A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want


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Presentation transcript:

A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want Sonja Lyubormirsky’s THE HOW OF HAPPINESS A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want Introduction of the members and us as presenters…include our job description/title and department. Brought to you by Virginia Tech Recreational Sports

How we got here… Why we were seeking resources: Part of our job is to provide exercise consultations with individuals trying to change behaviors (eating disorder and beginning exercise) Regularly looked for good resources and found this book The appeal was: Focus on behavior change scientific approach Focused on other factors that can improve motivation in exercise- and other areas of life too!

Why land on “happiness” An interest in promoting more than mere “enjoyment” and physical wellness Happiness is associated with: more engagement and better motivated better health & a stronger immune system better relationships increased ability to cope with everyday stress and major trauma It’s not just about feeling good, but sustaining happiness in order to be more successful and live a more rewarding work and personal life

Even the media recognizes Searching For Happiness

Where Do You Look For Happiness? Or what would happiness look like for you… If I only ____, I would be happier. Had more vacation time Had a nicer car Could buy better clothes Lost or gained weight Could eat more comfort food Had a spouse Could find the right therapist Had more money Lived in a nicer house

“The new normal” a phenomenon known as hedonic adaptation HOH Concepts “The new normal” a phenomenon known as hedonic adaptation Affective forecasting is being able to accurately estimate the affects of such events Impact Bias- overestimating the impact of a certain event Example: Broncos game- winning a football game vs. time spent with family/friends enjoying company Insert ADU activity and move myths to follow… Although these things can make us happy, they can’t create sustainable happiness on their own because they become “the new normal” a phenomenon known as hedonic adaptation Affective forecasting is being able to estimate the affects of such events instead of over or underestimating how something will make you feel Example: Overestimating how Virginia Tech winning a football game will make you feel while underestimating how happy the socializing aspect effects happiness

Happiness Myths Myth No. 1 Myth No. 2 Myth No. 3 Happiness must be “found” Myth No. 2 Happiness lies in changing our circumstances Myth No. 3 You either have it or you don’t Addressing Myth 1: Happiness is a state of mind, a way of approaching ourselves and the world in which we reside Addressing Myth 2: Changes in our circumstances, no matter how positive and stunning, actually have little bearing on our well-being Addressing Myth 3: Growing research demonstrates persuasively that we can overcome our genetic programming- one is not “born happy or unhappy.” New research has shown that individuals who possess “depression genes” but were fortunate to have had either supportive family environments or several present-day positive life experiences do not become depressed.

The 12 Behaviors Activity 1: Expressing Gratitude- being thankful Activity 2: Cultivating Optimism- focusing on positives Activity 3: Avoiding Overthinking and Social Comparison- at work and in personal life Activity 4: Practicing Acts of Kindness Activity 5: Nurturing Social Relationships- quality vs. quantity Activity 6: Developing Strategies for Coping Activity 7: Learning to Forgive- for yourself Activity 8: Increasing Flow Experiences- what is truly engaging to you? Activity 9: Savoring Life’s Joys Activity 10: Committing to Your Goals- what is valuable to you? Activity 11: Practicing Religion & Spirituality Activity 12: Taking Care of Your Body (Meditation and Physical Activity)

Thriving At Work (or at anything) Believe in yourself- A person’s ability to thrive in a situation is often correlated with their confidence (self-efficacy). If you truly believe you can, often, you will. Example: Being confident in your skills and abilities Anticipate the bumps- be realistic and try to eliminate barriers. If you can’t eliminate barriers, try to come up with ways to minimize their impact. Example: You always experience burn out at the end of the semester Get support- friends, family, online communities- having a support and encouragement network is key Example: a walking or exercise group that keeps you accountable and offers support; coworkers during difficult times

Cont.. Make Yourself a Priority- You can’t expect to change the world running on empty Example: Turn off email on weekends, take your lunch break Challenge yourself and change things up- If every day is the same, it’s hard to stay enthusiastic Example: Start a new project, learn a new professional skill, get involved in a new committee or organization, start a new office-culture initiative Remember the deeper meaning- Sometimes it’s easy to forget the reason for the long hours, tough conversations, etc. but if you remember the deeper meaning of being a part of UCCS and higher education, you may find yourself reigniting the fire!

Further Information Any last questions or comments? Contact: Katie Gordon kgordon4@uccs.edu Student Health Center