Phases 5 and 6 and the Phonics Screening Check
Phase 5 Throughout Year 1 By the end of Phase Five children should: ■ give the sound when shown any of the letters and combinations of letters that have been taught; ■ for any given sound, write the common letters used; ■ apply phonic knowledge and skill as the prime approach to reading and spelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable; ■ read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words; ■ read automatically all the words in the list of 100 high-frequency words; ■ accurately spell most of the words in the list of 100 high-frequency words; ■ form each letter correctly.
Phase 5 sound mat
Phase 6 Throughout Year 2 Word-specific spellings – i.e. when phonemes can be spelt in more than one way, children learn which words take which spellings (e.g. see/sea ) Increasingly fluent sounding and blending of words encountered in reading for the first time. Spelling of words with prefixes and suffixes, doubling and dropping letters where necessary (e.g. hop/hopping, hope/hoping, hope/ hopeful, carry/carried, happy/happiness). Increasingly accurate spelling of words containing unusual groups of letters (e.g. laugh, once, two, answer, could, there).
Phase 6 Throughout Year 2 To understand and begin to learn the conventions for adding the suffix -ed for past tense and -ing for present tense To split compound words into their component parts and use this knowledge to support spelling To learn how to add common suffixes to words To add common prefixes to root words and to understand how they change meaning To discriminate syllables in multisyllabic words as an aid to spelling
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check This is a test given to all Year 1 pupils in the summer term in June It is a statutory requirement for all schools Pupils are tested on their reading of 40 words given in 2 sections with 20 words in each In each section some words are ‘real’ words and some are ‘alien’ words To reach the required standard pupils must read 32 out of the 40 words accurately at the first attempt
Real words
Alien words