Revelation 8
Revelation 8:1-5 1. How did people in the ancient world use trumpets? They used them to make music. Psalm 150:3 The most important use was to warn of approaching enemies. Joshua 6:5; Ezekiel 33:3-6; Amos 3:6 How will trumpets be used in the future? Matthew 24:31; 1 Corinthians 15:52
• There was silence in heaven for a half hour. 2. What does each of the main parts of this vision mean? Match each statement with the word that describes it. foreboding judgments warnings prayers • There was silence in heaven for a half hour. • The eighth angel offers incense on the altar before God. • The angel uses the censer to scoop up coal from the fire and the altar, and he hurls it to the earth, resulting in nature being in a state of upheaval. • The seven angels were given seven trumpets. foreboding – silence judgments – censer hurled to the earth warnings – seven angels with trumpets ”prayers” – eighth “angel” offering up incense
3. How do the warning judgments that God sends on this world serve to help the church? lead some to repentance. Keep us mindful of Last Day and final judgment.
Revelation 8:6-13 Revelation 8:6-13 1. Make a list of the plagues God sent on Egypt. (Exodus 7-11) Blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock sickness, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of firstborn
2. Which plague forms the foundation for each of the first four warning judgments? • first trumpet God sent hail mixed with fire on Egypt. Many crops burned up. (land masses) • second trumpet Recall how God turned water into blood. (oceans and seas) • third trumpet Plague of blood referred to again. Think of how bitter for Egyptians. (fresh waters) • fourth trumpet God sent darkness on Egyptians, symbolizing their spiritual darkness. (heavenly bodies)
Ecological catastrophies Problems in the sky 3. List some of the warning judgments God is sending into this world. Think of the four realms of this world. Many answers will fit. Natural disasters Ecological catastrophies Problems in the sky
Revelation 9:1-11 1. The first four trumpets were each based on one of the plagues God sent on Egypt. On which plague is the fifth trumpet based? locusts – also used as symbol of God’s judgment in Joel
2. Examine the details of the symbol of the locust 2. Examine the details of the symbol of the locust. Also note what locusts can do. What makes it clear that the locusts in Revelation are not literal locusts but symbols of something different? Do not eat grass or leaves, but instead torment people. Sting like that of a scorpion and characteristics of attacking troops. They had lions’ teeth and human hair. Their leader was Satan.
3. The smoke and darkness and inability to use death as an escape bring to mind a condition in which many people find themselves. What might that condition be? Note that although locusts could sting like scorpions, they could not kill. Although people were tormented, they could not die. In Scripture darkness often symbolizes the absence of God and His blessings. The picture of locusts here is people being deceived by false teachings and kept from the truth of the gospel. 1 John 4:1 Note also that the locusts only have power over those who do not bear God’s seal. John 10:27-28
4. In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus gives us signs of the last times 4. In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus gives us signs of the last times. Some were referred to in the vision of the seven seals. The vision in the present verses alludes to another. Which is it? Jesus said false prophets will arise
5. Why is false doctrine so tormenting? Think of Luther before gospel opened his eyes. When churches turn people to their own works to find salvation, people live under a burden. Their consciences trouble and torment them. When people really listen to their consciences and find no hope in the gospel, they would like to die. How does all false teaching obscure or darken the sun? John 1:9, 8:12; Psalm 119:105; 2 Peter 1:19; Malachi 4:2; Revelation 22:3
6. Why is it vital that we continue to focus on the gospel? Only the gospel gives life and frees people from the scorpion stings of these locusts. What do these warnings teach us about those who have grown insensitive to doctrinal differences and take lightly false teachers?