Operational Business Plan for FY 18 As the CEO during this transition period, my main objectives in FY 18 are: I. Complete any relevant items from the FY16 – FY18 Operations Plan; II. Increase cooperation/synergy between the AOG and our USAFA Endowment; III. Implement programs/projects I believe are needed.
Operational Business Plan for FY 18 As the CEO during this transition period, my main objectives in FY 18 are: I. Complete any relevant items from the FY16 – FY18 Operations Plan Affinity Groups Produce and disseminate news items about existing affinity groups Locate more interest groups that could benefit from Affinity Group status Update Affinity Handbook and rules Young Alumni Engagement Implement a social media program to engage new graduates on a recurring basis Cadets Develop program to introduce firstclass cadets to chapter near first duty station Career Services Create an active, evolving marketing campaign for our Career Services Create “Web Series” to educate graduates about career services/programs
Operational Business Plan for FY 18 As the CEO during this transition period, my main objectives in FY 18 are: II. Increase cooperation/synergy between the AOG and our USAFA Endowment Chapters Develop process to better integrate Chapter Events with goals for Endowment Ensure MGOs are aware of, and invited to, Chapter Events in their regions Parents Partner our Coordinator with our Endowment’s Director of Parent and Family Giving AOG National Events Partner with our Endowment and Athletics maximize engagement and defray costs
Operational Business Plan for FY 18 As the CEO during this transition period, my main objectives in FY 18 are: III. Implement programs/projects I believe are needed. Launch First Stage of Business-Centric Graduate Interaction Provide ability for graduates to find other graduates who own businesses Stewardship of Existing AOG Funds Devote AOG manpower to steward AOG-held gifts Offset Checkpoints Costs Find Donor/Sponsor to cover direct costs of printing/shipping Checkpoints Prompt Board to Debate/Resolve Strategic Issues to Allow Creation of Next Ops Plan What is our 10-Year End State? Are Our Vision and Mission Correct?
Operational Business Plan for FY 18
Operational Business Plan for FY 18 ARTICLE I. Purpose Section 1. Vision: The Association of Graduates (AOG) is the primary organization of United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) graduates and friends of the Academy, dedicated to supporting the Academy mission of building leaders of character for the Air Force and the nation, and providing service and support to graduates, friends and cadets. Section 2. Mission: To pursue our vision and to serve and support the United States of America, the United States Air Force, the United States Air Force Academy, and the graduate community by: a. Working in partnership with the Academy to produce and foster graduates with an enduring commitment to integrity, excellence, and service to country. b. Providing leadership, communication, and support to all Academy graduates and friends of the Academy, and promoting camaraderie among them. c. Promoting the heritage of the Academy, our common traditions, and the accomplishments of our graduates.
Operational Business Plan for FY 18 ENDS: The AOG is the premier support organization for the Academy and its graduates, promoting continued and increased interest in, support of and dedication to the mission, ideals, objectives, activities and heritage of the Academy. Academy graduates and friends that support the AOG mission enjoy membership with a wide range of service benefits, which are supported by business and philanthropic opportunities as well as dues. 1. Graduates, cadets and friends are connected to the Academy and each other. 2. The Academy, its cadets and graduates receive enthusiastic strong support. 3. Graduates have loyalty to and camaraderie with each other. 4. The heritage and traditions of the Academy and accomplishments of its graduates are promoted to increase awareness within the graduate community and the nation. 5. The Academy community values, respects, and has a good working relationship with the AOG and its members