Baseline evaluation results Texas Instruments DLP® Products Pilot Research & Professional Development Programme Baseline evaluation results Roger Blamire - @rblamire UK, March 2016
People Geographical coverage: six countries Czech Republic, France, Poland, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom All 11 participants teach science Three are head of science / subject coordinator, Two are also ICT coordinators Subjects taught: Mathematics (2), physics (2), chemistry (2), all (2) Biology (1), technology (1), maths/physics/biology/astronomy (1) Full age range covered: Primary (1) Lower secondary (11) Upper secondary (2) Experienced in both teaching and using ICT
Schools Full age range covered: Primary (1) Lower secondary (11) Upper secondary (2) Most schools have fewer than 30 classrooms One has 31-50 and one more than 50 classrooms Most are state funded The large school is independent One is both state and private
Percentage of all classrooms having… So, in four schools over 80% of classrooms have an interactive whiteboard and/or data projector Ringo Germany and Jan R CZ have fewprojection faciilties But in two schools most (61-80%) classrooms have no projection facility
Classrooms have no projection equipment because… It is not considered necessary in the subject taught in that room (5) The classroom is too small (2) There is no money to buy the equipment (4)
Public areas: display equipment used A data projector and screen in three schools Interactive whiteboard (smartboard) in two schools A large TV/monitor in two schools In six schools there is no display equipment in these areas
In the project classroom … There is already: a data projector and screen in six schools an interactive whiteboard (smartboard) in eight schools There is either a data projector or an interactive whiteboard in every project classroom
Student opinions More than 250 responses, from Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom Preliminary analysis: open ended answers and two more sets of responses to be analysed Important to feed back to students Thank you to all involved!
Visibility of text and images
Visibility of formulae, diagrams, code etc.
Visibility – as reported by teachers Do teachers overestimate the difficulties further back?
Size and brightness of displays Marked preference for larger display
Sound and location of projector
Use of projector – by teachers High use of projectors already
Students’ use of projector Not in UK and Germany according to students
Participants’ intentions To introduce my lessons with historical videos or measurement instruments. Use online exercises so as to train pupils. 3D presentation of molecules To show experimental films (of things which I can't do during lessons because it's impossible or dangerous), to show physical formulas Physics: using digital protocols of student experiments. Math: using Geogebra more. Astronomy: using detailed images. All subjects: using a document camera for the school books and working books (problem: copyright) To use the full HD projector with new tools such as tablets, phones (or even 3D glasses if I can get some) and to display collaborative work. To use the collaborative work prepared in the project to offer students more engaging pedagogical materials. Geogebra worksheets in teaching and learning mathematics - teacher exercises and students’ work. Creating Inquiry Learning Spaces - Go-Lab Portal. Content and language Integrated Learning in mathematics. Workshops for teachers - ICT tools in teaching STEM subjects Using the 3D classroom and equipment for more interesting and fun learning For HD images such as molecular models, for displaying large amounts of data e.g. spreadsheet. Will explore 3D capability as well I will see..... Workshops for our teachers and for teachers from other schools too To convince my colleagues to work more with projector or whiteboard To test 3D images in chemistry
Next steps Workshop 2 catch up and share And an in–depth review and discussion on HD projection End of project questionnaire and report Will be published and widely disseminated To include analysis of blogs, video clips, testimony, interviews … Please keep all records, and lots of photos (with student permission)!
Thank you for your attention! Texas Instruments DLP® Products Pilot Research & Professional Development Programme Thank you for your attention! Roger Blamire - @rblamire Blackwell UK, March 2016