CANADA Šimon Pásler, XB
Basic facts word ´kanata´ = village, settlement total area: 9 984 670 sq km population: 34 834 841 people density of population: 3,5 people/sq km official language: English,French religion: Christian currency: Canadian dollar capital city : Ottawa (1 milion people) • other cities: Toronto (5,5 mil.people) Montreal (4 mil.people) Vancouver (2,5 mil.people) • 6 time zones
Geography of Canada on the North American continent (in northern hemisphere) 3 oceans: Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic ocean borders on the USA to the south and the north-west (Alaska) The Rocky Mountains ( Mt. Logan- 5 959 m) forests (southern part of country) x tundra (northern part of country) rivers: The Mackenzie The St. Lawrence river • inland lakes: - The Great Lakes - shares with the USA - consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron and Ontario - The Great Slave Lake - The Winnipeg Lake - The Great Bear Lake • continental climate
Geography of Canada • Animals the beaver (canadian national animal) the moose the black bear the grizzly bear (mostly in the north west) the polar bear (in the Arctic region) the coyote
History 2500 years back - first settlement 1000- Vikings 1497 -John Cabot ( Italian seaman) 1534 -Jacques Cartier ( French seaman) rivalry between France and Great Britain 1774 - Quebec Act 1867 - British-North-America-Act 1982 - Canada Act (Dominion Day → Canada Day)
Political system member of Commonwealth constitutional monarchy official head- Queen Elizabeth II. - represented by General Governor (David Johnston) • federal parliament (in Ottawa) - the Senat (the Upper House) - House of Commons (the Lower House) - leader of the government – the Prime Minister (Justin Trudeau) • each province has its own single-chambered parliament (premier)
Political system •10 provinces: -Ontario (Toronto) -Quebec (Montreal) -Nova Scotia -New Brunswick -Manitoba (Winnipeg) -British Columbia (Vancouver) -Prince Edward Island -Saskatchewan -Alberta (Calgary) -Newfoundland and Labrador •3 territories: -Northwest Territories -Yukon -Nunavut
Economy • highly developed country • 12% of the land suitable for agriculture • rich in raw materials (Ni, Ag, Au, Cu) - one of the world´s richest deposits • timber and paper • maple syrup
Sports in Canada • ice-hockey (official winter sport) • lacrosse (official summer sport) • American football • basketball • curling - 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver
Places to visit in Canada • Ottawa - small and friendly city - Rideau Canal (in winter-the world’s largest ice skating ring) • Calgary - famous rodeo event – the Calgary Stampede • Quebec - North America´s most European city - charms visitors with 17th- and 18th-century buildings • Toronto -is one of the world’s most culturally diverse cities (Chinatown, Little India and Little Italy) - CN Tower
Places to visit in Canada • Niagara Falls - series of waterfalls situated on the border of Canada’s Ontario and the United States’ New York - Horseshoe Falls (Ontario)- best views and attractions • National Parks: - breathtaking scenery and wildlife - Banff National Park - Jasper National Park • Prince Edward Islands - harp seals
Famous Canadians Margaret Atwood - The Blind Assassin Michael Ondaatje - The English Patient James Cameron (Titanic, Avatar) Dan Aykroyd Nelly Furtado Celine Dion Avril Lavigne