More practice of parallelism Ruchika, 13422


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Presentation transcript:

More practice of parallelism Ruchika, 13422

Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed. Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method. The first version gives the impression that the writer is undecided or timid; he seems unable or afraid to choose one form of expression and hold to it. The second version shows that the writer has at least made his choice and abided by it.

The French, the Italians, Spanish, and Portuguese The French, the Italians, the Spanish, and the Portuguese In spring, summer, or in winter In spring, summer, or winter (In spring, in summer, or in winter) An article or a preposition applying to all the members of a series must either be used only before the first term or else be repeated before each term.

It was both a long ceremony and very tedious. The ceremony was both long and tedious. A time not for words, but action A time not for words, but for action Either you must grant his request or incur his ill will. You must either grant his request or incur his ill will. My objections are, first, the injustice of the measure; second, that it is unconstitutional. My objections are, first, that the measure is unjust; second, that it is unconstitutional.

Correlative expressions (both, and; not, but; not only, but also; either, or; first, second, third; and the like) should be followed by the same grammatical construction. Many violations of this rule can be corrected by rearranging the sentence.

My income is smaller than my wife. My income is smaller than my wife's. When making comparisons, the things you compare should be couched in parallel structures whenever that is possible and appropriate.

Espinoza's style was remarkable for its dexterity, grace, and she could play any position. We have two nouns and a clause. Espinoza's style was remarkable for its dexterity, grace, and versatility. Now we have three nouns, not two nouns and a clause. Raoul's motivation to succeed in this program seems to be greater than his sister. Raoul's motivation to succeed in this program seems to be greater than his sister's. We have to compare Raoul's motivation to his sister's motivation, not to his sister.

Three of the great Indian nations in the Central Plains are the Cherokee, the Choctaw, and Comanche. Three of the great Indian nations in the Central Plains are the Cherokee, the Choctaw, and the Comanche. Use the article "the" consistently for each noun. Either you will begin to study now or risk failing the exam. You will either begin studying now or risk failing the exam. Either "this" or "that," not Either _clause_ or "that." Either begin studying now or risk failing the exam. It is tighter and carries a greater sense of urgency.

Carlos wasted his first year at college by not studying enough and spending too much time at parties. Carlos wasted his first year at college by studying too little and partying too much. We have no doubt about her care and interest in the proposal. We have no doubt about her care for and interest in the proposal. We cannot say "care in," so we must provide the proper idiomatic expression, "care for."

The college has space for a new computer lab but not a faculty lounge. The college has space for a new computer lab but not for a faculty lounge. Use the preposition "for" consistently. Her conditions for signing the contract are, first, the commissioner has to approve the terms; second, that the other players must sign as well. Her conditions for signing the contract are, first, that the commissioner must approve the terms; second, that the other players must sign as well. Use the "that clause" construction consistently. Her conditions for signing the contract are, first, that the commissioner must approve the terms, and second, that the other players have to sign.

The students prepared for their exams at home, they spent extra hours with their tutors, they did the necessary research in the library, and asked questions in their classrooms. The students prepared for their exams at home, they spent extra hours with their tutors, they did the necessary research in the library, and they asked questions in their classrooms. they verb, they verb, and they verb. The students prepared for their exams at home, spent extra hours with their tutors, did the necessary research in the library, and asked questions in their classes. they verb, verb, verb, and verb.

Which of the following sentences are parallel? a) She likes to listen to music and reading the latest novels. b) She likes listening to music and reading the latest novels. Ans. She likes listening to music and reading the latest novels. a) He spent his time studying Spanish, working at the convenience store, and jogging every afternoon. b) He spent his time studying Spanish. working at the convenience store, and he jogged every afternoon. Ans. He spent his time studying Spanish, working at the convenience store, and jogging every afternoon.

a) The dog was excited: running, barking, and he chased after the boys a) The dog was excited: running, barking, and he chased after the boys. b) The dog was excited: running, barking, and chasing after the boys. Ans. The dog was excited: running, barking, and chasing after the boys. a) The apartment was filled with old newspapers, broken bottles, and the ashtrays were overflowing. b) The apartment was filled with old newspapers, broken bottles, and overflowing ashtrays. Ans. The apartment was filled with old newspapers, broken bottles, and overflowing ashtrays.

a) The dog was excited: running, barking, and he chased after the boys a) The dog was excited: running, barking, and he chased after the boys. b) The dog was excited: running, barking, and chasing after the boys. Ans. The dog was excited: running, barking, and chasing after the boys. a) The apartment was filled with old newspapers, broken bottles, and the ashtrays were overflowing. b) The apartment was filled with old newspapers, broken bottles, and overflowing ashtrays. Ans. The apartment was filled with old newspapers, broken bottles, and overflowing ashtrays.

Choose the correct option to make correct parallel structure Learning a new language as an adult is more difficult than to learn one as a child. Learning to learning no change Every morning, I run two miles, walk one mile, and half a mile on the bike. half a mile. bike half a mile. There are two ways to get a promotion: working hard or make friends in high places. work hard to working hard

Many college students have the same goals: playing hard, doing well in classes, and a job after graduation. after graduation, a job. finding a job after graduation. no change The man walked down the street, stopped at a shop window, and was fixing his tie. fixed his tie. to fix his tie. The chef chopped the parsley, peeled the tomatoes and cut the zucchini into cubes was cutting the zucchini into cubes cubed the zucchini no change.

People often try to avoid eye contact with others, whether riding on a bus, strolling through a shopping mall, or when they are in line at a supermarket. waiting in line at a supermarket in a supermarket line no change When trying to impress a prospective employer, people should pay attention to their clothing, their posture, and that they don’t use too much slang. if they use too much slang. their speech no change.

Critics argue that the television show trivializes violence, glamorizes drug use and crime. Encourages crime was encouraging crime no change The bedroom was filled with old newspapers and radios that don’t work. radios that are broken. broken radios no change.

Answers Learning Bike half a mile Work hard Finding a job after graduation Fixed his tie. cubed the zucchini waiting in line at a supermarket their speech Encourages crime broken radios