Harvesting Information to Sustain our Forests: Creating an Adaptive Management Portal NSF DIGITAL GOVERNMENT PROGRAM Advisory Board Meeting 08 November 2000 Advisory Board Meeting Portland, Oregon 08 November 2000
Advisory Board Members Co-Inventor of the Topic Map Model Michel Biezunski President, IUFRO, Oxford Forestry Institute, Dept of Plant Sciences Jeff Burley Martin Goebel Sustainable Northwest MD, Asst. Professor, Division of Medical Informatics and Outcomes Research, OHSU Paul Gorman Executive Director, IMFN Secretariat Fred Johnson Chief, Office of Technical Support, Forest Resources, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service Monty Knudsen Communications Director, USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station Cynthia L. Miner Science Advisor, USDI, National Park Service Regina Rochefort Assistant Director, Ecosystem Mgt., USDA, Forest Service Steve Solem Staff Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Mark Whiting Forest/environmental expertise Computer science expertise Advisory Board Meeting Portland, Oregon 08 November 2000
Principal Team Members Tim Tolle Regional Coordinator for AMA, US Forest Service Eric Landis Forest Information System Specialist, Consultant Craig Palmer Natural Resources Monitoring Expert, UNLV Fred Phillips Professor and Head, Mgt. of Science and Tech., OGI Patty Toccalino Asst. Prof., Environmental Science and Eng., OGI Lois Delcambre Professor, Computer Science and Eng., OGI David Maier Professor, Computer Science and Eng., OGI Shawn Bowers PhD Student, Computer Science and Eng., OGI Mat Weaver PhD Student, Computer Science and Eng., OGI Forest/env. expertise Computer science expertise Advisory Board Meeting Portland, Oregon 08 November 2000
Advisory Board Meeting Portland, Oregon 08 November 2000 Project Factoids Duration: 3 years Budget: $1.5 million Participants: Adaptive Management Areas (Tim Tolle) Oregon Graduate Institute (Lois Delcambre, David Maier, Patty Toccalino, Fred Phillips), Natural Resource Information Specialist (Eric Landis) Federal Agencies: Forest Service (Northwest Region), PNW Research Station, Bureau of Land Management, National Science Foundation, Fish and Wildlife Service Location: Western Washington, Oregon and California Advisory Board Meeting Portland, Oregon 08 November 2000
Advisory Board Meeting Portland, Oregon 08 November 2000 Project Structure This depicts our plan of work. Nevertheless, if we can visualize thee arrows as not being unidirectional, we can get it. I’ll ask the lead person of each of these steps to introduce him or her self and briefly describe the step. Then, the remainder of the “team” will introduce themselves. I will start with step one. As is our style, we are not doing any of these steps alone or even with just part of the team. We’ve learned from adaptive management that involvement is the best way to transmit information, especially understanding that information. Advisory Board Meeting Portland, Oregon 08 November 2000