 3-year term programme Build on the CWS care home pilot 2014, implement 100-150 care/nursing homes Evaluation study and results Confidential
Project organisations Who? Project organisations Crawley, Horsham & Mid-Sussex, Coastal West Sussex CCGs SCFT & Docobo Stakeholders West Sussex County Council Western Sussex Hospitals Care homes Evaluation Kent Surrey and Sussex Academic Health Science Network Confidential
Vital Signs Symptoms Remote Monitoring Clinical monitoring Community DOCOBO Database Vital Signs Symptoms Clinical monitoring I Community - only when needed
Clinician view example Confidential
Kent Community Health NHS FT Click the YouTube link below: 10 minute video Kent Community Health NHS FT Digital Care Home Unscripted Nothing to do with Docobo. The nurses shot the film which helped them win a Nursing Times Award (Technology & Data in Nursing) in November 2016) Click the YouTube link below:
KLOEs & CQC Five key questions CQC ask: (you can use the programme to market to market to the Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service well led? Mum Test: Is the service something you would be happy for your mum or dad to receive? Collect data from residents, families and staff that related to the five key areas of the CQC audit. Idea: join the digital programme & we provide a tablet for your reception and collect the data…interest? Confidential
Contacts: Max Tarrant, Josh Stenner, Rob Halhead Thank you Questions? 01372 459866 Contacts: Max Tarrant, Josh Stenner, Rob Halhead
Patient communication Video*, Video Message, Audio and Text * real-time video connection with the patient is dependent upon patient having broadband/WiFi – alternate is video message - OK with mobile/3G
“Remote appointment” Confidential
Guidance/Education Confidential
Information content DOC@HOME “Standard question library” of 200 questions Clinicians can write their own Use combinations for complex co-morbids “Questions” are either metrics or symptomatic Nurses tend to use/observe symptoms more than metrics Trend data important (early intervention) Parameters can be set to alert Numerous ‘peripherals’ for metrics
Full NHS security, encryption and N3 Compliance Information flow Full NHS security, encryption and N3 Compliance Clinical Database doc@HOME® Clinician: Observes trends, Monitors Manages alerts Patient: Information input Option to communicate with clinician Option to communicate with patient
Patient self-management Confidential