EC-6 and 4-8 Content Test Analysis - Science Department of Teacher Education Angelo State University December 2016
Reasons for analysis Trending downward overall Student scores are given as Domain Scores Domain Scores are practically useless Needed a base line Needed to know competencies EC-6 Science 18 competencies 4-8 Science 23 competencies
Areas of Concern 2011 Assessment Impacts of science on people Nature of science Anything to do with Earth Science
Comparisons EC-6 2010-11 Baseline 2015-16 66 attempts 57 attempts % points change 001 Safety 83 74 (9) 002. History and nature of science 45 38 003 Impacts of science 61 23 004 Unifying concepts and processes 50 005 Students as learners and science instruction 81 67 (14) 006 Science assessment 48 78 30 007 Forces and motion 47 31 008 Physial and chemical properties 58 27 009 Energy and Interactions N/A 62 010 Energy transformations and conservation 88 75 (13) 011 Structure and function of living things 10 86 76 012 Reproduction and the mechanisms of heredity 56 6 013 Adaptations and evolution 37 21 014 Organisms and the environment 15 46 015 Structure and function of earth systems 63 7 * 016 Cycles in earth systems 64 16 * 017 Energy in weather and climate 16 53 37 * 018 Solar system and the Universe 47* * GEOL 1401 added in Fall 2014, PS3311 & 3312 More Astronomy Content test changed 2015
Comparisons 4-8 2010-11 Baseline 2015-16 11 attempts (%) 2010-11 Baseline 2015-16 11 attempts (%) 10 attempts (5) % points change 1. Safety 39 83 44 2. Tools 51 57 6 3. History and nature of science 28 82 54 4. Personal impacts of science 42 100 58 5. Unifying concepts 25 33 6. Forces and motion 92 53 7. Properties and changes of matter - physical 27 67 40 8. Properties and changes of matter - chemical 9. Energy interactions 29 10. Conservation of matter N/A 50 11. Structure and function of living things 10 12. Heredity 43 15 13. Adaptations and evolution 35 32 14. Regulatory mechanisms 75 48 15. Organisms and Environment 31 52 16. Structure and function of earth systems 63* 17. Earth System cycles 36 64* 18. Energy weather and climate 20 30* 19. Solar System 50* 20. History of earth systems 24 76* 21. Teaching science 22. Scientific inquiry 59 23. Assessment
What’s next…. Continuous improvement Continue to review test data Review other content area data Work to include low content areas, such as unifying concepts, into classroom demonstrations, lesson plans, etc. Request more written background knowledge/understanding on lesson plans Share data with content departments