Acceptable Use Policy (Draft) Living Sky School Division #202 Procedure Type: Technology Procedure Title: Internet Acceptable Use Legal Reference: DRAFT Approval Date: Draft 1 – October 29, 2007
Background The internet and its web-based technologies are essential to teaching and learning in the 21st Century by offering vast, diverse and unique resources to both students and teachers. The nature of information, the tools we use to find, use and share it as well as the expectations for teaching and learning with technology are rapidly changing.
Cont’d……. Once a medium used for finding information by providing access to recent research, up-to-date statistics, online resources and varied opinions, the Internet has now become an environment for conversation, collaboration, creation and contribution. Teachers and students use the Internet not only to find information but as a place to contribute their growing knowledge and understanding of the world.
Cont’d…… Schools are faced with the difficult task of ensuring that their students have access to online tools and resources while at the same making sure that they are using the technology safely, responsibly and ethically. It is essential that the technology acceptable use policy act as an enabling document that promotes effective uses to solve problems and accomplish learning goals.
Goals and Expectations The goals of the Acceptable Use Policy are to provide protection for our students while enabling effective, responsible and safe use of the Internet by
Offering filtering tools and guidelines for use that protect our students but allow easy blocking and unblocking of sites Not blocking specific sites or banning devices but rather addressing student behaviors or activities. Focusing more responsibility in the direction of the student, the school and the parent Considering rapidly evolving Web 2.0 applications along with personal, mobile and emerging devices
Statement of purpose The purpose of the Internet is to support research and education by providing access to resources and the opportunity to use those resources for conversation, collaboration, creation and contribution consistent with the goals of the curriculum and educational objectives of the teacher.
Access to the school division’s e-mail services is provided to meet the administrative, educational, and curricular goals of the school division therefore students are encouraged to use school division-based e-mail for school projects and communication. All staff are encouraged to use school division-based e-mail for school and school division business particularly with regards to confidential items.
Use of the wide variety of personal electronic communication devices including but not limited to mp3 players and cell phones are a 21st Century extension of our students’ social and learning networks and may enhance opportunities for our students to engage in local, national and international conversations and collaborations.
Regulations Responsibility The Board assumes the responsibility for setting guidelines for appropriate use of the school divisions computer and communication systems including a Selection Policy for Online Resources and a Policy for Challenged Resources. School Division staff are responsible for supporting schools in their understanding of digital safety, creating a digital citizenship program and implementing a parent outreach program
Schools are responsible for informing and educating staff, students and parents about the policy and the proper use of the systems Students and staff members are responsible for using the system within the bounds of the policy. Parents and guardians are responsible for reviewing the guidelines with their children and participating in events that broaden their understanding and perspective of the Internet and communication tools.
Use Users must act in a responsible, ethical, legal and safe manner at all times and not misuse access to the Internet and communication services and the use of personal communication devices to Send or receive messages that indicate or suggest pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, hate, sexism, inappropriate language. Engage in frivolous or unauthorized commercial usage of the Internet
Transmit any material in violation of Canadian law Transmit any material in violation of Canadian law. This includes but is not limited to, copyrighted material and threatening or obscene material. Limit the availability of, cause excessive strain on, or interfere with the use of the Internet and communication resources to individuals or the entire system. Vandalize or undertake any malicious attempt to modify or destroy files, data or passwords of another user. This includes but is not limited to, the uploading of computer viruses.
Violation Users who violate the terms of the policy may have access to the Internet and communication services suspended and/or personal communication devices confiscated.
Publishing and displaying student pictures and student work: Parents and guardians need to be aware that their child’s work, writing or picture is under consideration for publication on the Internet No address or telephone number will appear with publication of work or photo. No family name will appear with the photo or work of the students
Parents, guardians and the individual student must grant written permission in the connection of work, writing or picture. The school division will provide a form to request to permission from parents and guardians
Privacy Division staff will attempt to ensure confidentiality of messages and Internet use but all users should be aware that this comes with no guarantee. If illegal actions or abuse of the system are suspected authorized division staff will view the suspected users account. The use of the School Division’s NetSupport services will be used to assist and train individuals with their knowledge and permission to do so.
Data Retention Division staff will take efforts to ensure back-up of files and data however the school division is not responsible for loss of data or communications by system failure or maintenance. Staff and students are encouraged to back-up their files
Filtering The school division will provide a content filtering tool and filter for pornography at the division level. Schools will be responsible for establishing their own filtering criteria. The school division will train school-based individuals to use the content filter Each school will create a selection policy that guides their selection of online resources and a challenged materials policy that allows staff, students and parents to request the blocking or unblocking of online resources. Schools may choose to have specific sites blocked but must outline a reason for doing so
Education and Outreach Each school will create an outreach program to Inform parents and students of the school’s guidelines, expectations and policies regarding internet use including but not limited to private information, publishing of student photos and work, copyright, bullying and use of personal communication devices Inform parents about the changing nature of the web and their role in ensuring their children are safe and using the Internet responsibly, safely and ethically. Schools will create and implement a program on digital citizenship for each grade level within the school