Transitional offtake arrangements – Ofgem Initial Proposals on transitional incentives 6 October 2005
Introduction June 2005: Authority decision to delay implementation of enduring offtake arrangements by two years More time for development of enduring offtake More time to consider entry-exit interaction as part of NTS price control review Need to develop transitional offtake arrangements for the period Oct 08 – Oct 10 Interim offtake arrangements Transitional offtake arrangements Enduring offtake arrangements October 2008 October 2010 May 2005
Proposed transitional offtake arrangements Relates to periods for which investment by Transco NTS may be undertaken to satisfy requests for NTS capacity Modification proposal 0046: DNs request NTS offtake rights for the gas year 2008/09 in October 2005 and for gas year 2009/10 in June/July 2006 NTS direct connects booking arrangements remain unchanged Where investment is necessary, ARCA may be required
Transitional incentives – initial proposals will be determined at the next TPCR (2007) greater set of performance data in context of wider price control agreeement but there is a downside… NTS incentives necessary to mitigate DNs’ rational tendency to over-request capacity therefore set now (form similar to interim incentives) >15 days DN interruption incentives reviewed at GDPCR DN incentives
Why are DN incentives needed? Natural tendency for DNs to overrequest NTS exit capacity 3-year ahead capacity requests If triggers investment, mitigated by terms of ARCA (assuming costs cannot be passed through to customers) Requests for amendments within 3-year lead time Tendency to overrequest NTS exit capacity If entered into an ARCA, terms of agreement may provide incentive not to reduce capacity requests DN INCENTIVES NEED TO BE SET
Form of DN transitional incentives Standard “sliding scale” form, with a defined incentive cost target and a cap and collar Parameters rolled forward from interim incentives Defined for the transitional period (from 1 October 2008 to 30 September 2010) Cap and Collar (% of each DN target) Sharing factors Cap Collar Upside Downside Proposed incentive parameters 7.5% -7.5% 100%
DN transitional incentives - targets Allocated volume Outturn price x Level of NTS offtake flat and flexibility capacity that the DNs would be expected to require Consistent with 1 in 20 obligation Most appropriate (methodology likely to be reviewed) Outturn price of flat capacity reference price for flexibility
DN transitional incentives – volume element Ofgem invited individual DNs to provide their view of the targets for the transitional period Baseline: NTS capacity requests submitted by DNs to Transco NTS for 2007/08 for each LDZ exit zone LDZ specific, annual growth rates (consistent with Ten Year Statement) were applied to the baseline When the volume target derived is higher than target requested to Ofgem (at LDZ level), the latter was adopted in order to protect customers It should not be assumed that, in the future, past behaviour will be used for the derivation of incentive targets
DNs also switching their offtake profiles Flat capacity Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Some DNs have opted to switch offtake profile dramatically in response to incentive scheme and exposure to NTS prices
Way forward Responses to be received by 19 October 2005. Final Proposals (with S23) published in early November. Transitional incentive schemes finalised by end of November. Offtake arrangements finalised on a similar timescale. Potential licence drafting, consistent with Initial Proposals, circulated for comment.
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