Students capped their pens, were closing their notebooks, and zipped their book bags as they tried to alert Professor Jones, rambling at the lectern, that the end of class had arrived.
The Grand Canyon is viewed by thousands of tourists every year.
With a sigh of disappointment, the expensive dress was returned to the rack.
Professor Ali rewarded his students for their hard work on the final project and going beyond the call of duty.
My family bakes together nearly every night, we then get to enjoy everything we make together.
All the while twirling the baton with the speed and ferocity of helicopter blades.
Beaming satellite images from Jupiter, a planet notoriously difficult to photograph, was a remarkable feat for a team of scientists, who, for the first time ever, were able to depict parts of the planet’s atmosphere that were hitherto unknown.
Hungry, the leftover pizza was devoured.
The instructor explains the diagram to students who asked questions during the lecture.
According to a recent study, an increasing number of people in their 30’s choose to remain single, a finding that, despite reports to the contrary, suggest that fewer people plan to have children.
The entire stretch of highway was paved by the crew.
The boy sitting on the fire escape, dropping water balloons on the pedestrians below.
My favorite bands are all really loud, playing loud music is good for stress relief.
In Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, the narrator is one of the few truly successful characters in terms of moral development. However, she was also seriously flawed in some ways.