Facilitators: Prof. Karen Grimmer and Janine Dizon Contextualizing Hypertension Clinical Practice Guidelines for Africa: A G-I-N Africa Workshop Proposal Lead: Okwen Patrick and Irene Maweu Facilitators: Prof. Karen Grimmer and Janine Dizon Introduction We recently published on the number and quality of hypertension clinical practice guidelines (CPG) in Africa. Of 61 African nations surveyed, 25 used formal guidance. There were six country-specific CPGs, and 11 country-specific protocols. Six countries used CPGs developed by the World Health Organisation, and four countries used international guidance (US, Portugal, Brazil). CPG quality was generally poor. The question arising was ‘Would one common good quality CPG on hypertension be appropriate for all of Africa?’ Methods The workshop will provide participants decision-making guidance methods on how to best use good quality guidelines and focus on context barrier issues in order to implement best practice evidence into local practice. We have done preliminary research into (1) assessing quality of African hypertension guidelines and other published guidelines using AGREE II and found there are some good quality hypertension guidelines that can be adopted or contextualised or adapted in practice and (2) context barriers in implementing hypertension guidelines in an African country (Cameroon). The workshop will be facilitated by International Centre for Allied Health Evidence and G-I-N Africa. 10A criteria for contextualisation and/or adaptation . Objectives: • To discuss context barrier issues (i.e., local economy, agriculture, culture, family structures, etc.) in implementing hypertension guidelines in Africa and how context barrier issues impact on putting hypertension guidelines into local practice. • To discuss alternative guideline writing and implementation approaches (adopting, contextualising and adapting) to address context barrier issues in the African setting. • To identify common strategies that could underpin adopted, contextualised or adapted African hypertension guideline implementation activities that could effectively improve hypertension management in Africa. • To discuss end-user guidance documents that can be produced out of the adopted, contextualised or adapted African hypertension guidelines. Tools Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Expected Results . Picture 5 Picture 6 Picture 7 Picture 8 Bottom line or caption about the graphic here Literature Cited Remember to size your font to fit your information into the space. The larger your font, the easier it will be for others to read your poster. Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster. Remember to size your font to fit your information into the space. The larger your font, the easier it Disclosure Remember to size your font to fit your information into the space. The larger your font, the easier it will be for others to read your poster. Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster. Remember to size your font to fit your information into the space. The larger your font, the easier it Other fine print regarding the conference or the post can be placed here, delete if it is not needed