World War 2 Topic web on Year 5 Autumn Term English Science Maths Writing Letter writing – children will write a letter about their trip as an evacuee and send it home. Non-fiction – the children will work I groups to create a fact file poster about an event in the war. We will use the story ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ as inspiration for various writing tasks such as writing the story from the perspective of different characters. Children to design a menu for a meal or feast they would give a visiting evacuee. Spoken language – Debate and discussion time through a weekly Newsround session. Each child to bring in a bag filled with a few favourite items that they would pack as an evacuee. Can they talk about their choices with other members of the class. Role-play scenarios associated with the book ‘Letters from the Lighthouse ‘, such as discussion between mum and the child about having to go away as an evacuee. Reading – Guided reading sessions to focus on understanding; Meaning of new words; Asking questions; Characterisation – using quotes to back up thoughts; Prediction. Share reading of ‘First News’ as part of our weekly current affairs discussion. Spellings – Weekly spelling test on Thursdays. Each child with have a spelling book to practise misspelt words shown in work. Focus on words containing – ough.and ending with – ‘cious’ or ‘tious, ‘ant’, ‘ance/ancy’, ‘ent’, and ‘ence’/ency’. Vocabulary, Grammar & Punctuation – The pupils will be encouraged to read their work out loud in order to identify how punctuation can alter its effect. Words containing prefixes and suffixes. Looking at the use of comma’s and dashes. Use time connectives – then, after that, this, firstly in writing. Science Materials – the children will be testing different materials to see which ones will be strong, waterproof and opaque to make a model of an Anderson air raid shelter. Forces – investigating the impact of air resistance when making parachutes. Maths Numbers – Place Value The children will be looking at place value where we will be investigating numbers up to 1,000,000 and understanding the value of each of the digit. We will learning about negative numbers and how to plot them along a numberline. Links will be made with the topic, such as recording temperatures that soldiers would have encountered in Russia and Burma. Use number facts from World war 2 to practise writing large numbers, for example the amount of people killed in WW2 Addition and Subtraction Learn the formal written methods to add and subtract whole numbers. Subtraction – learn the method of borrowing when there is a 0 in the next column. Develop strategies to add numbers mentally by using partitioning, near doubles, counting up and multiples of 10. Rounding – use the place value chart to discuss what numbers are affected when rounding. Round some statistics from the war to the nearest whole number. Multiplication and division Practise using a formal written method for short and long multiplication and division They will be learning terminology such as prime numbers, prime factors and square and cube numbers. Continuous practise with times tables. Year 5 Autumn Term Topic web on World War 2 Languages To tie in WW2, the children will be learning German. They will practise simple greetings in German as well as days of the week, food, numbers, colours, birthdays and parts of the body. Music All the class will be learning the recorder and reading simple notation. Chance to perform in harvest and Christmas services. Learn songs prevalent during the great war years – ‘We’ll meet again’ and UK Marching Song "(We're Gonna Hang Out) the Washing on the Siegfried Line.” Art/D.T. The children will continue their acrylic portraits. They will be mixing different shades of grey to create a black and white image of themselves as a soldier! They will investigate the work of artist Norman Wilkinson who created geometric patterns that were used for camouflage on boats during WW2. the children wil create their own design. History/Geography Create a timeline of events leading up to and during the war. Battle of Britain – identify key features that helped Britain to defend their country successfully. Learn about the role of the Code Breakers. Research the effects of the airstrikes on Britain – The Blitz. Become familiar with the location of the countries involved in first year of WW2 by locating them on a map of 1939 Europe. P.E. Tag Rugby, Cross Country, Dance and Hockey Computers Use internet to research information on World War 2 and find answers to questions posed in the class. Recreate the famous broadcast - podcasting throughout day of events. R.E./P.H.S.E. Christianity – Harvest and Christmas. Sikhism – Guru Nanak