Something to Hoot About! Weekly News from Mrs. Corcoran’s Super 2nd Graders 12/19/16 Upcoming Dates: Homework log due – Thursday, December 22nd Return weekly book baggie – Thursday, December 22nd *returning this each week is part of your child’s report card grade for homework Holiday party – Tuesday, December 20th 1:30-2:30 Buddy Class activity- Wednesday, December 21st Holiday Sing Along- Thursday, December 22nd Special Schedule: Monday– Library and Art (Day 1) Tuesday- Music (Day 2) Wednesday- Phys. Ed. (Day 3) Thursday- iPads and Art (Day 4) Learning Highlights from Last Week: Math: We began Chapter 3 – Subtraction Up to 1,000. Students worked on lesson 1, subtraction without regrouping. Students also worked on word problems and discussed keywords that help determine when a word problem is a subtraction problem. Fundations: Students learned three sounds for the –ed suffix: /d/ as in chewed, /t/ as in walked and /id/ as in rented. Students also learned how to mark these sounds when marking up basewords and suffixes. Students participated in a group challenge. Given a list of 12 basewords, each group was challenged to come up with as many words as they could by adding suffixes. The winning group came up with 27 words! Science: Students reviewed different types of energy and took the Unit Test on Friday. Writing Workshop: Students worked on elaboration this week. After writing about a part of the Nutcracker that they liked, they worked on adding adjectives to make their sentences even better. Students also brainstormed topics in which they are “experts” to help generate ideas for our information writing unit. Reading Workshop: Students learned how to use text features (including table of contents, glossary, large pictures, captions, headings) to help them do a sneak peak of non-fiction books and determine what the book is trying to teach. News and Announcements: Thank you to all who have already sent in their item for the Buddy Class Christmas Tree Ice-Cream Cone activity. If you haven’t already done so, please send in your item by Tuesday. If you have any questions, please let me know. Students’ last day of school before Winter Break is Thursday, December 22nd. Weather permitting, students will be participating in the Holiday Sing Along. If you haven’t already done so, please return the permission slip. I hope everyone enjoys a well-deserved break. Happy Holidays!! School resumes session on Tuesday, January 3, 2017.