Welcome to our Early Years Meeting Tuesday 19th September 2017
Thank you!! This Is Me
Starting school Settling in What are we learning? Reading Phonics How can I help support my child? Observations, Baseline Assessment and Tapestry Question Time What’s coming up?
Settling in How can I help? Encourage independence with coats, book bags, drink bottles - ensure all these are clearly named!! (Please no bottles in Book Bags because of spillages.) PE starts next week –Wed/Friday – no earrings please! Hair to be tied back at all times please! One page profiles to be completed please Do ask if you need any advice!
What are we learning? Wow Board Curriculum– This Is Me! We will be using the This Is Me books to help start us off Wow Board Weekly Learning Overview -Each week it will be stuck in the Homework Diary.
Reading Library books - when, what, where, how? How can I share books? 10 Top Tips Homework Diary – what sort of things can we say? Please encourage your child to put them in the blue tray in the mornings. Reading books – start to come home around Christmas or sooner if the child is ready.
Phonics What, when and how? Synthetic Phonics = Teaching of phonetic sounds to help reading and writing. Children are first taught a small group of sounds, then learn to blend the sounds to read words made up of those sounds, e.g. sat. Then they are taught more sounds and learn to blend those too. Every morning starting next week! Jolly Phonics – songs, games, red Phonic book for practising at home! How do I know how to say the sounds? www.oxfordowl.co.uk Writing sounds ~ cursive script (enclosed)
How can I help? Red Phonics books – 4 sounds each week (sound and action). Do ask and remember no schwars!!! I spy... Look out for those sounds in words in books, shops, signs Magnetic letters Make up pairs of sounds to play snap or a memory game Hide-and-seek letters Internet – BBC, phonics websites, Oxford Owl – look out for suggestions of games to play at home on the Weekly Learning Overview Phonics Workshop towards the end of term
What else can I do? Dressing themselves independently Sharing books regularly – join the local library Numbers - Counting up/down the stairs, paces to the car, setting the table. Look out for numbers on cars, buses, houses, shops Talk to your child about what they see around them
Learning in Early Years Ultimately children are progressing towards Early Learning Goals (ELGs) – see copy Daily observations of how your child is developing and progressing towards ELGs Tapestry on-line assessment – please fill out the form
Any questions?
What next? Parent Consultations on Wednesday 10th October 5.30-8p.m. or Thursday 12th October 3.30-6p.m. Please fill in the slip and return! Confirmation of date and time Harvest Festival 20th October 2.45p.m. at the Church – collect your child from the Church