Acceptable Use Acceptable Use means following rules when you use computers at school.
More Computer Rules??? There are basic rules for taking care of computers so they stay in working order. Examples: keep hands clean, no pencils, gum, drinks, near computers, use keyboards gently, etc… Acceptable Use Rules are different kind of computer use rules. They include using other people’s information, using passwords, Internet searching, and copying information.
What is an Acceptable Use Policy? What is Intellectual Property? What is Plagiarism? Why do we need to know this?
Acceptable Use Policy Parents and students must agree to follow the school district’s rules when using computers and technology. Your parents signed an AUP form for you to be able to use the Internet at school. By signing the AU policy form, you are committing to using the computers and Internet safely and properly.
Intellectual Property Property is something a person owns. It can be a pencil, car, a house, anything… Intellectual Property is anything a person has written, drawn, or created from ideas that are their own. Examples are: art, web sites, software, music, and poems
Plagiarism Plagiarism means you are taking someone else’s ideas, pictures, or words and using them as your own. When you use something another person or group created or wrote, you need to give them credit. This is called citing your sources. You need to reference or cite all pictures, music, books, magazine articles, or Internet information you use for school work.
We need to know this…WHY? It is the law. It is illegal to download music from the Internet without paying for it. It is also illegal to use most software without paying for each copy. Recently college students have been arrested for taking songs from the Internet. It is considerate and ethical. Think about how you would feel if someone took your song, poem, or ideas and sold or used them. Students in junior high and high school can receive F’s, even suspension for plagiarizing. In college, professors expel students who plagiarize.
Works Cited Online Tech Literacy and Core Curriculum. 26 June 2007. EasyTech. 2 Oct. 2007 <>. Clipart. Apr. 2007. 2 Oct. 2007 <>.