How can I retire a millionaire? Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7
Students will discover what is necessary to retire a millionaire. Learning Outcomes Students will discover what is necessary to retire a millionaire. Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7
Lesson Tasks Answer questions about your own life 50 years from now Complete the Retirement Case Study Read article regarding what is needed to retire a millionaire Complete the Life Expectancy Calculator Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7
Saving for retirement
How and why are their retirements different? Think about It… Let’s think about some senior citizens before we think about ourselves at retirement age. Nina and James are retired. They travel to Hawaii, Mexico, Southern California, and Florida during the winter months and live in a nice home near their children and grandchildren, and they love spoiling them! Linda is 71 and is still working as a substitute teacher. Her health is of concern to her, but she has not saved enough to retire yet. Lee is retired and lives on a very strict budget. Social security and his retirement check are just enough to cover the bills and still give him a small amount to spend for fun. How and why are their retirements different? Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7
50 Years from Now Look 50 years into the future and what you think your retirement-age you will be like. How will you spend your time? Where will you be living? What will you be eating? Wearing? Will you travel or have hobbies? Need more inspiration? See yourself age using this website: Face Retirement - Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7
Why Saving for Retirement Is Important Let’s watch this video with the questions below in mind: Link: Saving For Retirement Video Keep the following questions in mind: Is $3,000 or $12,000 enough for retirement? Why or why not? What sorts of retirement accounts do companies have now? (Defined contribution) What kind of retirement account do you hope to have? What questions do you have after watching this video? Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7
Retirement Case Study With a partner or group of three, complete the Retirement Case Study Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7
Benefits of Saving Early Read this article Explain why Susan has more wealth than Bill even though she saved for a shorter time. How can you retire a millionaire? How much do you need to put into retirement every year? Starting when? At what annual return %? Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7
Let’s Review…
Review How much money do you need to retire comfortably? What is an example of a retirement account? Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7
Review How much money do you need to retire comfortably? 1 million dollars What is an example of a retirement account? Responses will vary Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7
Complete the Lesson… Visit the following Life Expectancy Calculator website and determine how long you are projected to live Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved UNIT 3 LESSON 7