Bobby Wan Create 3D Shapes Bobby Wan


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Presentation transcript:

Bobby Wan Create 3D Shapes Bobby Wan

Create 3D arrow Circular arrow in blocked arrows Perspective relaxed in 3D rotation Circle beveled for top surface in 3D format 40pt depth in 3D format Difference between parallel and perspective in 3d format In 3D rotation,Perspective heroic extreme left –> future has come to us! Add off axis 1 left

Create 3D Roadmap Insert curve Outline black Width to 120 Copy of line Change to 6pts ,white color Align top, left Change to dash Group them perspective relax Y rotation few times Stretch outside slide, cut paste as pic, crop Add flags (rectangle, punched tape)

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3D Gear Add circle 16 point star behind circle Adjust control handle of star to make it spiky Align centre, middle Merge shapes, select intersect Add circle over it, align then group then merge shapes , select union Add small circle, align, merge shapes, select subtract 3D relaxed perspective, circle bevel, depth 15pt Material metal, soft edge