Welcome to Scoil Chroí Naofa Athenry
Here are some important facts you need to know before joining our school community
School Infants go Home time for starts home whole school 8. 50am 1 School Infants go Home time for starts home whole school 8.50am 1.30pm 2.30pm
Break time Lunchtime 10.30-10.40 12.00-12.30
Our School Uniform Girls wear a navy pinafore with the school crest and a white and blue check shirt. They wear a navy tie and white or navy tights or socks and a navy cardigan.
Our School Uniform Boys wear navy trousers with a check shirt, navy tie and navy jumper with the school crest.
Shoes We can wear runners or flat shoes in school. However we must wear runners for P.E.
P.E. Gear Everyone is asked to have their own tracksuit for P.E.
Girls are asked to tie their hair up and to only wear simple jewellery.
Art Everyone needs an old top for art.
Healthy Lunches We all bring healthy lunches. We make sure to bring home any packaging because we belong to a green school community.
We are a Green School We are very proud to be an environmentally friendly school. We have been part of the Green School programme for the last fifteen years learning about the three Rs reduce, reuse and recycle We have been awarded seven green flags based on the topics Litter, Waste, Energy, Water, Travel, Biodiversity and Global Citizenship
We have other Committees in our school too. The sixth class girls make up our Student Council. The aim of the Student Council is to: The girls took part in the Juniour Entrepreneur Programme and the Sky Living Sports Programme
Our Diversity Committee Fourth class are the Diversity Committee. The activities of the Committee: Act as a buddy to new children in the classroom and in the yard. Be yard buddies during Anti Bullying Weeks Welcome parents and new children to the school on our Opening Day. Decorate the school grounds with fun characters The girls took part in the BizWorld programme this year
Our Active Committee Second Class are the Active School Committee The Committee have three aims: To make sure that everybody takes part in physical activity before, during and after school To have fun while getting more active We have been awarded an Active School Flag
HEALTHY SCHOOL COMMITTEE Action Plan ASC Noticeboard Third class are the Healthy School Committee. Their motto is Healthy Body Strong Mind Go Better Together. We has been awarded the Healthy Promoting School Award. We participated in the Food Dudes Programme and have become fruit and veg eaters. We revised our Healthy Eating Policy. We painted a large mural, We celebrate anti bullying week every year as our school is a bully free zone.
The Subjects We Learn: English Irish Maths SESE: Geography, History, Science S.P.H.E: Social, Personal and Health Education Religion Music Visual Art P.E. Drama
Information Technology We have interactive whiteboards in all classrooms We can look up information on the internet using our laptop and see them on the screen. We use interactive pens and our fingers to move things on the screen. We can watch DVDs on it and listen to music too.
Our Website Our school website has just been redesigned to include newsletters, policies, photos, diaries, blogging and a translation feature to other languages. You can visit us at: http://wwwscoilchroinaofaathenry.ie
Our Digital Award Our school has become an e-learning school. We received a Digital Award in May 2013 for the use of ICT in learning, teaching and administration. We received the Digital School of Distinction Award in 2014.
Sport Sports club Basketball Camogie Rugby Soccer Athletics
Discovery Science Programme We have just been awarded our 11th Discovery Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths Award of Excellence.
Choirs Children take part in many choirs for morning assemblies, Masses, Prayer Services and Concerts. Children have also taken part in National Childrens Choir, Peace Proms and the Hallelujah Choir Festival.
Our Band Children from second to sixth class are members of our band. They play tin whistles, melodicas, bell lyres, accordions and percussion instruments. Children get the opportunity to learn four instruments.
Extra Curricular Activities Basketball Dance Yoga Science Club Art Classes Junior Infant Club Sports club Guitar Lessons Table Quiz French & Spanish Lessons Senior Infant Club
Any Questions Please Contact: Mrs Neylon (Principal) Mrs Kennedy (secretary) or refer to www.scoilchroinaofaathenry.ie
Take a look at our school flags
to our school!